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Everything posted by Pow

  1. we're spoiled by great deals... awesome board, right price though...
  2. I want a report of tomorrow, when the ice is broken up once... Frozen death cookie ball pit of doom:eplus2: thats my 2nd least favorite condition, only trumped by frozen groom
  3. Just a skeptic talking here, but i wouldnt want the stiffness of the driver x for my softboot setup, i figure thats what the hardboots are for right? On that note, ive heard great things about the burton ion, and id probably be looking at those first if i ever need a new pair of softboots. edit: i feel like i havnt given it credit in a while, so i'll throw out one more suggestion: if you want something more directional, Pogo makes an awesome freeride board (a very powder oriented carve board, you might call it?) "The Longboard". Can be ridden with hard or softboots, in case someday you change your mind and want the power. the Dupraz D1 is a simmilar shape, though even more powder specific than the Longboard. Both beautiful boards.
  4. I feel so sorry for you:o The funniest experience ive ever had riding... thats easy. One of my first days hardbooting and i was actually getting some decent carves in halfway up Chilcoot at Smuggler's Notch. I went for a toeside (left turn) and meant to scrape just around the outside of an appx 120 degree turn of the run. Halfway around i realized there was a family in the middle of my projected path:smashfrea well instead of cranking it tighter or skidding in front of them, i made the unusual decision to try to widen my carve ( again) the caught something out of the corner of their eye fly behind them, off of the steep dropoff and into the large snowpile somewhere beyond the woods!:lol: My friend andrew was laughing his cajones off, as was the family (after i emerged in a fit of laughter myself) The most fun ive ever had wiping out:cool:
  5. Frozen groom... the bane of my existance! count me out until the ice softens:smashfrea I've got a lot of work on my hands with finals coming up, so i'll let you know next time i can get out, might not be for a couple weeks.
  6. but im not sure, is this thing titanal?
  7. Daytime i take it? im usually riding nights, but i could manage a day trip for the sake of higher education:cool:
  8. Wild turkey? that always looked to knarly for carving from my view:eek:
  9. We took it easy (none of us were experts last night) on the greens and blues (left bank, west way, 360...that kinda stuff). All in all it was great carving conditions with the exception of a few frozen death cookie minefields. Exibition East looked nice, I didnt get the chance to ride it last night but I've got it marked for some excavation next time I'm there. The Fox is looking pretty good too. Paragon's learning quickly. He's already dropped the frankenstien arms, and now he's getting a few good stand up carves in. I've still got to put it all together and remember what I learned last season, but hopefully we'll be representing alpine well this season at Jiminy:biggthump
  10. I usually am riding with one nowadays (Dave or Paragon), but usually also spot at least one anonymous carver every time im out.
  11. Pogo Overdose 162, softer flex Bomber TD2s with 3 degree cant plates (canted outward, lifted inward) and purple (medium) elastomers Deeluxe Track 325s binding angle: 66 degrees front, 63 degrees back I'm 5' 8", 160 pounds, ride aggressively (amplified by caffeine and hard rock) and have been riding for 6 years or so, hardbooting for my third.
  12. yes, but put the head (mouth open) at the tip and give it nasty fangs:cool:
  13. Left bank was closed when i went up there on Thurs, but theyre reaopening (and lighting) it for tonight. Massive amounts of snow (mostly synthetic) all around there, it should be good:cool:
  14. Pow


    so they must be good!
  15. Our very own Jack Michaud, if im not mistaken. although i did have a tiny hand (fingernail maybe) in by creating a link from the snowboarding article http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snowboarding to the alpine article:biggthump
  16. but on a slightly different note, everyone knows there are exceptions to the rule... I'd have to agree that most jibber girls ive seen look a bit neanderthal and its hard to decipher them from the dudes!
  17. hmm, seem to be about what i thought: most people use a tip to tail style. I wonder what the "other"s are
  18. It'd be short enough to wield in trees and crowds, with a sidecut long enough to EC in the steeps. It would be narrow enough to make edge to edge transitions simple and quick. It would be able to ride powder, very well. It would be quiet when riding bumpy terrain. It would be lively on fresh groom. It would be near indistructible. It would look beautiful, even after taking a beating.
  19. but as long as there are women like this ... ... we still have to worry. edit: ok, maybe i should remove my statement, because even this person is with what appears to be a park monkey!
  20. "The winning Lange Girl will be determined by athletic style, sex appeal, originality and glamour. All ski instructors and professional/expert skiers are invited to join Lange's casting" Sounds like me! I've got this contest down:cool::p
  21. Deal with? Those thermoflex are so comfy (once molded and with arch support orthopedic footbed) that the only time i ever have to deal with the buckles is putting them on at the start of the day and taking them off after dinner:biggthump
  22. no no no no! thats all wrong! his mother was a hampster and his father...
  23. I figured that would be the case, so i allowed the poll to be "multiple response", I myself went with two. This is for carving, but not just on the groomers. Carving the groomers and everywhere else is the style im asking about. Please feel free to explain your style and why you use it.
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