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Everything posted by dantheman0177

  1. Please feel free to keep spreading that rumor!
  2. I didn't say that he is not. In fact I'd agree that he is a nice guy. I'm just not saying anything else that might get me in trouble with either of you... Anyone with any questions or requests for gossip can direct them to either Michelle or [bOL HANDLE WITHHELD FOR PRIVACE REASONS].
  3. It's ok, Michelle found herself a little playmate at SES...
  4. I'm just about to pick up some Oakley A Frames with High Intensity Yellow and Fire Iridium lenses. My old goggles are Carrera with rose lenses which were a reasonable al round goggle, except when it's super sunny. As for glasses, I generally don't wear them unless it is really warm and I'm just cruising around rather than riding fast. If I do, it's Oakley M Frame with either VR28 or HI Yellow lenses. Interesting idea about the eye jackets though. I have a set of water jackets which would probably be a pretty good option. Might have to give them a try and some stage. It's nice to have a friend who is a rep!
  5. When you have to go as hard as I have to go to be able to follow him down the hill, stopping becomes a bit of a problem. Moral of the story - stay well clear of the spikes.
  6. Bill, that is EVIL, but I like it! Reminder to self: Don't follow Bill in lift line at SES.
  7. It's not too bad, starting to cool down a bit but generally fairly moderate. Actually in May I will be in the UK. I'm going over to London for a year or two to work and we leave mid-April. Still, if you want to come down under, I'll make sure you know where to go and who to meet. I'm sure Auzzie Adam would look after you if you came down this way (just ask Michelle, she likes him).
  8. I've told you that you are welcome. I even have a spare room at the moment! And the weather has been great lately?. Surf is up, water is warm, good looking people are strutting about in minimal clothing. All is good in Oz.
  9. OMG!!! This thread might finally achieve something tangible (ie: an actual, certified, confirmed DATE) after all this time!!! LOL
  10. True Bryan, not married yet. End of March is the date. But I try to use myself as an example to myself! I'm going to Aspen for SES this year, only 6 weeks before I get married. She was welcome to go on a holiday that she thought would be fun. I think it had soemthing to do with girls and lying on a beach somewhere. My view is Beach -Good. Lying - Bad. She thought Cold Mountains - Bad. I think Snowboarding - Good. Eventually there might be compromise, but I'm just trying to hold out for as long as possible!
  11. Jeez, I'm away for a day and look what happens.... OK, now Wavechaser is no doctor and I'm no psych-analyst, but I think it's pretty simple (in a very complex kinda way) and he's pretty close to it. Michelle, who says Aisling doesn't want to end up like you? What? She doesn't want to end up being an attractive, outgoing girl with a great personality, such a wide variety of interests so as to never be bored and an obvious caring and loyal streak? Nah, I wouldn't want any of my female friends ending up like you either!!! (Insert expeletive for emphasis here), just because you are single doesn't mean you are broken. In fact who has the right to say there is even anything that needs to be fixed? Aisling, start to find a positive in everything. OK, here's a bit of a long winded simile, but it has seemed to work. One of the girls I help coach (she is also my flatmate) had a very bad habbit of always focusing on the most negative aspects of her life. She didn't have a man, she didn't have a permanent job, she didn't get selected for representative teams, she got beaten in a race, she was always broke. Everything was negative. And to make matters worse, one of her "best friends" was even worse, so when the two of them got together you would swear things were so bad the world was going to end. So I started to get her to focus on the good things. She is an attractive girl. She is professionally qualified and has experience in her field. She was doing all the right things in training and not to worry, the results would come in competition at the right time. You know the drill. But she persisted with a "the world is against me" mind set. At the end of August last year I got thoroughly fed up with it. So I refused to allow any negative comments to be made inside our house. As soon as she would say something negative, I'd ask "but Lisa, what's the positive to come out of that?" What happened? She had to think of positive things to come out of every experience and slowly her attitude changed from a "can't do" to a "why the hell not". Now she has an awesome boyfriend. She secured herself a permanent contract for her job. She hasn't lost a race all year and actually now believes that she can win the national title (and she can)! On the weekend she even bought herself a block of land! Not bad for someone who was broke, couldn't find a guy and all the one who she did find would crap on her, couldn't do any good in her sport, couldn't get a job. Start to think about all the good things you have. All the good points about yourself. And start to portray THAT person, not the negative one. Don't dwell on the negatives, what's gone wrong and that the same thing is likely to happen again and again. Cos if you do, that's exactly what will happen. Stand up and focus on all the positives, because I guarantee I could find at least one positive out of every negative situation you could come up with, so I know you can do that too. And if you start to think positive, you will act positive and exude positive and the right kind of positive guys will pick up on that. The moral of my rambling? It pretty much extends from what Wavechaser mentioned about looking for different kinds of guys. You know, find a guy that you respect for what he does, how he acts. Don't just go for the one that treats you nice when you are alone or he wants something from you. Look outside your usual square. Don't just go for the hot looking one (although of course, all other things being equal, go for the hottie every time!) The guy who you "threw under the bus" might be a good starting point. I'm not saying him personally, but someone with that kind of attitude and morality and loyalty to his friends is likely to have friends with a similar mind set, who are likely to have friends with similar attitudes. You know where I'm going. Just remember, we all know you as a wonderful, funny, attractive girl with so much going for her. Let the rest of the world see it too!
  12. Just don't do anything drastic like joining a convent or starting to bat for the other team! It would be a great loss to all the decent single guys out there, one of whom is no doubt lamenting his own situation right at this moment and it is just a matter of you both finding one another. Keep searching. He is out there somewhere!
  13. See if you can locate an underground arms smuggler. Surely they could disguide it as a rocket launcher or something and get it across the border cheaper than that!
  14. Yeah the Monaro (as it is known here) is a pearler of a car. They badge that in the US as the Pontiac GTO I think, although apparently they have discontinued production now. It was only meant to be a show model but was so popular that they did full retail production for a few years. www.hsv.com.au www.hsv.com.au/cars/eseries/gto.asp
  15. Ah see, that just shows my ignorance of US automobiles. I was sort of referring to the decade of your age! :o
  16. Happy birthday C5. Does that mean you now have to ask Fin to change your handle to "C6" though???
  17. That, my friend, is a sub-topic for Aisling's Waaaaay OT thread. Either that or Freud (so, tell me about your mother). All I can say is that ground rules have to be laid early, and this includes no holidays that do not include opportunity for fun!!! Cruise ships fall well and truly into this category.
  18. Man, you gotta learn to say no!
  19. Sounds like you've hit the jackpot Aisling. Enjoy! But one for the guys - and girls too I guess. Just a hypothetical.... Has this mystery man set the bar too high too early? Big expensive dinners, sweet romantic christmas card, excellent birthday present (Happy Birthday Ais). Where does he go from here???
  20. Yeah, here here! That was 3 whole days ago! Surely NOW you have SOMETHING to report???
  21. I LOVE where I live. Torquay is one of the best places in the world.
  22. I'm not bringing a board at all this year. It's just such a drama flying over from Oz with a big, full, heavy board bag. I'm going light; just bringing boots and bindings and I'm going to try and demo as many as possible (within the general - and very reasonable - limitations set forth by yyzcanuk). Mind you, I am cheating a little....Chris Prior is bringing me down another WCR again that I paid for last week. Just don't tell my fiance, she doesn't know about it yet. Might have to claim that I won it in the raffle. Except then, what do I do about the board that I AM going win in the raffle this year?!?!?!
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