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James Ong

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Everything posted by James Ong

  1. The bindings are not boot specific, give it a shot. Post your experiences , i'm kinda curious.
  2. That looks like a Throttle, i think those were foam core too. Don't remember that it was too stiff though. The bindings look like burton step in's , i think their first attempt. You stomp on the heel assembly and the heel bail pops up. I had a pair and kept it for exactly one day. Was very dissapointed, worked like crap if i remember correctly.
  3. I have a panasonic sdr s150 Highlights are.... Pocket sized.. weighs less than 300 grams 10X optical zoom A very good OIS system which is handy since such a small unit is hard to hold still. 2.8 " lcd screen There is a built in automatic lens cover Did i mention how compact it is? On a 8G sdhc card i get 3.5 hours of recording time on medium resolution. I pop the card in a reader, plug into the computer and off you go. The camcorder comes with decent editing software if you'r not trying anything fancy.
  4. Glad people are coming around, about 3 years behind http://www.extremecarving.com/
  5. I have my bts set up with just the long yellow springs. This gets me quite a bit more upright than with the short spring installed. No problems so far with this, even without the spring seems to be no chance of bottoming out the mechanism.
  6. I have a pair of TD 1 step in's . Available with 0 and 6 degree discs. In excellent shape except for the inevitable minor scuff marks in the heel. $150 shipped in the conus.
  7. Punch the pin out just a little bit (maybe 1/4 inch) If you don't see the knurling, punch it towards the other side. The difference should be easy to see. Remember NOT to punch the knurled end out all the way through the non knurled side. Btw i have used the same side the rough end came out of twice and still seems to be holding.
  8. I have reinstalled the pins on mine twice, seems to be still secure. The pins have knurling on one end so when you punch them out make sure the rough end comes out from it's original side. If the hole gets loose you still have the other pristine side to secure the rough end with. My apologies if the explanaiton is confusing, maybe someone else can be of more help.
  9. You looking for step in's or bail?
  10. Obviously gets his looks from your wife's side of the family
  11. The lateral stiffness is not a big deal, i ride SI's with a bts boot and its flexy enough.
  12. Funny you should mention the burner and madd 180, i ordered a burner after seeing it for the first time on Mark Fawcett when he was training at mount Rose ( cracked the tail after 40 days btw). The madd 180 i demoed at ses a couple of years ago and loved it exept for the width, but you knew that was coming huh? As i type i'm impatiently waiting for Chris to ship me my metal board :) I'm with you on supporting the people who keep our sport alive , the more boards the happier i am I just think your message gets lost in the caffein ( or otherwise) induced frenzy. Honey , not vinegar
  13. Nice backhanded compliment, you oughta revive the EC ( east coast) vs. west coast discussion. The problem with drawing parallels with the evolution of skiing equiptment is that we (hardbooters) were alredy carving when all the cut skis came out. So your a non racing hardbooter , how do you find the drive to try something new and improve? If a person can alredy carve clean lines on most any groomed run how do you convince him that there is a better way? especially if there is no clock to prove your point. Uphill battle methinks.
  14. I invented riding with your knees together :lol: -Al Gore
  15. Does this system work kinda like the tinkler plate?
  16. Running lenght 151 nose width 230 Waist width 185 tail width 220 SCR 13 M It's marked 1997 made in France, i rode it 1 full season. Top sheet is clean , with some small scratches on the base.
  17. 168 hot blast ( white topsheet) $120 shipped
  18. I have bomber td-1 intecs for $150
  19. Swoard is sold, bindings still available.
  20. Swoard 175 medium ridden 1 season, in good shape except for a small gash on the nose from a lift line collision $500. Td 1 step in's in excellent shape, with the normal scuff marks on the heel piece. 3 sets available with mostly 0 degree discs a couple of 3's available $150 delivered. board is sold
  21. I think someone covered this before , if you ride open or free as i did for a while ( ground off the whole lock assembly) there is a danger of over pronating(?) your ankle. Could hurt a lot if your unlucky.
  22. I got one of those too gdboytyler. Not my gun but i pulverized a 10" thick rock with this serbu .50 bmg
  23. Actually , you were riding it so hard i was kinda worried you might damage it somehow.
  24. Hey Brian, How does the wide Tinkler's weight compare to other boards of approximately the same size? I noticed that the Prior metal boards are a lot lighter than their wood core counterparts. If you don't sell it, can I try it out sometime?
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