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Everything posted by Kent

  1. During my shop tenture....tips ranged from 2 years of whining up 2 weeks at the resort of your choice. It really depends on the customer's past situation and how I (or the other guys) dealt with it. Tips are based upon experience. It's standard not to tip. However, if the fitter isn't the owner, certainly more appropriate to shell out to show your appreciation. k
  2. Kent


    You guys tell me when the snow is good enough to ride and I'll come back and play. In the meantime, the biking is too good down here...... K
  3. I think the general problem with the question is over the word "dream board". Many people simply have no idea what types of boards exist, changes that can be made and a host of other issues. So....many are willing to pony-up $1000 for a "custom" board and/or buy some used pro-deck because of perceived value/benefits. It's like the carbon bike craze....
  4. You know where I stand on this issue..... But, I'd toss it right back to the folks at Euro Disney and Topolino because PGS was on the calendar during the first few years of the event. Since DFJ and PF are closer to the "people" at USSA, I'll be the squeaky wheel: USSA sucks for junior racing and development. A solid D- effort. Its an afterthought at best... I've wrote about it before. It's not really the "people" at USSA, because they are limited via budget and other constraints. Its FIS management coupled with the deathlock of the IOC. Let's face it....if PGS wasn't an Olympic sport, FIS wouldn't be running it. Problem is that FIS/USSA are MISUSING IOC funds. Yep....I'm calling foul. IOC MANDATES a % of funds MUST be used for development programs. My guess is that PGS will be dropped very soon from the IOC, thus ending FIS involvment. Which...is a good reason why racers should NOT abandon USASA races/series/nationals. Yes..there are problems. Bring them up and work through them in your region. SHOW UP at nationals and things will change....
  5. There's many "reasons" for fall of ISF and the rise of FIS. The rise is quite simple...the IOC gave sanctioning rights to FIS (Nagano) pretty much before they ever ran a snowboard event. ISF was a "bro-bra" run organization who had no clue how to run a "world class" (by IOC standards) race. In many respects, they were right. The general problem was that ISF wasn't given much opportunity to earn the IOC business. Since all WC events at the time were ISF, it was obvious that the racers didn't want the change....although there were many racers (x-skiers) who embraced it. So, it order to qualify for Nagano, you needed FIS points.....many racers did both series. Then, the gauntlet came down whereas you needed to pick (couldn't race both). That's when more **** hit the fan and the ISF went belly up (bankrupt) I love ya Phil...but, IMO USASA was a great feeder for ISF, especially for the USA and World Team. Certainly MUCH better than what exists today (pretty much nothing). We (Minnesota Alt-Series) were running USASA comps back before the Mid-80s, which was pre-ISF. The criteria for youth development and feeders was clearly understood. At that time, we had 6 USA all-americans and 3-world team (ISF) members training on Gilboa. I got "pulled" over to coach the 1st USSA youth alpine national team (which was 2 kids via ISF). When ISF got word, they disappeared from all the rankings overnight. That was a drama filled year... So...FIS took over along with USSA in the USA. 10 years later and there is basically no youth development/feeder....unless you want to ride with Phil. There's plenty more to the story........
  6. Look at my pix in the aligment thread.... It's not the ski boats fault, although you should try to remove some material to soften them up. You're counter-rotating. K
  7. Well...IMO, CK's toeside sucks too, but the results speak for themselves. Interesting how he puts on the breaks (tosses the board sideways) for turn initiation. The result is that he takes the most direct path down the hill and lets his mass get him down the hill...a la 747. You won't see that from Garrett this year! The good and bad of Fawcett..
  8. I'm not replying to any (1) post in particular....but did want to chime in about this myth about "level" shoulders. They should be level with the terrain direction you and riding...not the opposing (usually across the hill) direction. Therefore...there should be little/no "trunk twist"......which is a basic difference between skiing and snowboarding. Scrap that pix of the racer above...my guess is that "static" shot is simply overstating how he going to transfer edge (as he's ending his turn). It's REALLY hard with pix to demonstrate...but here's a few which are mostly closely aligned with fast riders.... Jim is a sixtysomething year old ripper. His son Dave is/was (IMO) the fastest SL racer around.. Some might say his shoulders are level with the hill, but a close inspection shows otherwise... Reversed for you viewing pleasure.....
  9. I not sure what is more ignorant..... a) post political statements on a snowboarding website which has a policy against it. b) RE-post political statements on a snowboarding website which has a policy against it. However...the BEST part is that FunnyHub and commentator are COMPLETELY incorrect about this topic which they posted. Folks...c'mon, don't get your political statements and passions from the mass media....RESEARCH it yourself and make your own judgement. Sorry Fin...just keeping BOL fair and balanced..... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://dede.essortment.com/canadasvietnam_rgwv.htm http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Rhodes/1588/ The North Wall in Windsor, Ontario serves as a memorial for Canada's involvement in the Vietnan War..... http://www.glanmore.org/cdncas/memorialair.html
  10. Instructor - skill based goal (I want to do a 360) Coach - achievement based goal (I want to win the national championships this year) Best coach (college hockey) - "Will you girls stop thinking and put the $%@# puck in the back of the net so we can get the @%# out of this hillbilly town, goddamnit" Worst coach - "Go out there and have fun"
  11. Although I personally like technical and turny courses.....the fact of the matter is that racing is about SPEED and who can ride the bull, not who is the most technically superior racer. The other big (but IMO, BAD BAD BAD) change worth noting is the move from single to parallel events. That was the beginning of the end......
  12. IMO, it's already on life support........
  13. Define "video" a bit further..... a) just whatever...some guys/gals popping gates b) full FIS events with nice commentary c) any amatuer hack footage of races pro and amatuer As for stuff on the web.... Sigi Grabner's is (IMO) the best rider around....providing Bozzetto isn't close by. Head over to Sigi's site and download the video in the gallery section. Could someone tell me the name of that song? http://www.sgsnowboards.com/start.html
  14. DFJ nails it above.... My PRIMARY requirement is water-resistence. 10mm minimum from a "known" supplier. 20mm is ideal. Although...sometime increased MM results in "plasticy" material which is more prone to cuts. After I have the outer layer...I'll put on whatever is needed underneath for the temps.... I bought some North Face Hyvent pants last year with good results. They seem to be coming back after a few years in the crapper.....
  15. What's your intended use and application for the board? The (old) Madd was a true gem and could be ridden as an aggressive freecarve or a race board. Times and styles have changed. It's no longer worthy of a race deck (courses/condition)...you would be MUCH better served with a custom shop board from Prior/Donek/Coiler/Tomahawk for around the same price. If freecarve ripping...its perhaps still a great deck. For the record...my 158 was a green sidewalled model. I wouldn't consider stiff....length or torsionally.
  16. Perhaps worthy of a thread over in the Community. I can't speak for every "new" 158, but the flex patten and stiffness on mine was for a 40lb circus monkey. It rode so bad that I sent it back as I thought it was defective.....as it might have been. The tune (duck for cover) was spotty, but that's a separate issue. In Mike's (PTC) defense, it was obvious the board wasn't remotely flat when it came to him, so there's only so much he could have done. Although, the bevels were off...which was under his control and surprised me. This isn't meant as a jab....but simply my own experience. My hats off to the entire Madd supply chain, minus the folks who cut corners in the factory....and perhaps a small responsibility to alternative materials which didn't pan out. It was truly an entrepeunerial effort in which many lessons were learned.
  17. Be careful...there's a BIG difference b/w the old and newer Madds. It's hard to find an old one in decent shape and the new ones aren't worth 1/2 the asking price.....
  18. Kent

    WTB - F2 Conshox

    Looks like you're behind me! ;)
  19. It's not the Timex....but I've been using the Garmin 201 for the past 2 years and helped with the beta of the 301. Actually, I didn't do it for Garmin, but rather Motionbased (www.motionbased.com), who was just acquired by Garmin. If you go to Motionbased site and look in the public activities, you'll note a few dozen snowboarding days. For cycling and running...plain and simple, it kicks total ass. For snowboarding...not so much. Why? Mostly because the GPS system works in about 10m increments, so your carves will look more like zig-zags than nice arcs. The same holds true for mountain biking (technical) with the Garmin. You can consult with the guys on MB, but they have built in error correction for the elevation. It gets pretty darn accurate with the public information that is available. Garmin acquired Motionbased because they finally figured out GPS receivers are simply "radios". The important part is merging this information with public information via the web (I.e. GoogleEarth, KeyHole, etc). Darn cool stuff! K
  20. Kent

    WTB - F2 Conshox

    Fairly popular request.... Let me know what you have. Kent
  21. Boots - Fine boots...just make sure you get the right size. Their sizing is WAY WAY off. I don't use mine anymore, but had to downsize 3 sizes. Boards - no idea FAST - depends on your application. I bought them for coaching but ended up enjoying the ride. Stiffer than Burtons, softer than Bomber/Catek. As mentioned, the mec is finicky to your heel. I've pulled out of mine perhaps a dozen times...all at the wrong time. But, I attribute 90% of my ejects to snow packing in the hole. Unfortunately, I rec'd (2) new pair last year and both cables broke within 30 days. My prior (4) pair are still working like a charm. So...must have been some bad batches last year. You can order the heal mec separate, thank god. I'd steer you towards the standard (Race) SnowPro if you're looking for a reliable set-up and/or don't own a box full of parts like myself.
  22. Need I say more? Then again...most of guys in the pix left their SO at home for a guys-weekend....
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