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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. I learned on an 80's burton with straight edges and no tail. I recall the learning curve being short but very steep. It also required copious amounts of duct tape. I was in love with the first assyms. now I see because they actually had a tail. I think my first board had something like 6" of split tail behind the rear binding.
  2. I have seen switch x-types with a " high back strap" attached. seemed to work pretty good. I would like to see a soft boot that is higher up the leg. I think a lot of control would be gained by adding 3-4 inches of boot with a proper lace up system. also I think the third strap could be incorporated into the boot as the second strap is on the switch boots. either an integrated highback in the boot ala N-type or a high back with a flip hook to attach to the integrated third strap. I don't know if I am making sense but you could make the third strap idea step in and not have chair clearance problems or strap buckling time issues. I think it would be the ideal deep powder and crud setup. the main issue with soft boots now is they are midhigh. they feel like a lowcut three buckle hard boot. lets make a four buckle with a strap feeling soft boot.
  3. where can Itry one of these things before I spend a wad:cool: of cash?
  4. and shipping from sweden is how much?
  5. I have a set of burton reactors 29.5 I wear an eleven wide. 85$
  6. the last time this guy was on a hill was 1985.:lol:
  7. I quit skiing at sixteen due to the 205 vlkl GS's my dad thought I needed to up my technique. Kinda tempted by the new fat short stuff though. the board is my thing not to many people can give you pointers and the what is that questions in the lift line are fun:lol:
  8. Dr D

    FS:Coiler PR 188

    Can't say as I have ever been compared to a clydesdale before!?!:lol: I resemble that remark. I guess its better than fat ass. bump
  9. Dr D

    FS:Coiler PR 188

    My 6'3" 265 lb marginally fit butt might be a decent fit then? To bad I am currently in cheap bastard mode. I'm awfully tempted but then I like my testicles right where they are and my wife would certainly attempt to move them elsewhere if I came home with another board. she already doesn't know about the extra boots and the three extra pairs of bindings.
  10. :barf: :barf: whatever, call me a cynic but there's no money in it never happen the bastards have sold out to the jibbers.
  11. All that bling and the opportunity to bite back too. I'd have to install a set on the tail just to fend off the idiot on fence posts who is always behind me in the lift line:angryfire
  12. Dr D

    FS:Coiler PR 188

    Do you have the plague? syphillus? its a coiler or am I missing something? Did Bruce not have his current mystical powers way back in 2001? I don't understand. perhaps you need to check with Thor vonrippington on the proper way to attract all the tire kickers and wishful thinkers. Come to think of it I am lonely here its cold. Next time I visit I will have to bring friends;)
  13. check out who owns monsanto. I am not sure on this particular company but a lot of the bioengineered stuff is pharmaceutically owned as it were. interesting connection. how profitable would it be if you could engineer the food people ate so they needed your medicine to stay alive. A guy could really start sounding like a nut if he dug to deep into this stuff. Bottom line if it doesn't exist in nature your body is not programed to deal with it and it will make you sick. nutrasweet, splenda, genetically modified anything, Soy is almost all GM and the non-GMo soy isn't particularly good for you either.
  14. me no ship to amerika .... some coaxing.... very expensive 63 euros to ship this on a board that is selling for 3 euros?? any experience with shipping from germany is it that spendy or is euroboy blowing smoke?
  15. I have a regular foot pj7 with the 3D inserts. it has a good topsheet and all of the original camber which was not a lot. the origianl flex pattern as well. It has a few booboos one of the inserts is shelled out which hasn't bothered me. It also has some base scratches and two that need ptex. it needs a base grind as it is a little round. I find that the flexibility makes it a blast to ride especially on heavy wet days. you can really tweak the edges any wany you want lots of torsional flex. I have kept it around in anticipation of early season low snow conditions next year but would part with it to someone who wants to give it a good home. seems very solid other than the base issues I expected it to be stiffer than my old M6 but perhaps my memories are fuzzy there too. overall a very fun forgiving board. whats the story on the prime?
  16. Subject: Fwd: Pharmacology In Pharmacology, all drugs have two names, a trade name and generic name. For example, the trade name of Tylenol has the generic name of Acetaminophen. Aleve is also called Naproxen. Amoxil is also called Amoxicillin and Advil is also called Ibuprofen. The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that is has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixnorizin, Dixafix, and of course a name to instill confidence, Ibepokin. Pfizer Corp. announced today that VIAGRA will soon be available in liquid form, and will be marketed by Pepsi Cola as a power beverage suitable for use as a mixer. It will now be possible for a man to literally pour himself a stif! f one. Obviously we can no longer call this a soft drink, and it gives new meaning to the names of "cocktails", "highballs" and just a good old-fashioned "stiff drink." Pepsi will market the new concoction by the name of: "MOUNT & DO." since we are discussing pharma in general this ought to lighten the subject. just don't buy any of the GULLIBLEX:ices_ange they are pushing on the tv
  17. hopefully it was just overlooked before. It seems wise to not bounce it of the trees though.
  18. I posted the info on the other thread to sort of poke jan with a stick but didn't get any bites.:D I should probably behave myself but the highly esteemed medical professional called me a quack. Sort of tickles me to poke him with a stick:ices_ange
  19. I also am no longer serving my country because of mandatory vaccinations. I was vaccinated in bootcamp and ten years later when I finally got my health back they wanted to give me smallpox and anthrax I politely declined and ended up with an honourable discharge. the military also has waivers they are just way behind in the management of said waivers. Not that the military medical system is particularly advanced as a whole or anything mind you. I would reccomend a heavy metal test and some chelation for that stuttering problem chad. Might keep the alzheimers from setting in early. Patients who received 6 or more flu shots in their lifetime were found to be ten times as likely to get alzheimer's disease as those who received 2 or less. lets see shots have mercury and aluminum in them and alzheimer's is a strange build up of aluminum in the brain---- NO couldn't possibly be a connection people would sue us if they thought that was true. whatever
  20. Dr D


    I suspect he has me confused with D-sub though.
  21. Dr D


    got an immediate reply saying it will ship monday. confusion seems to have been conquered.
  22. are you sure you aren't seeing the seam? Is it a two piece kinda thing like the boards that the tips are attached to the core and not part of it? It may have a flat core that ends there and you are just seeing the interface. I don't know but seems a possiblility. Of course if you can see it does that mean its crappy work? maybe
  23. tell me more? I use paypal because its so damn simple. If I wanted to go to town for a money order I'd shop at the flippin walmart. IF there is a widely accepted alternative I would love to hear about it. experiences etc. There is always some nut who is on a crusade to kill paypal and whatever. I have never had a bad experience with them but then I don't sell much online. I find most objectors don't want to pay the 4% or whatever the rate is. I am in business and a credit card processor takes a cut off every sale. seems like a normal cost of doing business to me and can be made up in the shipping and handling charges. ITs all about making the transaction easy for the buyer. One way or the other I don't think the major disputes over paypal have any thing to do with buyer or seller and more to do with paypal and its various fees and policies. safest thing to do is pull your money out when it postsl
  24. Dr D


    sold yes confused yes shipped maybe I don't know whats goin on here paid unsure if shipped seems to be a language barrier:confused:
  25. won't need a split tail any more this year but can't pass a deal like that up. what sizes were there?
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