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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. It's nothing new. It's very old, and I have tried it, nay, lived it, for years. I agree though, whatever works better <i>for you</i>.
  2. +1 to what Sean said. In this era of top WC/Olympic pros buying multiple $1500+ custom boards a season, I think we would have seen asyms regularly on the podium by now if they made any sense at all. "Look to the world cup to see the cutting edge" - Bordy. Hmm, no asyms, gee whiz.
  3. IMO flat feet is some of the worst advice on the net. Standing with one foot in front of the other, about 19 inches from toe to toe, angled at about 60 degrees, both feet ramped forward about 5-10 degrees due to built-in boot heel lift, lower legs cocked forward about 15 degrees by built-in boot forward lean is about the most physiologically unnatural snowboarding position I can think of. Using toe lift on the front foot and heel lift on the back foot, and maybe some cant corrects this.
  4. The angle of your bindings does not dictate the angle at which your center of mass crosses the board. Also your boot cuffs are in the same place relative to the sidecut whether you're in a toeside or heelside carve.
  5. not that I believe it... <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64w8SHd9LEY&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64w8SHd9LEY&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>
  6. Bullwings, I read and understood your silly argument. No need to quote yourself.
  7. Dude I'm right with you.... but "the committee" is too fearful. The foot is down. Bullwings, the world would also be a better place if box-cutters were eliminated too. What Helmut said + 1
  8. Absolutely. But at this point the only way I'm buying a gun is if there is a rash of break-ins or worse in our vicinity.
  9. Point taken durace, but all I'm saying is I would either leave my finger outside the trigger guard or leave the safety on or both until I was ready to kill, so I don't see a problem with pointing it at someone to threaten them I guess. I agree it's an escalated form of threatening vs. just holding the gun pointed at the sky. I think if I was detaining an attacker who I had ordered to the ground until the police arrived, I'd be holding it against the guy's neck.
  10. Welcome to the club! Not much carving for you this winter! But you won't care.
  11. Seems to me that <i>sport</i> and <i>killing</i> are two different purposes. And I'll add a third: threatening/show of force. Touché. Not sure that's comparable though. Many factors beyond your control dictate the use of protective moto gear at the track. An unexpected loss of traction or someone else wadding into you, etc, are reasonable risks you accept there. Pulling the trigger of a gun by mistake would seem to me like randomly whacking the throttle wide open in mid corner, spinning the rear wheel. A rookie mistake. If I didn't <i>know</i> I was not going to do that, I wouldn't be on the track. But I dunno, stealing stuff outdoors is one thing, but if a stranger is in my house, the m-f'er will probably be looking down the barrel of my (for now imaginary) gun. Definitely if he is making threatening/advancing movements. And then if he does anything other than what I tell him to do he's worm food. On another note, all this Mass bashing reminds me of one of my favorite bumperstickers: "Ted Kennedy's car has killed more people than my gun." Baahahaha. Is he dead yet?
  12. I'm confused. If it only has one purpose, how can it be used for sport? I think if you can't trust yourself to control your weapon, you shouldn't have one.
  13. I don't understand why...? Maybe I watch too much CSI.
  14. Interesting. If the safety is on, why not aim at the perp? That would increase intimidation and reduce the chances of him going for a weapon, no? Also it would save you a step and eliminate some delay if he were to draw.
  15. Cool! We've got a cheesier version of that here: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/SES05II.cfm click to enlarge.
  16. This is funny. Not the disturbing video, but the fact that you would use it like this to smear all cops. Let me juxtapose a little story from here in Portland. We had a problem with some people on foodstamps... they were using foodstamps to buy glass bottles of local milk from the farmer's market. The bottles have a $1 deposit. They'd buy several bottles, dump out the milk , get the deposits, and go buy cigarettes. You know, because you can't buy cigs with foodstamps. So by your logic, all or most people on foodstamps are scum? What if I posted a youtube of these people in action and wrote below it: PEASANTS PEASANTS PEASANTS I'd get run off this website. How is what you're doing any different? How is that acceptable to someone so socially enlightened such as yourself? Your stories are anecdotal. They make the stereotype because that is human nature - we crave only bad news.
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