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Everything posted by outsider

  1. 100% increase in endurance?? 30% increase in lifespan??? where's the catch? Resveratrol does it all...
  2. or you just roll over and grab your dedicated nalogene. works especially well when its colder than a well digger's ass sitting on a brass toilet in the middle of a yukon snowstorm.
  3. naw, you just need to get a giant german shepard so you can sit bacvk and watch em run if they decide to come back. good thing they didnt get the boards. i also like the idea of an attack cock-- er i mean rooster. i love it when i run into cops that have busted a party that i was in attendence, and i especially love the look you get as the cop rakes through his memory to try and place your face.
  4. i believe there is a saying in the racing world-- when the ice comes up the west goes down. learning to ride in wisconsin provides a similar experience, and i especially like that blown snow that sits in about 2 or 3 degree cold for a few days... i find that when i have a race in soft/fresh snow i cant hold up to the western riders, but as soon as the course hardens up i can usually hack it pretty well. I like ice-- no suprises, always the same hard as rock surface to tear up. PS: It's snowing in Tahoe right now...
  5. I wish this was a local event, but I guess you can't have everything in life. Rock, paper scissors world championships
  6. i got an eye out for that never summer splitboard...
  7. i want to see the I Heart Head stickers out for their hardboots. i got one for their skies and have it on my longboard. needless to say i get a few coments from it now and then. I like UPZs because of their wider construction, but yes, their liners do suck. i replaced mine with a set of thermoflex liners and was amazed at the improvement. it was like getting a brand new pair of boots. as for the cold factor, i have had some trouble with my shells getting a little stiffer on cold days, but the midwest boilerplate ice requires a little stiffness anyway so i cant complain.
  8. outsider


    the nationals spots are generaly awarded based on your performance within your comp region. it would be nice if they were awarded based on national points, but that is not how it works. if you show up to more races than everyone else and do somewhat decent (usualy top three) then you have a good chance at getting the nationals spot. comp series are also given a few wildcard spots for nationals, so be sure to make friends with your series director if you think you wont get the regular slot.
  9. i ordered a pair last week and asked the same question. according to him, he has never heard of the toe pieces coming loose, ever. he mentioned that there may be a conflict of interest surrounding the BOL warning as they are the distriutors of Deeluxe and are in competition with UPZ. this seemed a little exagerated as i can not see BOL posting such a warning in order to boost sales. i replaced the toe/heel pieces last season on my old boots and it took me two hours working with a blowtorch and a dremmel to free the screws on the toe pieces. that being said, i did notice a small gap forming between the toe piece and the boot shell after the second season of riding, but there was absolutely no play in the toe pieces. does the warning on BOL have anything to do with the lawsuit it was involved in last year?
  10. I focus on core & leg strength with a little conditioning. I usualy run then do a leg and core weight circuit and a little balance training to cool down. Leg Press (Quads) Leg Extension (quads) Leg flex (hamstrings) Calf raise Hip Abduction/adduction Stups w/ weight Reverse situps (lower back muscles) Side-ways situps (obliques??) Captain's Chair Leg raise (ABS) Lat Pulldown (middle, lower back) heres a better description i like to longboard a lot during the summer as it mimics the balance required for snowboarding.
  11. saw this and couldnt resist posting it --from CNN
  12. outsider

    Ghost car.

    yeah, i wonder where he learned to recover so well. sure, blame it on the guys from the midwest-- the chase was in Oklahoma not Kansas. that guy sure picked a good car to steal, but when are people going to learn that you cant outrun a crownvic on a straightaway...
  13. outsider

    Ghost car.

    watch the fence closely-- it is not secured on the bottom and the car is able to go underneath it like a large flap. if you arent looking its realy easy to miss.
  14. outsider


    i got this one this spring in chicago. i have recieved compliments on it about once a week since i had it done and have had a few people inquire about the artist.
  15. i have heard that coyote urine works on deer, would it be safe to assume that the same principle with a bigger animal on the foodchain. As for me, i have an 85 pound german shepard that looks meaner than hell but acts like he's a pup. i have seen coyotes catch his scent and take off in the other direction. while i dont live in a rough area, i would imagine that a mugger might think twice before confronting the small beast walking alongside me.
  16. i took a nasty spill in boardercross training last year, came off a roller at a high speed directly on to the tip of my board on my toe side directly onto my face. While i suffered a few minor bruses in my face from the impact against the faceguard fo the helmit, i would have been picking teeth out of the snow (possibly with my jaw wired shut) had i not been wearing a full ace helmit. I wore a Giro Mad Max, but had to retire it when i discovered that the foam insert in the shell was moving around freely (too many impacts on the same helmit). i recomend a full face for anyone that is interested in going fast and not getting too worked.
  17. genius :lol: how about a phillies jib board?
  18. outsider

    Amped 3

    dont get your hopes up, mine gets hot as hell sometimes and gets some wicked glitching, but other than that it works like a charm
  19. I saw the first snow of the season yesterday in north tahoe. nothing remarkable, but september 16 aint a bad start.
  20. outsider

    Amped 3

    While many of the individuals that post here would be some of the alst people i would expect to be playing XBox 360, i thought that yall might be interested to know that the new version of the freestyle snowboarding game Amped awards points for carving. Seeing the way that the trends of snowboarding are going i find it hard to believe that a game featuring all your favorite freestyle Pros and jumps covering the mountain like acne on a fourteen year old would have a provision for carving, awarding points for perfectly carved "powder" arcs. Maybe we still have a chance.
  21. true, but you may be forgetting the 18,066 USASA members recieving TWS out there focused on the compeditive aspects of snowboarding rather than the feestyle vs hardboot argument that is at the moment so heated. I was surpprised when i read the first tidbit in the letter section, but even more so when i saw the full page devoted to alpine, and i believe that the only reason for this being there is the growing number of hardbooters now involved in USASA competition. TWS is one of the key USASA sponsors and has been for many years, and i dont think that the folks in the editing and marketing dept can easitly neglect the influence of such a readership in terms of the magaizines continued success. me being an optimist, i took the full page of alpine as a preview of what may be to come in the next few years, and there is no doubt that when the 2010 olympics roll around, we wil be seeing a huge ammount of prime time coverage for snowboarding, maybe even prime time alpine coverage, leavign me to wonder where this sport will be 8-10 years from now
  22. Mt Hood Summer Ski Camp offers a quality snowboard race program and would be better for someone under 18. It is also relatively inexpensive, with ~$900/session covering food, lodging, lift tickets, transportation, etc. Definately my recomendation for summer camps on hood. Check out their site, www.mthood.com for more info.
  23. boat shipping is a big industry in the atlantic, im shure that you can find the same type of service in NZ. My sister and her husband are having a 49 ft boat built in thailand and having it shipped to south florida. instead of sailing the boat, a flat barge that can submerge to load boats and than raises up when the boats are all resting on blocks.
  24. i have a huge calous on the ball of my big toe from this same thing. i get it a little bit also when i'm snowboarding, but there is a lot more lateral pressure on it when im longboarding.
  25. gave my self a second degree sep. on a rail earlier this season did you hear the pop when it seperated? Mine was loud enough that the guy i was riding with heard it ten feet away :lol: it healed up just fine, but every time i have a flat landing i get a painful reminder of what happens when you start spending too much time in the park...
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