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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. no self respecting skier uses ski blades. :p
  2. So Obama appears to have a lock on the nomination. If he then chooses Hillary as his VP and then wins in November, you'll see how evil the Clintons are. They'd off Obama to put H in the oval. But he won't take her as veep, so it's a moot point. Interesting idea I heard the other day from my Democrat boss whom I respect very much... a small group in the office was discussing illegal immigration after hours... the right wing guy was saying build the wall... my boss said no, let's just get rid of the border altogether. Then annex Mexico and Central America down to the Panama Canal, and make them sovereign territories like Puerto Rico. Then we'd have a real uncrossable border at the canal, AND all the oil down there! That surprised me coming from the left. Not a bad idea!
  3. Bomber has a time-proven method of getting you in the right boot. Usually it works on the first try, and if not they will work with you. More info here: http://www.bomberonline.com/store/boots/ Buy used and you're on your own.
  4. post an update and let us know how it goes.
  5. heel lift on the back foot, balanced by toe lift on the front foot to prevent the offloading. 19.5" sounds reasonable for 5'9". I'm 5'11" and I'm at 19.75" with ~3 degrees of lift on each.
  6. It should take a whole hand or even a little help from your other hand to close the lever. People who ride with their bindings so loose that they can close the lever with one finger or thumb (yes, they are out there) are risking serious injury. When the binding is too loose there is not enough preload on the bails and they will allow the boot to roll in the binding. This increases the leverage the boot exerts on the bail. Cyclically over-torqued like this enough times and the bail will work-harden and break like a paper clip bent back and forth.
  7. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toGSaLSGWu4&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toGSaLSGWu4&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  8. The Bobs' articles can be refuted in 2 words: population density. I'd bet a healthy sum that if the red taker states could secede, they'd do it tomorrow. Living in the 2nd most taking blue state, I can guarantee you it would not. (and living in the giving 1/4 of that state is.... quite something)
  9. and the proof is... the best are always hated. Patriots... Yankees... Burton... Microsoft... ;) ;) ;)
  10. I recommend starting with no cant, 3 degrees of toe lift on the front foot, 3 degrees of heel lift on the back foot, and an inch or two wider stance than what you would use with flat feet. This helps with stability and mobility. There is a full article on lift and cant here: http://bomberonline.com/articles/canting.cfm
  11. What is the point of this thread? Creating enemies? Spreading animosity amongst our fellow carvers? Turning people away from this site? Keeping US/Canada friendliness in check? Nice job.
  12. sigh. stupid people win again. I'm all for downloading if it's HD.
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MyFBp_Y0_aE
  14. I guess I didn't take this with my 2003 4mp Canon S45 then... Of course DSLRs are going to be better and more consistent, but greatness is possible with a p&s. It amazes me how many people are clueless about the half-press, and claim their camera has too much shutter lag. I love my DSLR, but Gecko is right.
  15. it's because animated avatars suck. :p Actually I don't believe this was a conscious decision. Fin recently upgraded to a new VBulletin release, I assume this is the default.
  16. gives me 1 base, 3 side. yes, three. it's killer.
  17. Dude. You still want the light saber. Trust me. Handle one of these BMF'ers and you'll remember why: http://www.thinkgeek.com/geektoys/warfare/69de/
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