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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Volkl then. The sidecuts are tighter than F2 for comparable length boards, and that will be better for ice and fall line turns.
  2. In that pic he is bent more forward at the waist than ideal, but that's not toilet sitting. Ron rips it up, I've taken more than a few runs with him. Although my quads burn just looking at him ride.
  3. I love the hypocrisy of the Vermonters.
  4. Sounds like you've never seen the dreaded toilet sit then. Here is a one-image field guide to toilet sitting for your reference:
  5. pretty darn sure that PTC does 1 base, 3 side, and then he measures it to make sure it's dead-nuts constant down the whole running length.
  6. Ah, we're only on 3.6.8 patch 2, we don't have that. Ahem... Fin?
  7. That B<sup>2</sup> should indeed be a quiver killer if the radius is around 13-14 or so. Similar idea as the Schtubby, with the same length minus running length difference of only 15cm. My 170cm/21cm/14m Coiler is a great all-around snowboard. I've never bought the same board twice, but I will buy that again when this one wears out. My 158 and 180 are specialty boards now.
  8. Interesting, what version of VBulletin are you running? Must be a new feature. Fin set up our question as just another field in the user profile, so that's why it's not stopping the registrations, and so we have to manually approve all new users. However just the addition of that question with the checkbox answers stopped a ton of spam-bots from even trying to register. We were getting like 20 a day, now it's one or two. So manually approving new users isn't that much of a pain.
  9. Jack M

    expert skiers

    The vast majority of skiers still can't carve turns at the radii AND speeds that we do. If they could they might be singing a different tune. Carving the way we do is very physically demanding. In fact I can think of only one skier I've ever seen in person who could do it. like I said in the other thread where this appeared: close but no cigar.... definitely no cigar. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5sGvthsclw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5sGvthsclw&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&feature=player_embedded&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  10. "Everyone said it’s going to be a legend in Vail, hung up in every bar" :lol: Can we acknowledge the real victim here? That guy's teenage son's life is officially ruined.
  11. Jack M

    Rule Change

    Effective immediately, the new policy for new equipment sales has changed to prohibit only new equipment made by manufacturers that are sold in the Bomber Store. The definition of what is "new" has not changed. The rules are posted at the top of this forum, here.
  12. Jack M

    FS: Madd 170 f2

    I wish I were independently wealthy so I could buy this and complete the 158-170-180 trifecta. But alas, there's no point with my 170 Coiler. Someone snap this up before I dip into the college fund.
  13. That's a '92 PJ. It did not have dual asym offset. That didn't happen until 93.
  14. Jack M

    FS: Madd 170 f2

    is the Leapfrog magnet included?
  15. Shockingly, image verification is of little help. The good bots can breeze right past it using the same AI technology that is used for handwriting recognition on tablet/palm computers, and face detection in digital cameras. The thing that has all but stopped the spam bots here is the new "trivia question" that must be answered on registration. Start to register a new user here and you'll see it. This is customizeable in VBulletin, and you can code one in phpBB if you're savvy. extremecarving.com uses phpBB and they wrote a trivia question into their registration page. Most bots see this and don't even try. Some still do, and they get the question wrong. However in VB that by itself wouldn't prevent them from registering and posting, so you do have to turn on moderation for all new users. Then you will see who got the question wrong when you go to approve new users (a daily chore). Bottom line, nothing can stop a human spammer, but I'd estimate they are less than 0.1% of all the spammer registrations we've gotten.
  16. you'd be surprised what comes out of the woodwork in northern Maine. My son's daycare teacher (originally from "the county") should be in beer commercials.
  17. Most mountains will give you a voucher for a lift ticket if you come back in before say 10:00am and ask. These policies are seldom advertised loudly.
  18. just use phpBB. It's free and easy. However if you want to pay for support and maintenance for a more commercial site, use VBulletin.
  19. I hear ya buddy. I find when I'm riding my short board (158, ~10m?) if I need to control speed on steeps, I have to REALLY hammer on it to keep the speed down. And then I'm doing like a hundred 3-meter turns down the pitch, and still at quite high speed. It's a big work-out, but it can be fun. The metal boards like my 14m board definitely can be bent into tighter turns than usual. The difference I think is they hold better at such high edge angles.
  20. http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2009/0106091vail1.html check out the sequence. wth is the guy doing under him in pic 3?
  21. We're saying the same thing. Carve radius is a <i><b>function</i></b> of sidecut radius, speed, and angulation. If you're interested, that function is here. So whatever your speed is, your true carve radius is fixed (if no angulation).
  22. I'll go along with this. But that would be one poorly designed board. On a modern metal with more forgiving flex, or anything with a well designed flex, you're definitely not going to be doing anything good by torquing the middle of the board with your knees. Not what I was trying to say. I meant riding around with knees purposely stuck together all the time is less balanced. As long as your knees can operate independently is the biggest thing.
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