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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Jack M

    good beer

    Yeah, change that to 2 cups tequila and it's called a Margarita.
  2. Jack M

    good beer

    Yes, Skullsplitter is wonderful. My top 5: Leffe Blonde Gulden Draake Ayinger Celebrator Ayinger Ur Weiss Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA For Unibroue, I like Don de Dieu.
  3. sorry, but 3 & 4 look like the samurai is hanging on to his wang...
  4. less than one day left! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=200275484946&ssPageName=ADME:L:LCA:US:1123
  5. The rules are very clear. They say "never ridden". freecarver finally explained and showed reasonable enough proof that the Coiler actually has 5 runs on it. He bought it used from the person who put those 5 runs on it, but never used it himself. That's why his original ad said never ridden, and is why we deleted it. We've hugged and kissed via email, so all is good!
  6. awesome. that's a winner of Klug.
  7. Well, I have a 158/18/10, a 170/21/14, and a 180/19/16. All I want now is a 205/19/18.5, and maybe a custom all-mtn carver. It would be 168/23/12. (length/width/radius) Oh, and an original Madd 158 while we're at it. Just to see. I'd be surprised if it was better than the one I have.
  8. I wasn't aware of the 80-200/2.8, cool. I've never shot a x-200 without IS/VR, but I'd be verrrry hesitant to buy one without trying it. I've come to love the IS on my lens. I agree at shutter speeds faster than 1/400 it's more of a luxury, but it's so nice to see the viewfinder just settle down when the IS kicks in. I and I think anyone with kids or anyone shooting people shoot slower than 1/400 often enough to make it worth it. I used mine to shoot my son's school concert from the back of the audience at ISO1600 with no flash, and it did quite well. The IS definitely helped. This shot was taken with a shutter speed of 1/40... you can't handhold that at 200mm without IS: <a href="http://i27.tinypic.com/2u936km.jpg" target="top"><img src="http://i27.tinypic.com/2u936km.jpg" width=400></a>
  9. guilty. I have a new red jacket now. :D
  10. considering there was no such thing as a PJ5~6. Pics please!!
  11. As others have pointed out, 18cm. It's do-able, I have 28.5 boots and that equals about 66 degrees. I'm riding a 158 in my avatar. For pure carving those angles aren't as big a deal as you might think. It doesn't make for a very versatile <i>snowboard</i>, but it's fun, and I think everyone should own a skinny board at some point and learn how to use it. It's a focused tool that makes you bring your A-game. But having been there and back, I probably won't buy another board under 19.5 again. I'm at the lower weight limit of the 158 F3, so I'll have it for a long time. I'll have to disagree with bobdea, the 170 is a wicked machine.
  12. I had sworn off boards shorter than 170 until I tried a Madd 158. I'm 6', 175. I don't think it's suited to big 'n tall types (prove me wrong, dea!), but not for a lack of stiffness. It requires very dynamic, aggressive, agile moves. Don't underestimate this board.
  13. That's not travel, that's slop. Sure it would be possible, but probably not good for the bindings and definitely not warrantied. (Same with sizing your bindings to your boot so you can close them with your pinky finger :p)
  14. Yeah, he said he got a Nikon. Great cameras, but their lens selection is lacking a mid-pro level. You either have to get that 70-200/2.8VR or settle for a consumer grade lens. All my shots in that ECES gallery were taken with a Canon 30D and 70-200 f/4 L IS, which is a pro lens but one stop slower (f/4 vs f/2.8) which saves like $600. It's "only" $1100.
  15. The cant disc floats on top of the e-ring. So the old ones didn't need to be modified. The center disc holds the cant disc down against the e-ring, but the cant disc is free to squish the e-ring further. The amount of suspension "travel" is purely determined by the thickness of the e-ring.
  16. No Dave, someone in another thread. They basically said "just don't call it new, call it barely used and you're good to go". Gee thanks, guy.
  17. Sorry, false alarm. You have the same exact IP address as some members in Vermont. I guess this is possible on a system such as Dish Network. So, uhh, welcome!
  18. good form by Chubz here too: http://jmphotocraft.smugmug.com/gallery/4484815_z4Kur#263835593_H9RSv-A-LB Actually I don't have any of Shred's pictures in that gallery. About a third of them were taken by Bob Jenney. Chubz, if you want great snowboarding pics, you're going to have to get a 70-200/2.8VR. Or the 24-70/2.8, and get close. Cha-ching, but worth it.
  19. This is true. I am impressed that an 18-month member recognizes this and dismayed that some seasoned veterans of the forum have posted advice for people to circumvent the rules with less than truthfully worded ads. :( Also, in 20 years of snowboarding I have exercised the warranty on a board exactly once, so that's not really an argument for what makes a board "new".
  20. multiple accounts aren't allowed on BOL.
  21. HA! That's very cool Chubz. What are the chances of getting that right? Actually I took that picture of Prentice (I'm standing in red).
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