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Everything posted by Kent

  1. Well, let's not get too optimistic yet. There's a bout 5,345 kinks that will need to be worked out and would be extremely limited...but, the price would be reasonable. (Otherwise I wouldn't do it) November has been around for 3-4 years and they learned to build boards from the best in the business. The quilted topsheet is sick. If it doesn't ride well, it would make a really nice piece of artwork! k
  2. You got the wrong guy. Perhaps switch to threaded mode......
  3. This isn't anything to do with Curt, but my last (2) ebay purchases were from people selling "other's stuff", which is technically against ebay policy unless you mention it. In one instance, the wheels were bad and the seller claimed "Not my problem, deal with my friend". All in all, a bad situation. Sounds like the skateboarding thing is going well for him. Perhaps a larger gig than alpine freeriding will ever be. Good for Curt. Wish him lots of luck....
  4. I wish the folks at Madd (whoever that might be these days) the best of luck. In the meantime, I'm helping the folks over at November on a few alpine boards (sl/gs). Totally preliminary at this point...look for something around December is my guess. http://www.novemberboards.com/
  5. It's interesting to see how other's perceive their own quiver. It's worth far more to Curt than to anyone else. I'm the same way about many of my boards.... If I were the current Madd R&D VP, I'd buy these to figure what happend last year. (duck for cover)
  6. I get errors loading the PDFs... Pehaps a good thing as I imagine the prices increased AGAIN.
  7. In order... 1) Balance 2) Pressure 3) Edge 4) Steer
  8. Where to start... IMO, it would be a waste to throw development funds at anybody over 18. Many good racers were late-bloomers, but all the great ones started early. The problem with USCSA is that it's four years and out. No time to develop once you get them reeled in. Perhaps you guys could some-how lobby USASA for points or do a combi-sanction. But, I imagine the USSA agreement won't work to well. USASA isn't all kids...especially in alpine. They do an okay job...although definately have serious-serious issues with how to run a National-caliber alpine race. As for USSA....their biggest mistake is not offering youth snowboard programs. You can target freestylers to ride the gates, but that just fluffs the numbers....and doesn't raise the level of competition. I hate to say it so blunty..but the ONLY reason to field a pro/national/olympic team is to WIN RACES so sponsors can sell **** and cities can build expensive venues with other people's money. This can only happen from grooming rider's early. Right now, the US isn't doing a good job of that. It's not necessarily the rider's fault..the whole process is poor, although there are some REALLY good people. As much as I like to stir the pot...I'm fine with the set-up. Its just when someone talks about progress, it's always so incremental....whereas I'm into radical improvement.
  9. Bill - A couple thoughts.. - When I say kids...I mean kids. Ages 8-18...mostly around 12-13. It must start then. - Hate to say it, but if I were spending marketing $, I'd put them in ski magazines. There aren't too many great snowboard racers that started off as snowboarders...most were skiers. Racing on snow is racing on snow. Good luck, sounds like a great gig.
  10. Randy - That's a very nice gesture.... It's truly unfortunate because (this might be new-news) USSA and FIS are violating the rules mandated by the IOC to support a National team for an Olympic sport. I don't want to go into details, but the entire set-up of FIS/USSA/US Snowboard is a complete and utter mess/joke. It's even more tragic that the medals won in SL were mostly from non-US Snowboard funded riders. IMO, USSA just really needs to spend more "Bode" cash on the snowboard program...there's A LOT of money already there. At the same time, money MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST be spent on the feeder programs to support an Olympic sport. The western/eastern USSA races are NOT ENOUGH. My goodness...look at what USSA does on the skiing side!!! J1,3,4,5 and so on down the line...fully supported teams, etc. The kids are there, they want to ride.....just no one is stepping to the plate with the vision...as they only see one season at a time. Bless their heart...the folks at USSA-snowboard are doing what they can, but are in desperate need of some clout to change things. It MUST start with development of young riders..........and USSA isn't donig a darn thing. USASA has all the kids..... Kent
  11. I was going to purchase a sit on top for general fitness. Seemed pretty low maintenance and allow me to be "closer to the water" w/o being in it. Went to a demo and was TOTALLY disappointed in the paddling/responsiveness of ALL of them. Not worthy of anything more than kiddie toy for the lake cabin...... A canoe would be a good option..otherwise look into longer (14ist) kayaks with a stable fin...
  12. Kent

    New MTB

    I replied to multiple people...so I just replied to my post instead. Believe me (Derf), I REALLY was looking for a reason to buy another hardtail. Cheaper and less hassles. Especially in Minnesota. Our trails aren't do hairly. Actually, most guys enjoy showing up at races with steel rigid singlespeeds. Were kinda purist around here. My problem is I REALLY like the "bmx" handling of my POS X-cal. All currrenty "high end" hardtails are using 80mm forks, except the Zigguart..which is 100mm. It rides very sweet. Yes, I'd upgrade the wheels to CrossMax and Discs to Either Juicy7 or Hope Minis. As for 29s. There is an excellent article in VeloNews a few months back. Basically, all the top NORBA guys are riding 29er for training and waiting for the rules, courses and weight to change. The only thing that is holding them back is bascially the stop/go technical portions of many races. Otherwise, there no denying they are faster. Wonder when the manufacturers of aftermarket parts will catch up? I am considering a Rocky Mountain (Element), but the Blur simply rides better (to me). Also considered the Specialized Epic, but the Blur roasts that as well. Big Mario.....was this a big enough problem where I should watch out for a vintage on ebay? Thanks for all the responses. Fin..what are you riding these days?
  13. What speed is the 105? Does it have STi shifting? (I would know from above answer) Either way, the 1400 is a very decent bike for commuting. A popular winter bike as well. Although, for commuting, you may want to swap out the bars for bullhorns or straights....although you would have to go with bar end shifters for straights. Can't go wrong for $200..unless you're doing this deal!!! 2 for 1 on Rollos! I already bought 4 of them to give to friends.... http://penncycle.com/site/itemdetails.cfm?ID=5665 Heck, buy (2) of these...put track gears on one and then hotrod the other to 44-15/14!!!
  14. Kent

    New MTB

    I think there's a direct correlation b/w carving and MTB. Fin, Dr. Tom, Jim J....and Seven's magician. My gosh, rather than post in an MTB forum...I'll just post here. My MTB is a POS. Sure, it was able to wrestle up a few top spots this year, but its still a POS. 1999 GF X-caliber...totally stock with SI SLR and Shimano 540s. Opps, can't forget the BMX bar-end plugs to protect the handlebars from all my over-the-bar biffs. So..it's time for something new. Pretty much narrowed it down to (3) TOTALLY different machines..... I basically do technical singletrack, MTB races and will also do Chequemegon Fat Tire 40 miler. I need a 3 trick pony. Comments?
  15. Where do you ride in MN and what are you going to use the board for?
  16. Sorry guys, I had to test out the new VB..... K Look close! http://www.weddingcrashersmovie.com/crashthistrailer/index.htm?id=76209
  17. FWIW - You are best off in a career search to go after a horizontal than a vertical. I.e. Working in the "snowboard industry" is a nice passion, but would you rather make $8 mopping the floors at Burton or $25/hour working for ABM? If you're an engineer....great. You can make snowboards or 747s. No use trying to be a snowboard sales rep unless you truly enjoy selling products, driving 100k miles per year and putting up with all the dealer crap. Point being..success replicates itself. If you don't own your company, you're best off building your quiver of skills. Once you find your ideal position, there is certainly value in specializing in an industry. If that's the case...visit SIA or pick up TransWorld Business and hunt for jobs. http://www.twsbiz.com/ Good luck.
  18. Yep, she's married....just last year. Although, don't let that keep you from saying "hi". As for snowboarding, she was on the US Team (ISF days) and competed in both carving and freestyle. When the ISF went down the crapper, she took over the reigns of the G Team (from Neil and Rothman) and basically stopped competitive snowboarding (like so many others at the time). I think she brought her hardboots to practice perhaps once in the last 5 years. All the oldschool guys (Enos, Baldwin, etc) know her from ISF/AST racing.....
  19. sigh....... Jack, you need to support your snowboarding sister. http://www.roadracinggirl.com/
  20. Reduces the ole Prior tail delam issues......and it looks cool.
  21. Another. The nice lil circle on the insert was a manufacturing goof. I believe what caused the space to form was that there was no filler in the 2nd set of inserts. So...my guess is that water got in the seam and expanded.
  22. Below are some pix of one of my Burners. I have more somewhere around here.... First off, I'm not really looking to get rid of this as much as I'd like someone else to have the pleasure of riding it. I sold it on ebay this winter and then accepted a return because the buyer was not comfortable with the condition. (no hard feelings, I refunded the money). The board hasn't been ridden much (10-15 days), but does have dings and everyday scratches ('Catek toe bail dings). The "issue" is the topsheet around the rear inserts has become delaminated from the core. Initially, the buyer thought the inserts were bad...but I've torque tested the board and rode it for a few hours (with Bombers) and it holds just fine. Fuzzy's biff in Nagano was not an insert failure. I have no clue whether the delam has gotten any better or worse since I got the board in 1997ish b/c the 1st time I took off the Cateks was when I sold it this winter. I never noticed the situation. This board was always a back-up to others...which I'm not interested in selling b/c each has a story. This was the board that got neglected and needs to run. I'd feel bad if a BOLer bought it and had problems. But, I wouldn't offer a refund to an 800 pound Gorilla either. I'm quite comfy riding it and don't think its a problem. Sure the hell beats paying top dollar for a custom board and it failing. So..there you have it. High res pix can be sent. A team stock Burner 188cm that needs a new home.... As for price....we should take that offline. I'd like it to go to a BOLer. I'm taking offers. For anything less than $200, its staying in Minnesota getting lonely.
  23. That's a TrueRide park. They are good guys and offer the best custom wood product in the biz...... It's a great purchase until you have to replace the SkateLite. Fun parks, great ride. You should come up to Mpls and hit the Edina park!! IMO, a poorly designed park with a hefty price tag, but better than nothing. I wish they had add'l funds to make a street course... http://www.concretedisciples.com/skateparksdb/skateparks_display.php?id=1186
  24. No offense taken..... Skatewave offers municipal-grade modular ramps. It's meant for recreational use, not high performance skating. Kinda like the different b/w a municipal golf course and Augusta National. With that said, there are "issues" with several of the rep groups that sell our product. Every skatepark is designed by a top 10 pro skater (Andy Mac, Rodney Jones, Chet Childres, Dayne Brummet, etc). But...more often than not, either the rep group or the park-rec guys don't follow our blueprint. Since you're on older 2.0 equipment, I know that's the case. Now....we double check each install to avoid crappy designs with are either unsafe or no-fun. As for the heights...it's usually dependent upon local laws....or a bad purchase decision of the park-rec board. Being a old-schooler as well...I certainly enjoy riding pools better than olling all day....
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