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Everything posted by Fastskiguy

  1. Hey now, the 13th is clearly *MID* November! I feel gypped! It should really be on a Tuesday morning. And Fin should wear jeans and a black mock turtleneck. And don't forget the "Oh, one more thing...." part! I still feel gypped!
  2. Really funny movie:) But it might not be too late for you to cast your vote!!
  3. This is like waiting for new Apple hardware...we have ideas, rumors, posts from people "in the know", and mock ups. What a community!
  4. Surely November 5th HAS to count as "early November...."
  5. I don't think anybody can argue with you that the system is not working now and lobbyists from big corps have a huge influence on your care, no doubt about it. But everybody knows you can sell the government a toilet seat for $700 and their ability to fix your crisis is crappy (New Orleans) so I don't think there's any question costs will go up and care will go down. Take Medicare or the VA hospitals for our military guys. Both of those programs need big time help and both are run by the government. Hospitals aren't run by doctors anymore either, it's big business, the professional staff is getting squeezed, the patients are getting squeezed, and the business/insurance/law part is getting fat. We need different rules, not the government taking over. Look, I hope you are right and I'm all wrong. But I just can't see how it can possibly be good for you and me.
  6. Um, my numbers are the same as yours. I got this info second hand, didn't check it out, got pissed, then spouted off on a message board, only to find he paid about 20%, not 13%. Thanks for checking the numbers. I was w...wwwr....wwwrooo....um "not right". (you might remember the Happy Days episode when Fonzie admitted he was wrong about something) Now I'm off to bitch out my source. Sorry for being an idiot! Thanks for setting the record straight :)
  7. I agree drilling won't help much but you *do not* want the government in charge of your healthcare. You might want for them to pay for it but that won't come without them getting a say in what happens to you.
  8. C'mon now guys, I'm sure there are a few more of you that want to join the "I am freaking out here!" group that Kevbo started. Let's hear the groundswell!
  9. Hey that's a great point....I'll take a set of heels and one set of the binders. Oh yeah, I want to join the "I am freaking out here" list too Thank you :) Oh...but what if the heels are specific to the TD3....?
  10. I was just reading over here http://finance.yahoo.com/banking-budgeting/article/106069/Your-Money:-McCain-vs.-Obama;_ylt=Au3nbsly4lpu.Fo4o1eGnawy0tIF#14 about some of the details...it's not just that if your family makes over $250K that you'll pay 39% or whatever, it's that you'll pay more in capital gains (20%), pay an additional 2-4% tax for socialized security, and get taxed at regular income for interest. But having said that, I guess I may have more of a problem with progressive taxation in general. It's just when Joe Biden made $320K (ish) and paid only 13% in tax that made me so pissed off I can't even tell you. Then he had the nerve to say it's your responsibility to pay more....I want to pay what he pays, 13% on his income just doesn't seem fair.
  11. Now that's just plain abusive....putting a pic up like that when we're all anxiously waiting. But no ramp and a pin instead? Maybe I need two pairs :)
  12. I just want to make sure I can get some before they're sold out!
  13. Could you clear up a couple of things for me? I'm not trying to confrontational, I am just trying to figure this out. Isn't Obama going to to remove the social security cap? Because if that is done then if you own a business you're looking at 39 federal + 15 social security + your state (0-??) or 54% plus state tax on anything in the top bracket. And wasn't it 250K before, now it's 220K, and I heard somebody saying it was lower now....has it always been 220K? I could have sworn it was 250K a few weeks ago. And finally...will either be able to stick to what they promise? I can't imagine the next president won't have to say "gee guys, it's worse and we need to increase your taxes" after he gets in. Thanks for the info. I still voted for the new bindings :)
  14. That's a good point...how about throwing us a bone here?
  15. Dang, looks like no old bishops either. It takes a special kind of place to say "no new ones 'till next year and we aren't making any old ones either" I mean, I don't even tele but I'm like "crap! that's a long friggin' wait!" As far as the election....just say no to socialism!
  16. I'm offended you'd even THINK such a thing!
  17. I dig art (insert beavis and butthead laugh here)
  18. Love the nose art...reminds me of snowboards!
  19. Granite Peak has a 6 person high speed quad too!
  20. That would be Granite Peak nowadays, here are some pics from a late 07 day...
  21. Oh man, cash in the business and start a ski hill....right in Illinois.... I just need a snow gun!
  22. Hey it snowed just a bit down here in Rockford today! Thanks to your picture...I've got the fever bad!!
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