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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. I heard that if you mark it "used - no commercial value" you can avoid most of the duty into the states. haven't tried it. I was quoted 95 euros to ship a board. I have emailed several sellers and get about fifty fifty on those willing or not to ship to the states. most say its expensive and they don't know how much. some are quite helpful
  2. shred what the heck is that on the left? way short and way fat. Did I miss another odd era of alpine?
  3. see guys even jack has one in the "closet" :D
  4. I was just bored and stirring the pot.:D I actually have ridden two decades worth of stuff this season. Trying to pick up what I missed the last ten years or so. ITs been a great education. I am ready for a custom now. So next year I can freak out about people riding assyms too! Me and shred will have to do Big Mountain on the vintage PJ fleet at least once just to keep the board fired up though.:rolleyes:
  5. Pics would be great. thanx
  6. check out the home page newbie links. He's positioned himself to get at the empty slates first:lol: I gotta say though the price is right for the new guys to try assyms first. you can pick one up for under fifty bucks. and sort of trade your way up through the tech changes. learn as you go.
  7. snobhorde of france has a lacroix contest with bindings for 200 euros plus shipping if the other deal doesn't pan out we have options. It would be nice if we had the giraffe and one lacroix for comparison though as opposed to two lacroix's
  8. there are several of us looking at going in a skwaal together. see the community board. I think we would be interested if the other doesn't work out
  9. everyone who is interested reply with how much you are willing to pay as far as shares go. send email to delaneycarlson@hotmail.com I will post the list when it comes in and update it as needed. we can then vote on amounts and what not. remember we have the second swaal at 119 plus shipping to consider as well. twice the fun/coverage. I will get it started:eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: :eplus2: Dr D 75$ and a set of wild duck bindings that look very similiar to those above tex1230 50$
  10. This gets better and better. I have a spare set of bindings or two. something should work. hey we could get this all figured out and start a demo club that tries all the new cool stuff. :freak3:
  11. why yes I do dress to the left but I don't see that its any of your business:lol:
  12. I count 4 interested so far. 5 if speedzilla yields to the many. I bet we can get a moderator to oversee a thread with the particulars. location, next in line etc. anyone causing problems will be flogged etc. with less than 10 parties involved the democratic process should cover any eventuality. I would submit that a fresh wax would probably be sufficient between riders. Any "damage" maintainance would be the responsibility of the one who did the damage. any issues that arise get put to a vote on the thread.
  13. rotate it for a season and if one or more really want to keep it hold a bidding war again and the winner splits the payoff between the other shares. I think one week might be to short though might work better and save shipping to just have your two weeks all at once. Every one involved gets to use it two weeks and then we decide if we want to do it again or bid it off again. we could also put it on the board or ebay if we all think it sucks and split the proceeds. I think it would ship inside a piece of PVC pipe with caps just nice and certainly durable enough for repeat shipment. whoever ships it is responsible for shipping. I am in even if we have to up the share price a little. If nothing else it will give us something to talk/argue about on the board next season.:lol:
  14. nooooow jack!! lets not scare the new guy just yet he's having fun.:lol: besides you should strap one on every once in a while just to make sure you are still the authority on the subject!;) You'll like it it feels naughty :lol: just wear that big green monosuit you've got in the closet and nobody will even admit that they know you:lol:
  15. he's got a comeback for everything the goofballs and the militants have thrown at him. I got side with the develop your own style opinion. I started snowboarding because I got tired of my dad telling me how to ski. I started alpine boarding because It felt right. get out there and have fun and you will become better than anything you could copy. the EC frontside looks cool but mach five and using up all the groom is way fun. If you get to worried about doing it right it'll become no different than another job. basic rule keep it on the edges and going forward.
  16. how about afew of us curious souls pitch in and buy this thing and then take turns running it a couple weeks at a time? sort of a club demo. I would love to try one and I know I am not the only one who doesn't want to fork out 250 plus on something that may or may not be enjoyable. Maybe its great maybe its not much different than what I'm doing now. Hate to cough up green in large amounts to find out. what say? any takers? shipping would be an ongoing cost I guess. Maybe its a stupid idea. 250$ is probably beating what I got in the toy can.
  17. all the better to annoy the militants with a full set.:lol: I hope to step into the new century with an upgrade for next season but I have been riding a rad air soulcarve 164 and having a blast this season. Its all in the fun no reason to bother if it aint fun. The mountain is turning slowly into wet cement but on the up side the bikini's are coming out. only two more weeks of season they are closing the 9th. Next year save a day midweek for blacktail mtn down on the lake. Its cheap, 15$ on thursdays, and the groom lasts all day midweek. Its a smaller hill not very challenging for the skiers but its got some fantastic groomers for carving.
  18. ITs the first alpine board I ever owned and puchased new back when I was a kid I would just like to find one for the sentimental value. I might ride it once to see how accurate my memory is but mostly just to have as a wallhanger.
  19. depending on condition that vintage has been selling for anywhere from 35 to 65 dollars plus shipping. the bindings might bring 40 dollars and the boots are probably better sold next fall. Send me some pictures I would love to have an M6 again although this one sounds newer than the one I had. It has 3d inserts you said and is assymetrical regular. I'll make you an offer if you send me pics.
  20. hogwash The home made variety is better than the current low sulphur low emissions diesel on the market. they have removed the lubricants because they cause emissions. Just like they removed lead from gasoline. the biodiesel being discussed has natural lubricant properties and has proven itself in the past to in fact increase the life of the engine.
  21. pictures to delaneycarlson@hotmail.com particularly the cants
  22. kicking to the first chair after switching into the soft setup is like having a skateboard pulled out from under you. 100 ft off the chair though the sloppy feeling is gone. It really does feel like you aren't connected at first though. I think muscle memory kicks in pretty quick and your body adapts to the change. you do use an entirely different set of muscles. I think that's a plus though as I said before it gives you the rest of the day after you would have quit had you stayed in the hard boots.
  23. Technique from a different angle. You have to power your weight down into the board preferably into the edge. its much more obvious in a soft set up because of what a hard boot will do that a soft boot won't. the hard boot stores energy as you compress it and releases it into the edge. That means less work for you. that being said the soft setup will work fine if you work the edge. watch a skier come down the mountain you will notice the up and down movement as they unload and reload the edge. you can scream the steep stuff if you work your weight on and off the edge. you should be fully extended as you transition from edge to edge and you should compress down into your board by really bending your knees at the mid turn area. If you start to lose it get lower into the board. The trenches get deeper as you will notice because you are controlling and powering the edge. Most of this is subconcious low level thought process stuff in hard boots but it is critical to pull it off in soft boots. I use switch boots N-type with the built in ankle strap which is also a forward lean adjustment system. They work great and you are anchored at four points rather than two effectively. I also use forward angles the duck foot cowboy taking a dump thing doesn't work for me. Put your toes on the edge and your heels on the edge. It will vary from board to board as far as angles. you are trying to control the edge not the middle so edge to edge is more important than specific angles. Get a stiff directional board if you aren't going alpine. I had to get mine customed by Garage as I am 265 pounds and 6'4" tall. It is 173 cm and looks like your average free board but its stiffer than many alpine boards. I would also try hardbooting you'll like it part of the time and then maybe you'll go nuts and become a crazy corduroy only prophet of the new alpine order. Really you should try it nobody says you have to give up your other loves. Ignore the haters its the sore feet talking:lol:
  24. Gotta agree with the man. ITs a whole different world once you lose the corduroy. The straight up and down with bumps to your neck won't take a really stiff and forward stance. Wider board, lower angles and 3 buckle boots make it doable. very stiff soft boots with 45 -50 degree angles work well for me too. I basically put the toes and heels on the edges and have both facing forward. You get lots of edge control and more room to flex the bumps. If you are in an area where the steep includes narrow runs or lots of trees the lower angles are also a must. All mountain means all mountain and some of our fave gear is just not at all suited for allmountain use. You should try to stay on the edge the carve will go offroad if you are geared up for it. Being able to look over the front of the board is a plus though the duck footers don't know what they are missing.
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