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Everything posted by Loc

  1. Wow 15 carvers!? I wonder what Gunsmoke looked like from the air ahah.
  2. I assume you'll ride all of them with Sidewinders?
  3. Looks like the dates for this year's WTC are March 5th-7th. http://hardbooter.net/blog/?p=683 Anyone here going? I'm from SoCal but I might be able to go depending on my workload around that time.
  4. I haven't tried any of the bananas or rocker & camber from Never Summer yet but the nose on my Coiler VSR definitely feels different and better than the nose on my Prior ATV and Madd 170. I don't think I'd buy another board without the new school nose.
  5. Brooke, is this the boot you are talking about? http://www.backcountryoutlet.com/outlet/SCR0055/Scarpa-Magic-Alpine-Touring-Boot.html And this might be the men's version? http://www.backcountryoutlet.com/outlet/SCR0054/Scarpa-Matrix-Alpine-Touring-Boot.html I want to pick up splitboarding this year and want to go the AT boot route rather than try to use my hardboots so I can save some weight.
  6. I'm really disappointed there's no multitasking. So much R&D went into designing a new chip architecture and it won't be doing anything most of the time unless you're watching HD video. In the end, I think 3rd party developers will make or break this product. I might have to pass on this one for the first 6 months. Maybe I'll go buy some Sidewinders instead
  7. Oh no not Gunsmoke!! Will they take it down after the event?
  8. I'm glad I didn't buy a Kindle over the holidays! http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/27/the-apple-ipad/
  9. Damn I wish I can be there but I'm taking an Avalanche L1 training course with SMG up in Bishop/June Mtn. Tear up the runs
  10. 576 this year since Mammoth opened up their special club in the springtime. I think it's 860 at Costco and 1600 if you buy from the mountain in season.
  11. Where out West did he move? He should link up with local carvers.
  12. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=28409 I also put all my pics in my gallery here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/loc_nguyen/sets/72157623114893539/ how's the snow right now?
  13. Will is such a cool guy! Glad I met another carver and traded stories and beers with :D
  14. Brook is this you? I've only heard of you from Mammoth's forums. I think I might've taken some pics of you I posted in the MLK thread? If that's so I hope you like them
  15. Try flosnowrider@yahoo.com Flo was my first carving instructor and he got me railing! I hope to take another lesson with him this or next year to polish up my technique and carve the steeps. I'm not sure if he still teaches at Squaw these days but that's where I met up with him.
  16. Yea I loved watching those guys carve down Gunsmoke! Very dynamic riding with some fancy euro carving for me to enjoy from the chair. Oh yea, here's some photos of yours truly
  17. Welcome to BOL! Everyone's given you great advice so far. Check out the SoCal forum here and try to ride with some locals (I'm in West LA). We're similar in weight and height so I can loan you a board to try out if you want. I used a Prior ATV with 23.5cm waist to transition into alpine. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=16
  18. Today was major pukage at June. The intense winds seemed to blow a lot of extra snow over to Deer Bowl making it the most fun trail of the day on my ATV. I came up early Sunday for some carving and was treated with softpacked groomers. Lots of other carvers up there too (saw Neil, Terry, Frank, Jake). Got pics of some of us tearing up Gunsmoke. My newbie friend said our trenches made it the most terrifying part of his day My softbooter friend
  19. I hate to rub this in, but the Sierra is expecting 8-12 feet by the end of the next system
  20. Man that is a good looking top sheet! Looks like there's a lot of snow headed our way for you to test it in pow
  21. Looks like 8-12ft by the end of this storm system!
  22. I can vouch for the Prior ATV's all-mountain capability. It's my most scratched up board because I've taken it everywhere. The smaller 10m scr makes it easy to skid and make tight turns around trees. I think it has the widest waist of all alpine boards at 23.5cm so it really performs in powder. I can easily rail turns on it but I'm only 160lbs so someone larger may overpower the board.
  23. I'm driving up Sunday and leaving Wednesday. Hopefully I get there on Sunday with time for a half day. There's a big storm system hitting the Sierra too. Anyone else going to be there?
  24. George - that new Kessler is looking sexy! Arg! My brand new Coiler VSR took a core shot. I spent the day on a green with my friend and didn't really charge down Goldrush (blue run) until the end of the day. Coverage was good in the middle so I made sure that's where I stayed to be safe. Unfortunately there was a huge rock the size of my fist buried in the slush somewhere and I slarved right into it at full speed. The result: This girl better be worth it :lol: I dropped the Coiler off at Summit Ski & Cycle where Aaron and Neil recommended. They seem like great guys and I feel better knowing Ian is a carver too. It should be ready for pickup on Friday and I'll have it for my June Mtn cabin trip
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