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Everything posted by RJ-PS

  1. RJ-PS

    Oes 2008!

    Bryan, I'm making OES a mandatory event on the schedule from now on. Thanks for introducing me to so many of your friends. PacNW brothers rock! Take care man.
  2. What's Doug doing in Colorado when the OES is in full swing!!! Doug come home!!!! The biggest board at OES right now is a 210. With the 200 Tankers coming in a second.....those boards are unreal.
  3. Hey Bob, I was all hot and heavy to carry the foam liner this year until I did some looking into it. They give you the liner/kit with the boots, but as was mentioned above not something you want to do yourself. If you take it to a shop it's likely to still cost you a pretty penny on top of the $600 it already costs. Then I found out all the racers are riding the Flo's and really digging them. That sealed the deal for me. I gotta go with what works. If you do get a pair please detail your experiences for us.
  4. Jack, just how do you remember that shiz? I can't remember what I ordered last week. Billy, SG may have one of my kidneys, but I have another. You aren't racing anymore, take one for the team!
  5. Most of the time we're like a big ole' dysfunctional family, but definitely there when needed....I love this community. Well done good samaritans! Wherever you may be. lstzephyr, hope you heal better than new and get back on the slopes when possible. Take care.
  6. RJ-PS

    Oes 2008!

    I'll take good care him.
  7. It's retro....yeah,yeah, that's the ticket, retro.
  8. Most of those boards are coming to OES, should be fun. I had my 4 year old on the purple one today (in socks on the carpet). She smiled and said, "Daddy is that my board" One small tear in my eye. Bordy, ok concede the point. I just remember Shred talking about mystery noses years ago. I thought his plans may have superseded Kessler (Who I assume you're calling Big K). No matter, Shred is far from done with his science fair projects. His next board supposedly floats above the snow and doesn't even have a nose.....darned rocket scientists.
  9. Good enough, we'll talk when you can. Hope to see you while I'm up in your neck of the woods.
  10. RJ-PS

    Oes 2008!

    I'll be attending the dinners. Count me in. Sinecure, I'm not really keen about breaking the prototypes out unless there is a serious racer or enthusiast interested. As you know they're titanal, schtub nose, and double secret probation:cool:, but still only your first born is necessary:biggthump. Especially once I teach him/her how to ship boards. When I talked with Sigi about last season's run they only reported 1% issue and all were delam or edge issues, not dynamic breaks like titanal boards have been known to do. I'm fine with TD2s on these boards, they have a full topsheet of protection before you get to the metal. If you're seriously looking, the plastic is coming off!
  11. RJ-PS

    Oes 2008!

    Looks like I got the news just in time for the chest thumping and chicken dance taunting. No reason to go into a race without the top secret prototypes for next season! So here is what the lineup will be for SGSnowboards: RACE PRO TEAM 178, Titanal RACE 185, Titanal SG JUNIOR RACE 140 SPEED 162 SPEED 173 ALLMOUNTAIN 169 Full RACE 185 Proto SBX pro team 169 Proto For those of you looking to drive the Cult, I have a limited edition All-Mountain that was only distributed on the other side of the pond. Same everything except different name and graphics. I'll be pulling these out of the wrapper at OES so they'll be ready to rock and roll! Shout out to SGSnowboards for hooking us up!
  12. RJ-PS

    Oes 2008!

    Not sure I'm getting anything under 170, but will check.
  13. Guilty as charged, I was going to give you a call in a bit.
  14. Bordy, Are you sure about that?
  15. Just wanted to send a shout out to our boy Flo Orley for charging hard into 1st place in Russia. http://www.first-tracks.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=204&Itemid=39 Congrats Flo!!!!
  16. RJ-PS

    Oes 2008!

    Hi all, I'm bringing in some new SG Snowboards for the event since I'm all out for the season but couldn't show up empty handed. So....is there anything particular that y'all want to try? If it's possible I'll have them put it in with the others. Check them out here: www.sgsnowboards.com
  17. RJ-PS

    Oes 2008!

    As of today, yes. As of March for the OES, probably not. Rad-Air is sold out of sizes 167, 172, 177 on a global scale. Just sold my last of the NOS 172s and I have one of the 07/08 172s in stock, and if it makes it to then I will definitely push it into the demo fleet. Rad-Air just did inventory so I may be getting some good news if they found some more old boards I can let go of cheap. I'm hoping to also have a few glimpses of what the future may hold for us....
  18. RJ-PS

    Oes 2008!

    Hi Mike, I'm planning on being up there with some Tanks for the boys to Tank around on. RJ
  19. I had one of the LLBean Kildy boards not too long ago. I just couldn't get over the weight, it was like having two boards strapped on. It was definitely a fun ride because it was nice and damp, but I blew up my hand and ha to have some hardware installed when I was on one and the superstitious side of me won't go back.
  20. Dave just got another shipment of Tankers before the WTC, bet he has a few in stock. checkout www.hardbooter.com
  21. Bola, call me. You need to carry the new Tankers, unbelievable. New glass, new fibers, new tops, insane. 209.201.7926 SVR, very jealous. I wanted to be at Freeride days with the boys. What is your next excursion? Bullwings, the 05/06 is slightly heavier, slightly stiffer. The 07/08 are more damp and track better. The older boards are exciting, but the new are more intuitive. Seem to know what you wanna do and just do it. Hard to explain, but the Tanker's have always had an ability to carve and to float. In answer to your question, you can't go wrong with an older model Tanker. I still ride some of my older models. I am currently working on importing the last run of 192s in existence. These are the vampire models that Sandy is talking about and the last of the 192s in existence. The last ones went fast, just a warning. Heading out tomorrow on 3 feet of Freshies!!!!! WOOOHOOOO Tanker TIME!!!!!
  22. RJ-PS

    Wide Foot

    Both heads and UPZs have worked for me.
  23. Sigi's got ya covered. The smallest size in the race lineup is 125 and the next size up is a 140. Since he's a World Cup rider with some vision and his own snowboard company he is willing to throw some money at the little racers. Definitely not making any money on those little puppies, but he can help get some groms onto raceboards early and in my book that's good stuff. Sigi's a great guy. sgsnowboards.com
  24. RJ-PS


    pics are up now Bob: http://www.exoticboards.com/thevault.html
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