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Everything posted by BoarderYUL

  1. U know what ??? I still didn't see them damnit ! My friend and her bfriend never called me back after that weekend.... maybe i did something wrong lol. Nah they just moved so maybe they are still trying to recover.... I'll call her tonight !
  2. Hey. Hope it won't be too icy over there. It sure is a pleasant but steep resort. La Petite Rivière (blue) is a not to miss ! Probably one of the best view. Pretty straight, wide, a lot of people though. I liked La Richard (blue) a lot. Less people than La petite Rivière, pretty wide too. La Combe (green) is ok also. La Fénomène (black) is really nice, but quite steep !!! If you like high speed, you'll love it. One thing: it is far from the chairs and you'll have to walk to get there. If you have friends who are on skis, ask for their help !!! Which board to bring..... hmmm... I had my Prior WCR 185. I had fun but it was too crowded and i was always "on the brakes". If you're going on Monday, i'd bring a stiff stick... But hey, just remembered: Monday... School Break ???????? Ouch !! The only thing I can say ! Anybody has other suggestions ??
  3. Mouhahha what a funny clip... The guy needs a good bindings adjustments, and probably some Motrin !!
  4. Ok then. Maybe it was the race back in December. If you have any news from Dave, give us a shout !
  5. À mon arrivée sur BOL, on m'avait déjà parlé que quelque chose pourrait avoir lieu au mont-blanc cet hiver. Une journée "thématique carving" avec des tentes démo et tout le bla bla.... On m'avait même parlé d'une possible présence de yyzcanuck sur place. Suis-je perdu dans la brume ou j'ai rien entendu à ce sujet ? À moins que je sois way passed out et que l'événement ait eu lieu sans que j'en entende parler.. :lol: Qqu'un à des infos la dessus ?
  6. Yeah I just saw that... Probably sold for 230 or 300$ and the guy mistyped.... I hope he didn't sell it for 30$ !! If he did, we'll probably see it here for much more :lol:
  7. Never said it was better than the one advertised here. hehe :rolleyes: Not mine BTW !
  8. No pow pow in East coast so no need to buy... Thought I would share with the lucky ones who can use that board. http://denver.craigslist.org/spo/280428146.html
  9. Les conditions ont l'air superbe !!!! Je doiis sortir ma planche cette semaine bâtard !
  10. Je crois qu'il y a quelque chose à Olympia les mercredis soirs (du genre un coach qui donne des tips), mais je n'en suis pas certain.... pour ce qui est du tracé, c'est probablement autre chose.
  11. Maybe I am wrong, but I am not sure if Burton Ice are Intec compatible... maybe someone who knows Burton stuff better than me would confirm ?
  12. Pas eu cette chance non plus..... semaine de débile au travail, j'ai à peine eu le temps de souffler. Je vais peut-être essayer d'aller faire qques descentes demain avant-midi. Et ca devait être complètement débile à Jay !!!! Je suivais ça online sur leur site. Est-ce que leur 60 pouces annoncé est un peu exagéré par exemple ? Je sais qu'ils ont un micro-climat et tout et tout, mais crime, 5 pieds de neige, cé énorme me semble !!!!!!
  13. Yeah Jay Peak is expecting a lot.. In Montreal, we got a little 4 inches for now and still expecting 5 or 6 more... Not as big as expected yesterday, but who will complain huh ?
  14. A newspapers here in Mtl has been posting articles for the last 2 days about snowboarding and smoking pot. This newspapers is not really known for it's "journalistic integrity", but I really have to take some time to translate a few parts of it..... To be brief, yesterday's article was saying that a vast majority of snowboarders was smoking pot.. But today is the funniest (well, sort of!) Free translation for you guys: Teenagers who smoke pot while snowboarding are most likely from rich families and they do nothing but follow the rebellious and cool fashion of their sport, according to a specialist. Snowboarding was created by a bunch of rebels. Smoking pot is part of the life style of the boarders", says the specialist. She also believes that "the Ross Rebagliati scandal" contributed to the association between pot and snowboarding. Finally, the specialist underlines that the snowboarders are not only rebellious by their consumption of cannabis. Their musical choices and their clothing also go in this direction. I am a snowboarder and was wondering.... Am I uncool if I don't smoke pot on the slopes ?????? Enough said !
  15. Derf is right, slopes may be pretty steep for some and the base is pretty hard (icy sometimes). There are some nice runs though. Here is a pic taken from www.lemassif.com
  16. Not my digital camera (forgot mine at home) so you guys will have to be patient ! Next weekend or so ! :rolleyes:
  17. Alex, I had to stop every 3-4 runs... I got a special funding for hot chocolate !!! :) And I must admit I prefered Le Massif to Tremblant. Slopes are wider, longer (in my opinion) and the view is simply spectacular. You ride in front of the St-Lawrence. One thing though: they don't make as much artificial snow as Tremblant does, but it is usually not a problem, unless this winter. The best part of it is that the main Lodge and services are located at the summit. You park your car, buy your ticket and you are ready to run down the hill. No waste of time getting cold in the chairs before the first run !!! And they only serve healthy food (except for pizza), which means no french fries, poutine or hamburger. For 14$, you get the daily menu, which, I must admit, was really good for a ski resort. It's way better than paying 16$ at Tremblant for a sandwich, a soup and a yogurt !
  18. Never been to Sugarloaf so i really can't compare. If you are driving from Mtl, I'll say around 3h15. It's an hour from Quebec City.
  19. So here's the report ! Le Massif is an absolutely amzing place !!! I loved it. Nice grooming, wide slopes, superb conditions! I am almost speechless. And what a view !!!!!! I'll try to post some pics soon. PS: It was sooooooooo cold.
  20. BoarderYUL

    Prior WCR

    I have a WCR 185 and must admit that when the slopes get crowded, i'd love to have another option. But the board is a pure orgasm!!! Sticks to the ice (ice-coast!!) and pretty manageable. I am 100% happy with my purchase
  21. Who said we weren't lucky enough to get nice corduroy ?
  22. I'll be at Le Massif on sat. and sunday..... Still haven't decided how many sweaters i'll bring !!!!
  23. BoarderYUL


    nothing more to say :)
  24. Ok... so Derf lives on The Plateau.. the trendy part of Montreal. I must admit Plateau is amazing, with plenty of cafés, shops and restaurants. Always a good place to hang out during summer ! Since I can't afford living there, I live in super-chic Hochelaga Maisonneuve. The neighbourhood is pretty poor in some parts, but I love living here. I am 2 streets away from Marché Maisonneuve, which is a nice market where i can buy veggies, fruits, bread and meat. The district is still affordable so I was able to afford my first place a year and a half ago. Already made more than 50% profit so who can complain ? District has amazing architecture, is pretty quiet and pretty close to downtown action. And living with all kinds of people (poor, rich, immigrants and old grumpy men) makes me enjoy the city I am living in !
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