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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. Cool. I remember that when conditions were good, the 158 was ridiculously turny. But when conditions were much harder is when it shined.
  2. Nice Kurt. I'm curious how the 2007 Madd 158 you bought from me compares to the original and the Angrry 160.
  3. leaving it out doesn't prevent anyone from voting, and the categories down to <=$200 imply used, yes?
  4. "For your next ride, what amount of money would be acceptable for you to spend on one board?" not sure how to make that any more clear.....?
  5. Do you have clear plastic covers on your furniture too? ;) Take it off and bask in the glory, man!
  6. Getting outside and kicking/throwing/hitting a ball or frisbee around with a friend or just running/walking/hiking by yourself is pretty much free. Correct. There is obviously a significant market segment which only buys used boards. Apparently it is bigger than the segment which buys four-figure new boards. huh?
  7. please. to be totally consistent, we'd need 24x7 moderation. there are two of us, with other full time jobs and lives. yeah I thought bob's post was pretty low, but i wanted to comment on it.
  8. Some answers are here: http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=25520
  9. I found that a little outward cant on the rear foot feels more natural for riding with knees apart. It also puts your rear knee more under your c.o.g. on a toeside. I love it. On the front foot I used to use only toe lift but over time I've just found it more comfortable for me to add a little inward cant. I still think heel/toe lift and zero canting is a good place to start experimenting.
  10. yup. also you can divide trail count by 3. every trail has an upper and lower, some have middles, and then there are crosscuts.
  11. Sure he does, the poll goes down to <=$200 for this reason. It is true that we're not curing cancer here, but scoffing at people who pay more than you is just as bad as the reverse. Guess I'm a fanboy now, yahoo!
  12. Study says ski areas exaggerate snowfall http://updates.pressherald.mainetoday.com/updates/study-says-ski-areas-exaggerate-snowfall
  13. Yes. 5 boards in all, and a Vist from Bola. I have my work cut out for me! Is there such a thing as a pocket-sized cordless drill?? OP - Sorry for the threadjack!!
  14. Doneks (yes, two) and Prior are being built. <a href="http://jmphotocraft.com/NSR+K.JPG" target="top"><img src="http://jmphotocraft.com/NSR+K.JPG" width=300></a> I haven't measured the Coiler yet, but measuring the Kessler with a tape measure and converting to metric gives me: 25.87cm, 20.55cm, 23.97cm at the widest/narrowest points. I could be off a little of course.
  15. Yes I do, although I'd have to try before I buy. I do have to say that it would have to be quite a board to top the 2007 158 I had. Although part of me is hesitant to fall in love with a board that may very well never be duplicated again. Speaking of my big board review, Donek and Prior are IN. The "quadfecta" is complete.
  16. ^^^ separate zee knees! :D not really related, but I just want to state for the record that God has yet to do better than Christy Brinkley.
  17. You've never met a Leica owner then. ;)
  18. Jack M

    Sunapee Update

    CARVE OR DIE!! Nothing finer.
  19. LOL. Nice looking board. Damn, how tall are you??
  20. I think it's safe to say that at best Madd will be dormant for a few years or a decade. We'll have to wait for Banker to come around again and do "phase 3". The '05 boards had stainless inserts and the '06 to '08 boards were available with a choice of either stainless or brass. I used to say they'd have to pry my 180 out of my cold dead hands. Until I tried an NSR. I like the new stuff better, at least for the longer boards. Sorta wish I hadn't sold you my 158 f3 before trying a new short board, that thing was a machine on frozen granular. Bare minimum, a new run of Madds would need the new school decambered noses.
  21. haha. I didn't write it, it's been around on the interweb for years.
  22. Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, olny taht the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the wrod as a wlohe. ;)
  23. Right, the NSR I tried last year was bschurman's. This is a copy of that. I've stopped asking about the Angrry because my budget is blown for the year. Well, I suppose if (more like when) I sell one of my 185s I could make it happen if a board magically appeared.
  24. Welcome! I think your other questions have been answered, but I just wanted to add something... Step number one to carving in your new hardboot setup is learning to carve in your old softboot setup. It will make things waaaay easier when you don the hardboots. The test is to see if you can consistently carve down a trail using only the sidecut and no steering, and at each turn transition change edges while the board is pointing across the hill. That is, can you carve the downhill edge? You may have to head down to the greens to get started with this and you may not be able to do it at very high speeds. But if you can get the feel for what your edges and sidecut can do and feel the edge slicing cleanly through the snow with no skidding on your soft gear, you'll know what you're supposed to feel on the hardboots, and it will be a lot less awkward.
  25. For your foot size I would recommend looking for a board that is no less than 21cm wide, preferably 22cm. For length, depending on what size turns you want to make I would say between 163 and 171, and radius about 10 to 12m. If you were an advanced carver when you stopped, you could go longer. You can use ski boots although it's not ideal. For bindings if you go with Bomber TD3 you should get the soft e-rings for use with ski-boots. If you weren't a very advanced carver when you stopped, you could start with that Rossi again if you still have it. In any case, the first step to getting back into carving is to master The Norm. You can practice that on softboots if that's all you have. It will make the transition to hardboots much easier. When shopping for a new board, look to Prior, Donek, Coiler and Swoard. If money is no object, also check out Kessler, SG, and Virus. Sometimes used examples of these pop up in our classifieds. There are some links below to help you get started, and you should DEFINITELY make plans to come to the East Coast Expression Session (ECES) at Stratton! Good luck.
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