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Everything posted by BoarderYUL

  1. Jack, yeah it is a possibility.... but just bought my td1's
  2. Just thought i would share this with you. So a good friend of mine always laughed at me while looking at my carves. I am not the perfect carver but who is ? So he was laughing at me and telling me how bad I was and everything.... So, we went to Tremblant yesterday and i decided to let him try hardbooting. So there he is on my old board, totally scared !!! He just could not believe how fast that thing can go. After the first ride, he was telling me how scared he was on the board. I just told him he should try to get more control on the board. 2nd ride, he decided it was too much for him and switched back to his skis !! I don't think he'll ever laugh at me again !!!
  3. While waiting at the chairs in Tremblant, I guy told his girlfriend who was asking questions about my board: anyway, it must be an old board, nobody makes those anymore!! It was my baby's first day out !!
  4. Same thing happened to me yesterday... I was at the top of the hill so i did not get hurt. I decided to tighten the front toe bolts and did another ride. When at the chairs, looked again and it was still loosen. Must say I stopped right away... What is strange is that the lever fits perfectly on my boot (Burton fire) but the toe bail loosens as i go down the hill... I don't really want to deal with velcro but if it's the only solution...... Would lock tite help me solve the problem ?
  5. I was in Tremblant all day on sunday and the conditions were really nice !! Of course, some ice here and there, but overall I really did enjoy my day! A thick crust with plenty of natural (yeah yeah) snow ! End of the day was not that amazing because of the ice, but i've seen a lot worst before!!! Give Tremblant a try if u can !
  6. Yeah Jay now has a new promotion... 2 tix for the price of one when they get more than 10 inches of snow ! I'll go at least once this season !
  7. wavechaser.. maybe you'll be lucky in VT... we won't in Mtl Monday Day <TABLE id=Table1 style="WIDTH: 95%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=detailLeft></TD><TD class=detailLeft>Cloudy, windy and colder with a chance for snow</TD></TR><TR><TD class=detailLeft>High</TD><TD class=detailRight>-8°C</TD></TR><TR><TD class=detailLeft>RealFeel®:</TD><TD class=detailRight>-18°C</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  8. Gecko... I always wake up too late for a latte on weekday mornings !! So since snow hasn't knocked to our doors, the only morning i can relax is on saturday ! But i'd take a latte, cappuccino or café con leche anytime !!!
  9. I must admit Lavazza is, from far, the best espresso beans available in grocery stores. They are not too expensive (Crema e Gusto, Caffe de Oro) and sure make an excellent espresso/cap/latte. I just totally loooove my espresso machine on saturday mornings while reading the newspapers beside my fireplace !!
  10. Faut pas désespérer... Snow is probably coming on monday ! Hope it won't be that stupid rain again !
  11. u know that's whatI meant :lol: Ok.. what about.. let's pray for several huge snow storms ??
  12. Same in Montreal guys... it is now 10 deg. celsius and it it still raining. Not even a trace of snow on the ground downtown Montreal... I heard a few places had to close for the weekend. Those are pretty small hills, but in more than 20 years I ski/snowboard, this is the first time I see that !! Let's cross our fingers and pray for a huuuuge storm !
  13. Fluke is pretty cool, I must admit. Try DJ Champion. The guy comes from Montreal and I think he is amazing. Not totally techno/house and that kind of thing, but reaaaaally good http://www.djchampion.net/fr/video.php?video=8 But like D-Sub said, a lot of it is pre programed. But Champions does a lot of live shows. Enjoy !
  14. Salut !! Écoute, je parle peut-être à travers mon chapeau... Ernie00 pourra confirmer. Si je ne me trompe pas, Mont St Sauveur ferme toutes les montagnes les soirs de semaine SAUF St-Sauveur. C'est donc dire que Olympia, Habitant, Avila et Gabriel sont fermés les soirs de semaine..... Si c'est bel et bien le cas, ça veut dire que les gens se ramassent donc à St-Sauveur, les mardis je crois... je n'y suis cependant jamais allé alors je ne peux rien confirmer.
  15. Emery surf.... those beautiful green and purple bindings... exactly those i had mounted 45/45 on my kemper.... I would never even think of trying that board again. It would be complete suicide i think !
  16. I had to drill my own holes on my first alpine board.... that beautiful Kemper Apex 164.... 45/45 deg... what about that huh ? I was young and innocent lol Must admit that this one, even "brand new" is getting some age. :lol:
  17. Ouais j'étais sensé y aller durant les Fetes et finalement, je devais travailler. J'y serai en mai prochain, mais ce sera malheureusement trop tard..... :(
  18. Little update for those of you who didn't get the chance to go up North... Difficile pour moi de dire quelles étaient les conditions sur les pistes. Je n'avais pas ma planche mais je suis allé me promener dans le bas des pistes à St-Donat... voici donc: La Réserve: Probablement un gros 3 pistes ouvertes.... ca semblait granuleux, mais tout de même sur fond mou. Consolation: même pas 50 chars dans le stationnement......pas un chat dans les chaises ! Garceau: Plus occupé, mais encore là, les gens ne se garochaient pas aux portes. Honnêtement, bcp de brindilles sur la majorité des pistes... Tough luck, y'annonce encore de la pluie dans les prochains jours !!!! Un peu plus et la saison est terminée avant même de réellement commencer. Quelqu'un a un update de St-Sau, Tremblant, Mont Blanc ? Je ronge mon frein juste à penser que j'ai pas encore enfilé mes bottes....
  19. The last report i had concerning Tremblant was last thursday. Conditions were only ok, pretty icy but we got some snow yesterday and expecting some tomorrow (Jan 1st) so it should be better. The only problem: crowd, crowd crowd !!!!! Go look on Tremblant's wecams (www.tremblant.com) and you'll notice the huge line-ups. So much people on the slopes that is makes them super icy. One of my colleagues is also instructor over there and she told me it is difficult to enjoy because of the crowds... I don't know what would be the best pick... Maybe Mont-Blanc to avoid the crowds ?
  20. Ouais je sais ca, mais la tentation est ben grande... :rolleyes: Ca ne me tente pas de faire une job de p-tex dès ma première sortie... même si tu as bien aimé la machine chez Oberson quand tu as réparé ta Coiler! hehe Merci pour le hint !
  21. Petite question pour vous... Fête familiale oblige, je serai dans les environs de St-Donat probablement les 1er et 2 janvier. Ça vaut la peine de trimbaler mon stock pour aller essayer Garceau ? Je ne suis jamais allé et leur site est plus ou moins génial au niveau des photos... difficile de prendre une décision. Je me doute qu'il va y avoir foule, mais j'irais peut-être essayer mon nouveau gear en matinée..... Votre avis SVP. Je laisse mon bébé dans sa couchette ou je l'emmène ? Merci !
  22. Hey guys, Je travaillais même entre Noël et jour de l'an. Et non, je ne suis pas caissier dans une épicerie (ya rien de mal la dedans by the way). Je travaille bel et bien dans un bureau ..... qui reste ouvert même durant les Fêtes. Et je prenderais bien un sick day, mais j,en ai déjà pris un le 27 à cause d'une légère, très légère haleine d'alcool post-soirée-trop-bien-arrosée..... So too bad pour moi !
  23. January 3rd... what the heck... people are back to work on the 3rd... well, I AM !!! Thanks anayways :lol:
  24. Not mine, not affiliated with the guy. Just saw the post and thought i would share for someone who wants a cheap deal. http://boston.craigslist.org/gbs/spo/252558919.html
  25. Hey, Just saw this artcle in the most recent edition of the Report on Business, a monthly magazine pretty known from businesses in Canada. They wrote a complete section concerning splitboarding, including a little interview with Chris Prior. Too bad the picture on the Internet isn't as big as the one in the printed version of the magazine ! Article
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