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Everything posted by martyagt4

  1. Here at Killington this weekend. Left Friday afternoon at 3.50 pm, here at K-Mart at 3 in the morning. Slept in the lot for a few hours. Spent the first few hours on my soft setup since it had been over a month since I had rode. Tired and bored I decided to mount up the plates and ride. Too many people and too chopped up for my first time out, but I did manage to get proof of concept. Only took one run, I was so beat that even carrying my board was a workout. It'll take a while. Such a change from soft boots. So used to bending at the ankles, and I thought I'd kill myself just skating around. I do know that my boots hurt too much, and I hate Deeluxe buckles now. I may give it a shot again in the morning, but I'm here to have one last hoooray, not learn all over again.
  2. Killington was pretty damn busy today, but it's more lift related than anything else. We were planning on heading back tomorrow around noon, but now that this storm is coming..... Yeah heading back Monday afternoon now lol!
  3. Girlfriend and I are heading up to VT this weekend for one last hooorah for the season. She wants to hit Killington, but we've been there 8-ish days already this year, plus numerous times before. I want to hit Stowe, since we've never been. Our concern is conditions, and potential trail openings. We were at K-ton the week before X-mas, and frankly it sucked. Too many people on too few trails, not to mention it was ice/snow/dirt/rocks all within five feet. Worried about a repeat this weekend. Thoughts?
  4. Not ever seeing the inserts on the Head/Blax boots, I'll have to ASSume they are similar to the Deeeeeeeluxe inserts. I for one would install the t-nuts. They have a much greater surface area than the inserts I imagine might be in the Head boots. Under normal usage, forces on the rear are directed into the ledge on the boot. With an Intec setup, forces are directed in those four small screws and inserts. I want all the surface area available to keep from pulling out an insert. Then again, I have no idea if that has ever happened.
  5. Hmm, might have to try the box for next year. Tried the rack once, installed it and went to the store. Damn near took it off in the store parking lot. Been collecting dust since. Old Volvo 240 Wagon, I need more noise generators like I need a hole in the head.
  6. Are boxes quieter than racks? I'd imagine they are. I just lothe that howling sound up there when I drive.
  7. You know Chuck Norris almost had his butt kicked by water once. But of course Chuck Norris won.
  8. Hey buddy, I just live here.:) Nice thing about Ohio is.... well ok, ya got me.
  9. Hah, no problem here with old farts, even the grumpy ones. Just using it as a pejorative to describe this one. In my case I'm citing a particular example. Where as I don't dislike all grumpy old farts, he seems to think of all snowboarders as vile examples of humanity. And no, I have yet to confront him in any manner. I'm not even sure I care to waste breath on it. I doubt my sunshine and roses attitude can sway his deep seated hate. I did try to ride the lift with him today, but he stood back like a spoiled child with his hands at his side, making me ride the lift on my own. Of course I was deeply hurt and damaged by this. :rolleyes: edit..(Qualifier... I consider myself a grumpy old fart in training, just hit 33 last week.)
  10. Have this issue with a patroler at our local mountain. I've run into him (not actually) a few times. Each time he's had nothing but snide remarks about snowboarders. This morning he kept going on and on while in the lift line, and even on the lift up the hill. I was in the chair in front of him, and could feel him burning holes in my back, and hear his remarks quite clearly. I'm reluctant to confront him on his perceived issue with me. I know not all of the patrolers feel that way, and there are a few knuckle draggers who patrol our hill too. I can't imagine he treats colleagues like this. I just had signed up to train as patrol last weekend. I'm not going to let this idiot stop me, but it does give me pause.
  11. According to this.... http://www.alpinecarving.com/boot_models.html ....they are. I'm sure someone who has or does, own them, can chime in to confirm.
  12. martyagt4


    Anyone receive a reply yet? edit: Noticed the post is dead now. Must have sold them all.
  13. martyagt4


    I can imagine the poor woman was inundated with email.
  14. Looks like it's still blowing pretty bad up there too. Wish they had this much snow when I was there in December. What a cluster f*** that was. Ice, rock, dirt, grass, cord all with in five feet.
  15. martyagt4


    Well I emailed the seller also. Hopefully they're not hot. I'd imagine that someone on here would have heard of a heist involving 15 Doneks. Not like they're your garden variety Burtons that go unnoticed.
  16. Reminds me of some knob end who decided it was a good idea to make snow angels on the hill one day. I can only imagine what my edge would have done to his arm as I went over it.
  17. Hmm, I was hoping for a solution that would make the boot slighty more comfortable. I really dig the current soft boots I have. The tounge has a nice thick plastic outer and the stainless wire crossing over from the BOA lace makes a huge difference in stiffness for me. I was dissapointed with the molded liners. I suppose I'll make do with what I have.
  18. Curious what liners you tried. I stuffed my Deeluxe liners into my soft boots the other day and they were significantly softer in forward lean than the stockers. My soft boots are Flow Zone with BOA laces.
  19. Sometimes those 7-10 splits are tough.
  20. Oh don't get me wrong, I wasn't trying to infer that laying cord is simple by any means. I was hoping the quotes would help but I suppose not. My point was that it seems some days that our local hill just drags the Cat around with no plan.
  21. martyagt4


    Damn sorry to hear that Buell. Hope you have a speedy recovery. And thanks again for the mini tour of Powder Mtn!
  22. Wow, here I thought zig-zag cord was the norm. Our "grooomers" must always be hungover then. It's good to see someone take pride in their work. Even something as "simple" as laying down cord.
  23. But we're curious as to how you really feel. :)
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