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Everything posted by Loc

  1. Long Beach is a good candidate since it's between LA and OC. Do you guys like the Belmont Brewing company? http://www.yelp.com/biz/belmont-brewing-co-long-beach
  2. Last season Neil, Will Garrow from hardbooter.com, and I met up in Culver City to talk about about snowboarding over dinner and drinks. It was a lot of fun so I was wondering if this group of misfits would be interested in getting together sometime in the next week or two and do the same thing in a central location.
  3. Congrats on the weight loss and lifestyle change. I tried P90x for two weeks and it didn't click for me. I went back to the old college routine of lifting weights and found it much more to my liking. I guess as long as you're active in some way it's a win for your health :)
  4. Hooray for more carvers in SoCal! I have a Prior ATV 171 that I'm thinking of selling. It's served me well for the last 3 years all over CA and has the battle scars to prove it. It's in bargain condition so if you're interested in taking it for $150 let me know. I live in Santa Monica on the weekdays and we can meet up.
  5. Oh man it was definitely an incredible movie. I wish I had the skills and the cajones to get into snowboard mountaineering. Seeing Jeremy and co slay those lines was just mind blowing.
  6. If you got the deep pockets for CrossFit it looks like a good system. I opted to learn the compound lifts on my own and have PT sessions now and then to check up on my form, learn new exercises and make sure my diet is in order.
  7. My PT use to play rugby in college and told me he didn't care for guys who can bench or even squat a lot. It was the guys who could perform Olympic lifts like maniacs that he had to watch out for. Makes sense though. I look forward to learning these lifts in the next few weeks in his garage. Not sure how I'll actually practice them since 24 Fitness is lame.
  8. Find the power rack at your gym. Act smug towards those doing dumbbell curls while doing any combination of these: Back squat Front squat* Pistol squat* Forward* or reverse barbell lunge 360 dumbell lunge* Deadlift Romanian deadlift Single leg Romanian deadlift* Good mornings I can't say if those are carving specific but having very strong legs and a very strong core must be worth something I put an asterisks next to what makes my core burn a little bit more due to balance requirements.
  9. Count me in! Probably won't have anything new to share this year though :o Here's our buddy Eric on my Coiler VSR Pics from last year: http://www.flickr.com/photos/loc_nguyen/sets/72157623741584004/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/loc_nguyen/sets/72157623629106827/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/loc_nguyen/sets/72157623793170462/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/loc_nguyen/sets/72157623678500699/
  10. Loc


    wow talk about thread revival!
  11. I've been dreaming about the Jones Flagship: http://www.jonessnowboards.com/boards/flagship Porters in Tahoe is taking orders. First 30 to buy a Jones board + helmet get to ride with him in Squaw Never Summer Raptor is suppose to be a softie carving board. It's new for this year: http://neversummer.com/snow/snowboards/raptor/
  12. I might spend more than a couple days at MH this year. Might be doing it in softboots trying to learn switch riding though. Maybe even some ground tricks, the horror! Just post up when you're going and I"ll let you know if we can pool up. I'm in Santa Ana.
  13. I'm hoping to watch it in LA or Mammoth. Ya gotta report back and tell us how insane this flick is
  14. I use the Driver X boots too and they work great for softboot carving.
  15. I'm ready to hand over some cold hard cash
  16. Been working on my heelside all season long...
  17. Check out this 1 year old snowboarder! At Mammoth of course
  18. This might be my last trip for the season. Will anyone else be there?
  19. All you guys and gals with kids need to get them started early on hardboots
  20. Fin - count me in as a buyer of these plates if you produce them.
  21. lol @ the powder technician segment! :lol:
  22. I hope everyone has at least one decent photo. Now I know what to expect on the slopes and can't wait to shoot next year's SNES. I'll zip up all the pictures and put them on a server for y'all to download. Oh the link to Erwin's photo above is no longer valid, here is bad assery
  23. From the Sierra Nevada Expression Session at the end of March: I'm on a metal CODA Sidecarve 170
  24. And the last upload: Day 2, Part 2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/loc_nguyen/sets/72157623678500699/detail/ That's all folks!
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