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Everything posted by Fastskiguy

  1. Perfect groom, empty quad, nice sun, I think you have it going on!
  2. I've thrown my old heels into my gear bag too, just in case. I figure...there's a really (really) small chance of something breaking but the heels are small and nice insurance to save the day on the slopes.
  3. That is a totally freaky camera angle!
  4. Hey let us know how it goes if you can!
  5. I sure feel sorry for his friends and family, it's a terrible thing for sure. As for Chris, well, if you're a believer then he's in a pretty good place (hopefully!) and if you're not then he is as he was before he was born. Helmets, heh, I'm not riding without mine, ya'll can do as you wish :) And one more thing, the deputy coroner Dr. Chuck Johnson is a veterinarian so that's pretty cool.
  6. I didn't think it mattered if you ran one color for the back and one for the front....I know the spring is softer (duh) but when you crank it against the stiffer spring it compresses and is, well, more firm.
  7. I've become a fan of Ray's Way stuff here http://www.alpineskituning.com/ I start off with a good grind, 1 bevel on the base, 2 on the side. Then use the side edging tool to keep the edges sharp. You can make your own abrasive loops....I run 320 as my final but you have options and they're cheap! http://www.alpineskituning.com/raysway.side.beveler.htm Then rub on some universal wax, reef it in with the wax whizard http://www.alpineskituning.com/raysway.waxwhiz.htm then I like to hit it with a rotobrush on an electric drill but nearly any brush will do. Once in awhile I hot wax...but this is a quick and easy way to make the edges sharp and the base run fast. There are lots of ways to skin this cat!
  8. Unfortunately previous concussions are a predictor for future concussions.....so don't forget about that helmet!
  9. Nice to know if the cable derails then it'll stop by itself! Must have been an absolute b1itch stuck up there until help came. Probably would have kissed the ski patrol full on the lips after getting down :)
  10. I admit, I didn't watch the whole thing. I kept thinking "these guys might be able to make a pretty good video with good riders". Ready-steady-GO!
  11. OK, I stand corrected! Somehow I feel safer with you guys driving in your hard boots than a teenage girl driving with a cel phone LOL
  12. My buddy drives his car in his soft snowboard boots so I think they've got us on that one.
  13. I think a lot of people are flexing their rear boot more than they think....but but the knee is "nowhere near" touching the board as previously stated.
  14. I just got back from a quick trip to Utah....was on a gondola at Snow Basin talking to a guy and his college-aged daughter. She kept looking at her hand and I noticed it was bruised and I said "you need some hand padding...like these" and showed her my bike (bicycle) gloves I wear under my snowboarding gloves. "Oh yeah, I hit it on a door in the lodge...but why do you wear them?" "Well I ride an alpine snowboard and sometimes my hands touch the snow" and the guy goes "Hey...red jacket...were you at Powder Mountain two days ago?" "Yeah, I..." [daughter interrupts] "....We saw those awesome turns from the lift! That was so cool!" :)
  15. Yeah, I'd like to ask a quick question that this post touches on....can you flex and extend like on an alpine board or are you more restricted?
  16. Nothing to worry about, it'll be here before SES 09 for sure. Hey....wait a second.....!
  17. I've heard of face cream....what do you use? Does it help your skin?
  18. I was comfy at -14F with the "Pinch" full head and face balaclava. No wind and brilliant sun. The breath-deflector thing instantly iced my Rx goggles but with the rx insert removed I was able to enjoy 2 1/2 hours of great conditions with that and a regular helmet. Full face helmets look totally moto tho, they're pretty cool. Just a public service comment, try to ride with a buddy in sub zero conditions. We run a pretty horizontal line carving these boards and if you go off-piste accidentally and crack your head on a tree or something a buddy to call for help might be a life saver.
  19. In theory EC, in practice Sweeper/Hazard, I just love 180's!
  20. What is the deal with your safety leash? I've seen those before and they look great but...did you make it? Buy it? Have a close-up of it? and...just to sound totally ignorant...what does the name "Skwal" mean? I'm thinking it's easier to say than..."narrow a$$ alpine snowboard" but that's just a guess :)
  21. Man that "anti shake" thing really makes the videos nice to watch. Thanks for posting guys :)
  22. You're not falling towards the seductive "hands down, butt up" position in the last frame....are you?
  23. Hey tell me more about how this guy operated...the guy who travels from Chicago to Vail every week. Does he fly into Denver? Eagle? Private plane or regular airline? How many weeks will he get in during the season?
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