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Everything posted by FTA2R

  1. then you're very gullibale.....do the research dude.. he went bald yet his cap size increased b/c his head got bigger!!! his shoe size increased 2 sizes!!!!!! that is not normal human growth pattern...especially at his age he's likely done smart cycles or taking a very good masking agent or was tipped or something... drastic changes like that do not happen naturally... legally you are correct in giving him the benefit of the doubt, but common sense wise, all the proof is right there... i think he already admitted to "accidentally" taking "the clear" however hey mcgwire didnt' do roids either right? he just completely dropped off the face of the earth b/c he wanted to, right? no, he's now a disgraced ball player that has a hard time admitting to the public his faults - probably b/c he feels guilty b/c he does have a conscience....another great espn.com article (from a few months back) bonds, he's just a lying sack of ****....probaly suffers from OJ syndrome "if i convince myself i didn't do it, well...then I must not have!"
  2. this is nuts...a whole 'nother level http://www.photonlightboards.com/
  3. "Hit up roundtop and work with Neil Sunday..." i second this. he accepts beer in leiu of $$$. :lol:
  4. i wore one for halloween a few years ago. they are hotter than hell and can be very hard to see out of. as if hardbooting doesn't attract enough attn, you will be THE freak- w/o question - on the mountain that day. have fun!
  5. that will really help our cause. please, don't we get enough ridicule already?
  6. u can listen to them through aol aim for free- some of them anyhow. or the actual aol service.
  7. part of me thinks it's some type of joke...this whole apollo thing. " not someone built like Prince" only thing even remotely close b/w these two is the height, and apollo has several inches on prince. uh, apollo has some serious strength and endurance in his legs. it's a safe bet to say much more so than guys significantly bigger than his. he was religious about his workouts and nutrition and to copmete at that level in that sport, you gotta have some serious jets- likely both white and red muscle types , fast and slow-twitch. "APOLO OHNO| Short-track speed skatingPart’s role: His quads routine: Trains thighs daily throughskating sessions plus “dry-land” plyometrics —jumping and hopping exercises while crouchedin a skating position. He takes occasional one-hour bike rides, weaving in two short cyclingsprints. Twice each week, Ohno isolates thequads with weight machines but doesn’t countsets and reps. Instead, he does the exercises inintervals of two minutes or longer. Weightamounts vary depending on interval length.Here are some target weights for his four quad-isolating exercises: loaded squat machine, 600 to700 pounds; leg extensions, 140 to 160 pounds;leg curls, 140 to 160 pounds. 160 pounds for 2 min. straight...don't know about you guys, but i don't know anyone who could do that.
  8. FTA2R

    Quick Question

    i just saw your post now. 1. i did not specifically mention anyone in my post from weeks ago. 2. hey man, that's your right to spend your life here and it's my right to express my opinion- sorry you don't agree with it, but i could care less. don't be so sensitive 3. i know several bol members and i get along with them fine. 4. please, do not attack me and i will not attack you. if you feel compelled to, email me personally and i'll respond when and if i have the time. ps did you happen to catch my last avatar of the girl's ass in a thong (in case you weren't aware of that). pretty good "moment" shot for an amateur photographer, huh? with luv from DC, Barry
  9. go to the south side if you want some excitement.
  10. "Everyone says "poor guy, he must have been bullied to this". not sure who you're referring to but just to be clear i definitely would never use "poor guy" in teh same sentence as this psycho. bullied is one reason of several. how many here have actually dealt with a very mentally ill person? they're not gonna say "i need help." so "they hvae to help themselves" doesn't apply to people who are very mentally ill.
  11. a friend of mine is a dr. and told me that there are many many people in this country on anti-depression / anxiety meds. of course that's all he said b/c he's a dr. and can't say any more, but my understanding is that mental illness can certainly be a biological condition - lack of dopamine (or whatever) in the brain and that these drugs act to counter that, perhaps via somehow manipulating receptors (or something). if you really think about it, Americans are a very stressed and angry nation- the country is pretty divided over several issues (like Iraq and immigration) people work way way too much in the US, divorce rate is huge, angry people are everywhere. People in general are stressed, though this varies greatly by region. here in the DC area aggressive driving is certainly the norm. i personally think that something happens to these kids in the school system. they are outcasts, have no friends, are teased or otherwise lonely. so what do you now a days if you're that guy? apparently become disullionsed (normal for teens) and actually act on it by committing some heinous crime. tragically, that seems to be becoming the norm. violent video games have been around for years, i remember playing "contra" on super nintendo, yet school shootings weren't a problem when i was in school. i'm not saying they help, either. when I become a parent, however, and if I have a son, I will obviously make it clear to him video games should never be confused with reality. and there are obviously some parents out there who dont' spend enough time with their kids. Violent games are not the root cause of these school shootings, though. though many people have a hard exterior shell and like to come off as someone they really aren't, when it comes down to it, i believe there are very few people who really prefer to be loners. compionship is a very natural human characteristic.
  12. "Tech" as it is known in the DC area, is huge here, even though I'm 4 hours from it. Their alum are everywhere here. many people i graduated HS with went to Tech. i know several people that graduated, and I have been there. i called a good friend just to make sure she didn't know anyone involved. turns out the psycho is from about 1/2 hour away from me, in Centreville, VA, and that he went to the same HS that the kid who killed 2 Fairfax County cops in front of the police station last year went to. the older professor (a holocaust survivor) gave his life and a few other students barricaded the door, which likely saved lives b/c it prevented the psycho from coming in to that room. a lot of angry, very disturbed people in this country. way too many if you ask me. unfortuenatly i have no reason to believe these disgusting acts will cease. They've only increased over the year. Truly tragic and an absolutely horrible reflection of our country. i can't help but think how this rarely, if ever, happens in other countries (and reporters have also said this).
  13. FTA2R

    Quick Question

    leave the mods alone. stop complaining, stop spending 1/2 your day on BOL (pathetically), or start a new forum if you feel so passionate about it. there's a saying that goes "don't bite the hand that feeds you" perhaps some have to learn the hard way. i would love to see how people would act in real life, somehow i doubt they'd be so critical
  14. i posted a review about a year ago. first, it's true, kurt adn the tierney guys are great to deal with. that being said, it's fun, for me it's about the total feeling of the board, not just flex. it turns very tighthly but do not get the edge on the ground or you be thrown off (like i was). it's just for hills, no cruising. of course it doesn't feel as stable as a longboard b/c it only has 2 wheels, hence the closer feeling of riding in powder. i don't use mine much b/c i just don't live around a lot of rideable hills. i'd start out with a regular longboard before buying a t-board. and def. wear protection if you do ride a t-board, especially elbow pads.
  15. just remember when you're back at the local hills, do not ride like that unless there's no one else around. otherwise you may sustain injury like me. welcome to carving
  16. "we're too cool for ourselves." lame...we'll own them :lol:
  17. i have a little speed, it's a 154 i think. only ridden it a few times, but it is a bit poppy (and i weigh more than you). not likely to hold an edge like the high end boards, but if you find a good price, it can be a fun second board. the blood graphic is really cool, too...do a search for "speed" here on bol or check out alpinecarving.com and do a search there, i'm pretty sure you'll see a comparison of the speed to other boards. i believe the speeds are softer than Factory Primes, but don't quote me.
  18. are you the same Vlad from epicski.com that got into 14 million flame wars and got banned?
  19. i gotta meet you one day, you sound sick and disturbed! "Wench Diggers TD2's "
  20. Fellow Brothers, I would like to be recognized as the undisputed BOLTK (Bomber Online Technique King). I have honed my skills through weekend warriage of 600 - 1000 Mid Atlantic foot slopes. I have a few seasons hardbootin' in my pocket, i've even raced NASTAR once. I also have done SnowPerf Camp, and for 2 days, I was ready to ride with the big boys!! After many weeks of hard training, I was even able to ride for 45 seconds straight before collapsing. I own more than 7 boards (even though I only ride 5 days / year) and although I'm very light, I've taken the time to successfully reverse engineer Burton Race bindings and therefor have "exposed" them and even a light guy like me can break them. I HAVE SCIENTIFICALLY ESTABLISHED THAT BURTON RACE BINDINGS ARE ONLY SUITABLE FOR THOSE RIDERS WEIGHING LESS THAN 132.34567895425 LBS!!!! FOR YEARS, I HAVE SPENT SATURDAY NIGHTS MEMORIZING THE BOL TECH ARTICLES- please do not question my knowledge!! Please also do not attempt to look for video footage of me online- although it does exist, it is not fair for the masses to see b/c, quite frankly, almost none of you will ever be able to reach that level (except for CMC of course). My specialties include: wipeouts of all types (accidentally riding /sliding off the trail, cartwheels, collissions (esp. T-boning), riding with multiple accessories (ipod, camelbak), and turning heads on the lift and having people come up to me COMPLEMENTING MY WIPEOUTS, and preaching the Alpine Gospel. I have SUCCESSFULLY CONVERTED several ignorant softbooters. They ended up burning their soft setups when they SAW THE LIGHT. Lastly, for you guys out there with weak game, I've pioneered a method of meeting an attractive snow bunny literally on the slopes. In short, it involves mastery of one of my other techniques - collissions, along with a bit of acting. A time tested technique, It WILL get you the girl!!!! I have a tentative book deal "Hardbooting for Dummies." Hopefully some of you will join me to co-author this? The disclaimer will be most unique. Shortly, I wil be starting a new site where beginners will teach experts. Flame wars will be encouraged and special accounts will be given to those few with an excessive number of posts. These accounts will have the ability to erase / remove themselves from the board. :lol: :D
  21. he'll also stuff your boots with snow if you mess with him. i forgot what it's called.
  22. amen to whoever said "many drunks or people with too much time on their hands" in the previous closed thread. some interesting posts, but a lot of useless posts from the usual suspects. some of the post whores here GET A LIFE please!!! i have a donek and i love it. i even have a PHAT Donek sticker on the back of my windshield. Will the rear windsheild crack now? oh no it's "The Donek Curse" hahaha. jk, but i was rear ended several weeks ago. even though my "rider stat" sheet was put on upside down (Sean discounted $20), my custom graphics came out amazing and I enjoyed helping design them. of course the board holds a great edge. I did manage to chip the nose the first week out as I t-boned some kid (my specialty), but it was repaired nicely by my local tech i'm not a racer but Sean obviously is a major player in alpine and does good things (loaner demos to SnowPo, sponsorships, ability to customize, edge hold). best of luck with your problems, Robbie. i still have the little speed i bought off of you woo hoo
  23. "I don't think it is redneck ... IT's a FORD " yup, fairly often one in the same
  24. Zoltan, that sux! heal fast. I'm really starting to think WHITETAIL IS BAD NEWS 1. Folded the nose last year and lost my iPod Nano in the snow during a cartwheel. Next lift ride up, it was found and stolen by a younger kid 20 feet below me. although engraved contact info on back, never saw it again. 2. First day this year- hit from behind on a blue by another boarder. end of season. 3. Zoltan has bad accident there this past weekend.
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