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Everything posted by Fastskiguy

  1. I'm thinking one of the moons of Jupiter or Saturn (might be ungroomed) but I can also recommend the 300 foot vert slope of Alpine Valley or 400 foot vert of Cascade Mountin (both in Wisconsin) on a WEEK DAY....serviced by it's their own high speed quads.
  2. I'm thinking 1 degree base bevel and whatever for side bevel is the best.
  3. If you ride at Sundown in Dubuque then I could meet you there and you could ride my 171 Donek FC 2 sometime, I'm hoping to get over there a day or two soon.
  4. Straightrunning switch and not looking and you're the guy with busted stuff, sometimes life just doesn't seem quite fair. At least nothing was broken that can't be replaced. Good luck :)
  5. Well, OK, I don't know anything about diamonds or off shore boats so maybe it's different with asyms....I was just thinking, stocking can't be the problem, they must just suck! One thing for sure, your anagram is freaking hilarious! Yes 29" wheeled bikes, they are really great, I don't feel like a gorilla on a tricycle with them. But I am thinking the new big thing in bikes might be the 26" wheel. Lighter, stiffer, stronger, and accelerates faster. I heard they used to use it in the past until everybody switched. I'm building up one of these bikes and will ride a bunch of time trials, 26 v 29 and will post a big ol'thread when I get some data (on mtbr). Might be just a fad but I'm going to check this little wheeled thing out :)
  6. I usually play the air guitar and air drums on the way up so people behind me give me a wide margin :)
  7. Makes sense but if guys can stock diamonds or off shore racing boats then they should be able to stock asym boards. I want to find a "bring back the asyms" bumper sticker LOL!
  8. Seriously? I thought I'd try softer...at least with my rear foot. I'll crank down my BTS's a little bit and give it a try.
  9. You heard it here first-asyms will be back someday. There's nothing symmetrical about the stance on a snowboard. But I chatter only on my toesides so there is something that we do not fully understand here
  10. Wow, what language were those guys singing in the first video?
  11. Watching Professor Satchafunkilus almost makes me wish I hadn't wasted all of that time skiing as a kid and played the guitar instead!
  12. Yeah, when alone it's great on the chairlift. As for on the way down...not so much.
  13. My first impression was "No way!" but now I'm thinking just 1" past the contact point at the tip and tail might make the whole thing easier....
  14. I don't want to gloat....much....but Tyrol Basin had the white ribbon of death going Tuesday night and they're open again tonight with a lot more snow. It wasn't even incredibly death defying :) You guys are getting the real stuff, awesome!
  15. You can get a rotobrush attachment with the pad that removes those hairs. If that makes any sense. Plus a drill. Then you'd be all set quick.
  16. A little OT but if anybody out there has ridden the Blade, the Swoard, or other boards....how do they compare? I've only ridden a Blade.
  17. I think the flex and sidecut are more important than the width but maybe I'm wrong. Still....I've got a 180 blade and it bends into a nice arc when tipped up on edge, feels really good. Plus floats nice in powder if you get skunked out of the cord ;)
  18. Oh yeah, colors? Is it red only or can we get rainbow or tie dye or something? In my enthusiasm, I completely forgot about color...
  19. Wow, what a wait and it sure looks like the suspense was worth it :)
  20. My wife is pretty receptive to me handing her a box and saying "please give this to me for Christmas" so that is the route I'm taking. Actually...two boxes with the Fin-Tech heels :) Thanks guys! The TD3's and new heels look great :)
  21. my brother is a tele god, every year we trade equipment for awhile and I've tried alpine carving gear and ski boards but he did great and I struggled to embrace the skid. Last year I thought I had him with my new alpine snowboard stuff. I thought I'd skid around and he'd flail, then get slammed a couple of times before giving up in defeat. However, he was arc-to-arc on greens right away, then managed some blues while I pancaked myself on the tips of his tele boards with my ski carving tactics, then meekly paratele'd the rest of the morning, hanging out in the back seat, feeling like a total loser. So keep the positive attitude, tele to alpine snowboard can be a survivable (and fun!) endeavor :)
  22. Ah yes, this is great, it's just like when the didn't have enough PS3's at the launch and they said "well, maybe some of these people will buy PS2's" and it actually happened. But wait....there are no TD2's anymore! Rats!
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