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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. weird, I always mold with the cable in.
  2. Cool idea. But do you use Thermoflex liners? I do and the cables haven't been a problem at all.
  3. No. The appropriate thing to do is Gilmour yourself into the trees. A true carver never gives up the carve. The captain goes down with the ship. Of course you have to skid sometimes. And sometimes the funnest line down the hill isn't the carved one at all!
  4. Looking at my Coiler it appears that the nose simply has a much more gradual and consistent upturn which starts further down the board than traditionally. I learned when doing a project in engineering school on geometric modeling that in order for all the curves of a snowboard to be tangent in all dimensions, you have to stop the camber and sidecut before the widest point of the nose. (If you ponder that for a moment you'll probably say "you needed to go to engineering school to figure that out??") Then you have a blending region where the sides of the board stop curving out and start curving in, and the core stops curving down and starts curving up. IMO, by elongating that region and making the nose kick more gradual, you can more closely match the vertical curve of the nose kick to the curve created by the sidecut when it is bent. That way the nose will slice more than plow, and it won't affect the turn shape as much. This is important because the nose is actually pretty deep in the snow when the board is carving hard - well beyond the end of the "effective edge". I doubt I will ever go over the bars on my Schtubby. (knock wood) Oh, another point regarding a previous post... for a flat board to have the same response as a cambered board, it would have to be built stiffer. A rockered board would have to be built stiffer yet, and it wouldn't even respond until you tilted it up high enough to further deflect the board.
  5. :D I make those faces <i>after</i> a day of riding, when attempting maneuvers like sitting down and getting back up. Board was my Donek 186. Spectacular board, wasn't soft at all.
  6. Like I said, not trying to be rude. I'm trying to be factual and clear, and I don't want to confuse my points with any fluffy nice stuff. And I definitely am not saying anything about Tinkler, the builder is irrelevant. MUD... please, I thought my Burton Safari railed when I got it. We know better now. And we still have fuel injection....
  7. It might be flat between the feet, but that would barely matter. Yes, a flat board would behave as described. Camber just mechanically multiplies that effect. Rocker would reduce the effect. The board would not begin to stress (and thus distribute pressure to the ends) until it is tilted up higher. You don't have to wonder about this, people have already been wrong about it! Like I said, if this is supposed to be a powder board that will work on soft groom, fine. But let's not think for a second that this is an advancement in carving.
  8. I'm sorry if this is rude, I'm not trying to be rude or put anyone down. Maybe the board works on very soft hero groom. It will not work on hardpack or ice. Final answer. A rockered board is preposterous. I'd sooner ride an asym. What's next, boards without sidecut? Constant thickness? Foam cores? In this economy if I were a board builder, I'd build anyone's design if they wanted to pay me ~$1500 or more to do so. I'm not trying to make any comment against Tinkler.
  9. Dude? Look at the picture again. The board curves up right after the bindings. It's a U. It's not an extreme version of any modern snowboard with camber. This board has no camber, it has rocker. When we ride normal boards with camber, when we tilt the board up on edge the camber immediately causes the board to be stressed and pressure to be distributed along the whole edge out to the ends of the board. On a board with rocker, the board will not be under any stress until the board is tilted up higher, at some angle where the deflection of the board caused by the tilted sidecut becomes greater than the deflection that is already built in! I'm sorry to rain on pokkis's parade but this is simply a bad idea that has already been tried. This is nothing new, and I can't just sit here and "keep it to myself" when people are calling this cool and interesting. It's not.
  10. Jack M

    Neti Pot

    Actually I'm using the Rite-Aid version of Emergen-C. They call it Resurgen-C. I read the ingredients side by side, and they appeared identical to me.... no?
  11. I think Tinkler got an order for another four-figure custom and took it, and that's that. I'm not trying to be negative, but there are some times when technical debate isn't necessary. No amount of unobtanium or shinola is going to make up for the fact that the ends of the board are off the ground. This is what I know, Bryan: that rockered skis and boards have been built in the past. Look Lamar and Sims Kidwell come to mind. I think G&S made one too. Nobody builds rockered skis/boards for use on piste anymore for a reason. Pokkis is simply repeating history. This is not a comment on pokkis's riding ability or Tinkler's (sexy) boards, or whatever. If he likes it then great. But I'll wager that right now he's trying very hard to figure out how to ride the thing, and why he spent all that money.
  12. No. Basically the camber stops a few cm's (5? 7?) before the nose turns up, to create a more gradual nose kick. I don't believe there is any of that going on in the tail, there would be no point to that. It's got plenty of camber otherwise. This board has reverse camber.
  13. Jack M

    Auto Bailout

    Folks... Chapter 11 means reorganization. Chapter 7 is liquidation. I'm all for Chapter 11. The jobs (real jobs, not job-bank jobs) don't go away, the company just takes a mulligan and takes their head out of their ass. To any union worker making $74/hr.... can you hear this? It's the world's smallest violin playing My Heart Bleeds For You.
  14. This is a joke, right? Everything I think I know about snowboarding tells me this board will suck horse apples on the groom. But I've never ridden a rockered board, so what do I know.
  15. To distribute pressure from under your feet out to the ends of the board, of course.
  16. Rob's experience is not typical. If your bindings are sized properly such that it takes a full hand and maybe a little help from your other hand to close them, your bails should give you a number of years of service. If your bindings are sized too lose such that the boot can roll side to side when clipped in, this increases the leverage on the bails in a bad way. However with plastic bindings, all bets are off.
  17. I don't get it. Why build a board for on-piste riding with full rocker?
  18. First of all, get rid of that inward cant. Blecch! Try heel lift on the back foot, and toe lift on the front foot. About 3 degrees each. I agree with JJ, it shouldn't be the board if your bindings are set up properly. Get back to basics. Go back to the blues and greens to get things sorted out. Initiate turns with your weight forward, and finish towards the back. Think of feeding the board through the turn. Look where you want to go. Don't just look down the fall line. Keep shoulders level to the hill, and chest facing your front foot toes. Keep your trailing hand in front of you where you can see it throughout the turn. Try to use your bone structure more than your muscles. In other words, don't just "get low" by bending your knees deeply. Lean in first, then use your knees just for suspension. Let us know how it goes. I think Chubz got a few links mixed up, I'll see if I can fix. Good form by him and Prentice there. Here's a heelside pic for now...
  19. Welcome Back! Why not do the SES? Aspen/Snowmass is great. And on days you feel like riding the wussy wagon, there's Buttermilk. :p
  20. Ha, nope, just making sure I wasn't being stupid. Err... don't answer that. WW, where did you get that Coghlan stuff? That is the best picture of DH snowboarding in its heyday.
  21. How do you look at other people's profiles in the Bomber group? Most say you have to be a friend first.
  22. some tips on selecting gear in our Welcome Center...
  23. Jack M

    Neti Pot

    Zicam works well for me. My colds are less severe and last shorter on it. Airborne, well, it's just a bunch of vitamins and supplements so why not, I use the Rite-Aid generic version of it... but they did lose a class action lawsuit for false advertisement because they couldn't prove it actually did anything. http://www.nytimes.com/inc_com/inc1204579617407.html?ref=smallbusiness
  24. Jack M

    Auto Bailout

    I heard it costs the big three about $2000 more to make a Malibu than it costs Toyota to make a Camry. But of course they can't sell a Malibu for $2000 more than a Camry, so the difference comes out of the quality of the car. The difference is the overhead due to unions, stupid pensions, and the way they do healthcare, among other details. Let them go bankrupt and reorganize. The phoenix will rise and they'll be better than ever.
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