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Jack M

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Everything posted by Jack M

  1. The carving cup guy in the photo on the left in your post is still significantly angulated. I strongly believe more level shoulders is better for balance, and I know a level head is.
  2. mixing collectors items and new boards in the same poll seems a bit off to me...?
  3. I believe the TD3 has as much suspension as the TD2 plus suspension kit. However if it's height you're looking for, the toe/heel blocks of the TD3 were lowered so the overall height is the same as the TD2. I suppose you could try to find some TD2 toe/heel blocks and that would give you like 5mm, or fab something yourself. Or just spend the money on a Vist. Given your recent quiver photos, I don't think you can play the budget card!! ;)
  4. Glad you found it useful, I had you all in mind when I put it up. I would guess that those paying more than $1000 either have to do so to keep up with those measuring their runs in hundredths of a second, or they simply want "the best board money can buy" (whatever that means to them) or they enjoy looking down at shimmering sexalium fibers on the chairlift, and knowing they are riding cutting edge materials. Maybe they've tried everything and truly feel a difference. Me, knowing the boner I can already get out of an $800 board, I look at my unridden Kessler and I see most of a mortgage payment. Maybe that view will change after I ride it. I know a guy considering a bottle of this: http://cgi.ebay.com/Tequila-Barrique-De-Ponciano-Porfidio-Limited-Edition_W0QQitemZ170417520936QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item27adad0128 And I agree with Geoff.
  5. wow, and I thought I was anal about grammar! :D jonbass, no problem, thanks for the bump.
  6. Try Chris Klug: chris@chrisklug.com. From liver transplant to Olympic Bronze. Super nice guy, would probably help you out.
  7. If he can afford a new board, it sounds like the new VSRs have come a long way from the X4. Or his idea of an Axxess or AM is good if he wants some all-mtn ability, but I would recommend a metal one.
  8. Bruce agreed with me on the phone. The three radii and the flex pattern didn't jive. It was a very strange ride and you could feel the different radii fighting each other. Part of the board would be skidding and part would be carving. Sort of. Hard to describe. That board was conflicted. Schizophrenic even. Pretty certain it was his first attempt at VSR.
  9. Then you want metal. Then you want glass. Nah, not really. A metal board can launch you too, but it won't do it by itself. Don't worry about 8.9m vs 8.5m, 8.9 is already very small, and you won't notice the difference. If I was building the board I wouldn't bother to make a new template. I'd just give it to you with 8.9 and say yep, here's your 8.5, have fun! ;) ;) Don't ride the X4. That board was an experiment that didn't pan out, I rode it.
  10. http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/TD2_setup.cfm set up is the same as TD2.
  11. Users can delete their own posts. If the deleted post is the first in a thread, the whole thread is deleted. Recently I was accused of deleting a post that disagreed with me. I would never do this. People disagree with me all the time, lol. We have strict rules in place for what moderators can and can't do. If a post is blatantly in violation of the posted rules, we can pull it on the spot. If it's questionable, we have to discuss it and reach a consensus. Also threads may be moved to more appropriate forums, or rarely, a thread can be split if multiple distinct discussions that merit their own threads develop within a single thread, and we happen to catch it. So if you think a post or thread has been wrongly deleted or you see something strange and it bothers you, please don't hesitate to email and ask us. Thanks.
  12. Those GS skiing sequences show the exact angulation we should strive for when we need to squeeze every last ounce of edge hold out of a board.
  13. You have 2 158s of the ~2007 vintage? different stiffnesses? funny how the 19cm 180 looks wide next to the other decks.
  14. This might help: http://www.bomberonline.com/articles/canting.cfm You don't have to be bow legged to use it. Give it a try, see if you like it.
  15. sick. hard to tell without revving it, but I think it sounds like a V8, but do I spy 10 headers? Or am I seeing things? Car looks tight!
  16. yeah, that Elan video with the outside ski bouncing and chattering along doesn't do much for me. Solid effort, close but no cigar.
  17. awesome pic, but check out that dead spot. this is why I believe plate systems, while great, still have a ways to go.
  18. I think you have that backwards. Let's say we keep the overall length of the carbon sheet the same, and change the depth of the V. A deeper V will have less resistance to torsional flex, because the material does not span the board at 45 degrees. But their are other benefits to the cf wing being there. Dissimilar materials and multi-directional fibers help with vibration, and then there's whatever lengthwise properties it adds.
  19. You could be right, but I wish it were bigger. Like the size of a Tinkler plate without holes in the middle. Although I'd be surprised if any butterfly shape like that does anything for torsion beyond the crotch of the V. Torsional stress is concentrated at 45 degrees to the long axis.
  20. Credits in the beginning say Tommi Antila. Haha... I wanted to specifically point out the similarities. I forget, was that what the other thread was about? Or just skiing?
  21. <object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G9E7YOEcJ8&hl=en_US&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8G9E7YOEcJ8&hl=en_US&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object> some great cross-under and cross-through there!! take note! Thanks to Beckman via trailertrash for the link.
  22. You talking snowboards? Because Madd had very good showings at the 2004 and 2006 ECES's. "Production" years included 05 to 07. In 08 Madd found themselves left behind by the Metal craze. They made some metal protos, but it was too little too late. Subsequently there was no production run that year or last year. Madd could come back if there was a resurgence of lively glass board love, but metal boards are here to stay. Although I think the two could co-exist. Bare minimum I think any glass board built now needs to at least have a modern shape with decambered nose.
  23. Holy ancient thread Batman! The demo alpine 158s and 170s Mike brought to the 2004 ECES (which also impressed a lot of people) had a similar camo topsheet, and the hokey "Madd Airlines" moniker. I believe that name came from his bid at making Kiteboards back then.
  24. Sounds good, the question is will it launch you if you want it to? Funny how Madd's "forward loaded" camber is the exact opposite of current designs.
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