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James Ong

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Everything posted by James Ong

  1. This was my 5th time at SES and if i had to guess i probably knew only 30% of the people there ( at best) I would not volunteer out of the blue because it seems presumptuous to instruct someone you don't know . Introduce yourself and you'll get more information than you want.
  2. Everyone wants a monster !!! Soon i will be able to command royalties on par with Shred Gruumer:eplus2: Although to be honest my design contribution to the monster was " hey Bruce, how bout a wide metal board ? ":lol:
  3. I assume you're pushing during the heelside, don't forget to rotate as well ( over rotate actually) twist them hips and get the trailing shoulder around. Imagine trying to drive the nose of the board into the hardpack. Hope this helps.
  4. Ha! wait till you see the " i'm too good to EC "crowd at SES, you're more on target than you think Oh yeah , also watch out for the " i can do it but only on the bottom where i don't have to link the turns " types.
  5. When i grow up i wanna be just like you
  6. Hmmm.. sounds a lot like an exaggerated " feeding the dollar" analogy , ever have a problem being too far over your tail come rollover time?
  7. Fwiw on my 23 cm wide board i'm running 55/50 size 27 boots
  8. Since this has become an i love Bruce thread.... If you have five dollars and Bruce V has five dollars, Bruce V has more money than you. There is no 'ctrl' button on Bruce V's computer. Bruce V is always in control. Apple pays Bruce V 99 cents every time he listens to a song. Bruce V can sneeze with his eyes open. Bruce V can eat just one Lay's potato chip. Bruce V is suing Myspace for taking the name of what he calls everything around you. Bruce V destroyed the periodic table, because he only recognizes the element of surprise. Bruce V can kill two stones with one bird.
  9. Could the smaller sidecut ( i'm guessing ) and softer flex account for the sharper turns ? Let's see how that works on east coast ice
  10. I used clear lexan and the only thing that bugs me is that it looks like hell from all the water stains, Maybe a solid color if it doesn't clash too much with the topsheet ? Or i could just clean the damn things once in a while :p
  11. Had a 1st gen prior develop a tear a little bit below the bindings, Sent it back and they cut out a square piece where the tear was and patched it up with a new piece of metal. A few weeks later the nose got damaged and the metal edges started coming off the board, i just got some gorilla glue and repaired myself. Last bit of damage was a crack that went all the way across the board over the top set of inserts, total days on the board about 40. When i contacted them again i was offered $100 off the price of a new board ( the original was a custom shape that cost $1100), i'm not sure if i should expect more after one repair and 40 days on the snow.:(
  12. I vote for flex #1 with sidecut radius a very close 2nd, a flex range somewhere in the medium range compared to your standard alpine boards is what i would look for. The new metal boards seem to be ideal for this, high torsional stiffness and the light weight is a plus if you want to go wide. Don't be afraid to go bigger scr and overall, if you go too fast the bodysliding is also useful for speed control.
  13. Don't try to reach for the snow, if you angulate properly the snow will come to you.
  14. Things about BOL i KNOW to be true: 1.If you deviate from the acceptable riding techniques ( tech articles) you will be flamed . Seems like when these commandments were handed down from heaven they decided this was it and nothing else needs to be discussed. Oh yeah apparently goes for board design too. 2.Everyone will be gung-ho for whatever board they happen to be on, it's human nature and Pokkis should be commended for sharing information. How many times has Jack mentioned his totally cool M spec schtubby in the last 3 months 3.Somewhere in every controversial thread SOMEONE:lol: will say " well how does that board, technique, or whatever work in the frozen east coast tundra? These same people who don't race btw will argue till blue in the face that racing on ICY (read east coast) and rutted courses is different somehow from "real " carving. Without a clock all that cool technically correct body position just ends up being dare i say.... ice skating? Too much egotistical chest thumping methinks.
  15. A little bit of lumber, mostly canadian metal :) But then i had a 23 wide 203 cm long donek, now thats a handful to lug around.
  16. Don't hesitate, i have had a couple of 2 meter boards and it's surprising how easy it was to adapt to the speed. The metal boards seem to turn a bit smaller than the size would indicate , or it could be that it takes less effort to ride that the runs seem wider. Bruce posted some comments here.. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=22696&highlight=monster
  17. Yikes !!! next thing you'll be pimpin EC :lol: Gotta try one of these, someone please bring one to SES.
  18. This baord is a kick in the ass! I rode it for the first time last year at SES. 188, 23 cm wide and scr of about 16.... i think First run on the board felt like coming home Bruce was kind enough to ship it board to J. Parker in Carbondale in time for the big event. Good timing too, my "other" metal board developed a crack on the first day of SES.
  19. yeah except people would be slamming them for riding with their knees together :D
  20. Got this one last season. 188 metal 23cm wide, scr around 17. Nicknamed "da monster" The snow on the board is from today, wooohoo !!!!! Where do i get my card ?
  21. Good luck Dave, Waited till after the winter eh?
  22. Garret's getting more famous everyday, check out the may issue of outside magazine. There's a pic of garret next to a huge donek on page 99, good job!!
  23. Don't know about anyone else, but i'm looking forward to the day Bordy comes back.:)
  24. How bout $100 shipped?
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