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Everything posted by RJ-PS

  1. Hate to weigh in here since I'm also selling, but to be clear....if you want an all-mountain board that carves hard, look up the Rad-Air Tanker. If you want a carve board that can still do all-mountain, I'm agreed with the previous suggestions.
  2. Today is the last day to get fedex home delivery guaranteed by Christmas. Keep in mind while shopping.
  3. I've quit trying to figure out board choice based on conditions, I could never seem to get it right. Now I go by mood and my life is much simpler and satisfying. Now if only my moods coud match up to what wax I need to use :rolleyes:
  4. shoot an e-mail to Bryan at oldsnowboards.com I think he is helping Tinks to market/sell his stuff.
  5. Rad-Air boards top the highest quality boards in the industry. In manufacture they don't hold back in carbon, aramid, wood, etc. Harry (Rad-Air co-founder) has decades of experience in a few different snowboard companies. Bottom line - these boards rock. Even with all that said, I wouldn't ride TD1s on any non-race board unless I didn't care if my board broke. If you are forced to ride TD1s on it please use some form of support between the bindings and the board. It will help to spread the leverage over a wider area. Do some searches here and you can find examples from cutting boards to extra p-tex. Good luck.
  6. My second board was a 91 Burton Air but I couldn't afford Sorels so I wore Bass hunting boots with 4 pair of socks and duct tape. Ah the old days.... Nothing like those bone out Air binding straps, those were the bomb!
  7. 5 years.... or whenever you find a helmet that fits great. Doesn't hurt to try on a few whenever you are in a shop. I like to keep two available as well. You never know when a shot to the dome will change your life.
  8. My EE Wides fit in the Stratos Pros too, too bad I didn't wait a year for the black ones. :(
  9. Anyone use dual or multi sim cards to run more than one number on their cell phone? I understand its pretty common in other places but not the US. I'm calling overseas a lot and using both personal and business phones. It would sure help not to have to switch the sims out. Anyone?
  10. Dude sorry about the mangled fingers and car issues, if it wasn't for the fact that you got to snowboard that would've been a bad day. I laughed when you called the 177 a Baby Tanker, any place but Bomber and that would have received some serious chatter. You're right it's not the 200, but definitely has it's place in the quiver. Looking forward to more war stories, take care.
  11. .......Maybe I'm just being picky, but I think some of those guys need to go back to grooming school. Took my daughter up to get our passes last weekend and there were trace snow spots, but nothing even close to opening day. Does anyone have the steps/beats for a rain dance? If it rains where I am in the Valley then it snows up in the mountains!
  12. Ahhhhhh, so that's why they sparkle!
  13. I'm on POWs team....quick, responsive, comfortable. I don't like the click-ins for softies, so this is the closest thing that I actually enjoy. Although I'm waiting for the new Catek FR2s!
  14. We got some Worldwides made for that specific purpose. Big dogs now have a home to call their own. http://www.exoticboards.com/catalog/item/2411530/3687278.htm
  15. Let me know if anyone can get in touch with them, I've been trying for years.
  16. I'm psyched to see everyone enjoying the Tankers so much! Relatively unknown just a few years ago, they're finally coming into their own and being respected as the powder/all-mountain weapons they are! This years models are the best yet, and all the feedback we have been getting concurs. Truth is you really can't go wrong with either the 177 or 187. Both will work for your weight, both will kill it in the pow. Its pretty much a matter of usage. Whichever one you would reach for more often on any given day, that is the choice. Go BIG!
  17. Update: As of my last conversation with Joerg yesterday the boards are not being made in the Pale factory. Although I agree with you Nils, who cares? The value of a board is not in where it is made, but who designed, built, and tuned it. Anyone with some technical knowledge can put a snowboard together. (Jumping onto soapbox) What sets the good boards apart from the bad is the not the construction process, not the construction, but the supervisor. Not necessarily how much glass, but where, what direction, how thick, etc. When you start looking at a snowboard as a total package instead of comparing the parts, you start getting closer to the ideal comparison for all snowboards. The guys that are building the best snowboards are the ones that are putting the most time into the sport. There is an amazing treasure of knowledge among the riders that frequent BOL. It is great to be a part of this community where the builders and the riders have open lines of communication. Have an awesome season!
  18. Sorry DSub that sucks. I've got the Audex's on the way. I'm interested to see whether they'll work as well as my Ovo Titan. It's too bad Ovo went out of business, the helmets were killer. I understand you can get good deals on ebay for them. However no audio AFAIK. I've got a deal brewing that might bring some new helmets to the US......I'll let you know if they compare to the Motorola setup in the Burton.
  19. Just pick up the phone and call Sean at Donek. He'll shoot straight with you and ask the right questions, remember this is his life. He will be able to give you more directed and spefic advice than any of us. There are a few builders that you can contact directly about building a board, the more you talk to the wiser your decision will be. Take advantage of their years of experience. As far as growing out of a board, that depends on you. As long as the board isn't too hard for you to ride, your athletism/time will determine how long you can stay with a board until you graduate to the next level.
  20. Bola is right, the factory is in the Alps and the company has been making sticks there for longer than most of us have been on snow. Joerg is kind of a legend in Switzerland and has some great friends in the snowsports industry. He handpicks the designers and production crew and makes sure that all the Pureboards are top notch. If you are interested take up Bryan on his offer it's a good price. The next ones that are coming over will be more than those..........stay tuned.
  21. I agree with BobD, give some serious thought to going custom. As you are already riding a Donek why not give Sean a call and get his opinion? Also there are quite a few of us "big" guys on Bomber. Throw a wanted ad in the classifieds and see if anyone has anything for you. good luck!
  22. AAAhhhhhhhh yes, perhaps everybody should Wang Chung tonight, I mean all season. You can tell from those pictures.....they ride hardboots.
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