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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. If a mountain near me did this, I'd put on my shaped skis and go cut snowboard-style turns all over those trails all day long.
  2. welcome to the club! congrats.
  3. Awesome concept! I've been confounded by the way-too-short radii on softboot boards for years. I bet this board also slarves and skids like a dream. If my softies weren't in the town landfill I'd be all over this. Seems like this would replace the Razor, yes? It appears to be a similar concept to the Kessler, Oxess, etc. BX boards, is it?
  4. never going to happen. Alpine right now is the best it's ever been. Think about that.
  5. Check out the info in the links below to help get started with the technique. Be sure to browse our classifieds. Step NUMBER ONE before setting foot on any alpine gear is to make sure you know how to <i>carve</i> on your current gear. Yes, it is possible, and if you figure it out first it will make the transition to hardboots much easier. See if you can do The Norm on your softboot gear, to the point where you can change edges before the board points downhill. That is, can you carve the downhill edge? Good luck and welcome!
  6. pretty sure mine are Rivas.
  7. They sponsored the '08 ECES and floated Geoff and I a pair of goggles each. They're very nice. The ones we got are better for a sunny or bright day as they are significantly darker than say Oakley persimmon lenses, and they are polarized. But they're not so dark that I feel like changing goggles if the clouds roll in. On a snowy or flat light day, I'll wear my Oakleys. Otherwise they are comfortable and they do not fog. The materials, fit, and finish are high quality.
  8. There is some gear elitism here, but I think it's really only directed at people who should be riding top shelf gear but for some reason they're not. I can see how this would come across the wrong way, and would look like we think <i>everyone</i> should be riding top shelf gear. We don't. I also disagree that the OP should spend any time riding this relic. People loved skiing on the Rossignol 4S and they sold millions of them. Does that mean anyone should try to learn skiing on them now?
  9. A twelve second glance at the classifieds turned up this: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=26507 If he can't afford $150 (price of 2 or 3 lift tickets) for a decent used mostly-modern board, he is going to have a hard time being able to afford to use even a free board. I get the impression the OP already knows how to snowboard, and that now he wants to learn how to ride alpine gear. He'd be better off on a newer cheap sym. It will feel more like what he's used to on his freeride board, assuming he has learned how to carve that first (which he should!).
  10. +1. Check out these links below to get started...
  11. Black Snow! With revolutionary "Azdel" technology! :lol: IMO, the only Barfoots worth anything are the really old ones up to the fluorescent "Twin Tip" with the flat section at the tip of the nose.
  12. lmao. does he have some cheese in there?
  13. More accurately, Snell has <i>come down to</i> the European standard, which allows for a softer helmet, and also conducts tests with lighter headforms for smaller sizes. Snell only tested with the same weight headform inside every helmet. Dumb.
  14. Every time I try to ride with music, I have to turn it up too loud to overcome the sound of carving! So I don't bother. I haven't tried the earplug-style earbuds though. Yes, it was very defensive. Surprisingly it appears Motorcyclist doesn't have the follow-up article online where Snell changed their standards.
  15. Total thread-jack, but the winner of this extensive and scientific test was an $89 DOT-only (non-Snell) helmet: http://www.motorcyclistonline.com/gearbox/motorcycle_helmet_review/index.html long article, but very very good. Snell has since changed their standards due to being "outed" in that article. Back to the OP, I would say it's supply and demand. Very few people want full-face SB helmets. Motorcycle helmets are way too heavy for snowboarding, and I suspect BMX helmets would be too.
  16. See I'd call that EarthRoamer a camper.
  17. East Coast Expression Session, March 1-5. Details here: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=61
  18. www.sportsmobile.com I hope they make it in A-Team colors!
  19. We make a mint off of Medicare, and we stand to make another mint off of single-payor. Sorry to hear about your situation.
  20. typical. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_herring_%28logical_fallacy%29#Red_herring
  21. Photoshopped? Perhaps, but it looks to me like the sticker is rotated slightly ccw, and also that it is not facing perpendicular to the camera, so I think it could be real. Dave.... disrespectful to who??
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