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Everything posted by Pow

  1. next time indeed! then hopefully i'll have my life sorted out enough to take off some weekdays for ECES action... maybe?
  2. we got a "monoski" comment too... but we were set-up! it was another carver, disguised as a softbooter:D the slush was bad, but interesting? id rail and then suddenly my body would be forced through a mogul... yum yum icy chunks... then the ice was a relief, because im so used to it now it was like being home! coulda done with less death cookies though...
  3. A friend of mine is going through a simmilar transition. you nailed it with the leaning foward/back vs side to side thing. To carve (and hold the carve) on an alpine board, you need to "drop the hip" towards the snow instead of bend the waist to angulate the board. Another issue is following the board throughout the carve, making sure you continue to turn into the carve as the carve continues, otherwise youll focus down the fall line and end up counter-rotating. A good way to correct some of these issues is to reach for the front boot cuff with the outside arm (both toeside and heelside), which forces you to face the nose throughout the carve. just my 2 cents, im currently trying to teach someone else all this stuff and the above information has been very helpful so far:biggthump
  4. very cool! next time i'll come earlier so i dont miss it all:smashfrea
  5. Unfortunately, packing up took longer than we expected and we didnt get there today until a little after 9... and when we got there the lack of lift service had us puzzled as to where you guys all were:confused: we went the day without seeing another trencher, but laid a lot of good tracks of our own. A bit hard in some places, but overall it was pretty decent for carving. No pics here really, although i might get some stills from some videos. Thanks Geoff, the village green was awesome!
  6. hmm i could get glossy dark red to match the metal on my boots! i wonder if theres a place around here that does it?
  7. sorry i cant take you dave, if things were different id strap you to the roof if i had to!
  8. come to stowe (when its not raining) there'll be tons of carvers and stuff! until sunday at 4 anyway. It's funny how many people love carving after they try it... whats also funny is how many people dont get it who havnt tried it!
  9. yeah, guys like me are wondering if anybody is really carving right now, or if its just a bunch of guys sitting around the demo tent drinking beer:confused:
  10. I guess that would pose a whole new set of questions, mainly "what does he use the boards for, then?"
  11. Hey Geoff, it turns out my room's going to have a little more booze than we need, if you havnt had enough yet by saturday, feel free to stop by and we'll share a bit:biggthump Thanks again for all the organizing and what not.
  12. Ace of spades rocks! and so does Geddy. I never imagined the guy quite so silly.
  13. Give us the report! i know there are pleanty of losers who brought their laptops and cameras (i will be among them on the weekend:smashfrea) how were the (non) demos? any boards stand out? any riders stand out? the good runs? the bad runs? the crazy runs? drama? inspirational story? we want it all!!!
  14. Pow


    Go stowe! and if weather.com gets you down, check accuweather from now on;)
  15. It has begun:eplus2: See everyone at saturday!
  16. Decided to take a picture of the board out of boredom (and wouldnt this thread be useless without pictures?) so here it is!
  17. Ive been itching to bring my Pogo Longboard out again, but the powder's just not coming down around here! Perhaps i'll get lucky at stowe next weekend. The 175 is great for powder (length, setback, and nose), and i like that its hardly tapered, only 2mm, so its not too hookey. I ride it with hardboots. Under softboots, it feels kinda stiff, but under hardboots its a big softie (or says a 155 lb kid who rides the thing like an angry bull would). It's pretty perfect by my perspective, especially since i dont want something huge like a tanker or a swallowtail to take in the trees, and i definately need something that i can ride switch. its very comparable to the Dupraz D1, although i believe the D1 has more taper and a longer nose than the longboard, making the longboard slightly more piste-friendly. If I ever move out west, a longboard 200 will be the first thing i buy after the house. for the east, the 175 is pleanty of board.
  18. Pow


    da-rool. Great looking board! My pogo's been scratched up a bit since the old pic in the beginning (but my gloves have been trashed way worse than the board!), im wondering if theres somebody i could send it to to get refinished or whatever. It might be too much $$ for something thats merely cosmetic, but if anybody has any tips im listening. edit: and blueb, those vampires are so awesome. me wants.
  19. Its gonna be good! But will there be too much snow to carve:confused: whatever we get i'll have a blast!
  20. i was going to post about them too, but i wasnt sure theyre still in business
  21. I still can't believe there's someone in this country who still loves asyms! sorry for the threadjack, but ACE, have you checked out the pureboards? <TABLE class=imgtext-table style="MARGIN-LEFT: auto; MARGIN-RIGHT: auto" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=500 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD vAlign=top> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> (image from http://www.pureboarding.com/index.php?id=one&L=1)
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