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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Dr D

    Demo Club

    Nate email me at delaneycarlson@hotmail.com for payment details. All The skwal arrived and its mint. Never run. Good coat of storage wax and everything. I will be working on getting the inserts mounted this week and will get pics out when complete:eplus2:
  2. I switched from skis to boarding in the 80's and was frustrated until the variplates came out. I put on my old skiboots and had a blast. You are used to using your edges and the stiffer boots will probably feel better at first any way for you. I felt like an elephant on rollerskates in softboots and the softer hardboots aren't much better for me but then I am quite a bit heavier than you. I don't think a soft skiboot is a bad choice. especially if you startout on a softer binding setup. Not Cateks
  3. sign up for the demo club I am getting it inserted this week if all goes well. It will be ready for next season for sure.
  4. This is fantastic its like one of those crazy women shows in the afternoon. very disjointed and yet srangely fascinating. No wonder its dragged out for 10 seasons and only covered five days worth of material.:lol: :lol: :lol: Those of you looking for nice guys they've already been ruined by the evil phase or the friend zone and no longer trust women. They have in fact sought out the advice of CADS like Randy and learned how to get some without getting stepped on. Good luck finding one that can be restored. Sounds like Skatha's got that part figured out.
  5. very nice :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Not often one gets an opportunity like that:eplus2:
  6. its on a cushion of air. How are you gonna steer the darn thing? maneuverability increased , might just be referring to your new found lack of control:lol:
  7. just be glad you can still get into it:eplus2: Do you still have the M6? Its a 90-91
  8. os2 will work if its 12.5 wide at the waist. otherwise you have to improvise a little. I would try getting it drilled for inserts in the 4x4 pattern and checking out some older narrow bindings like f2 or wild duck nideckers maybe. Or buy a new set of skwal TD's from fin next year. Or better yet just send it to me and I will worry about it for you:ices_ange You'll never miss it. I have seen OS1 with the sides cut to fit just don't expect to use them again on a board. The Cateks work well because you can adjust the heel and toe lift so easily.
  9. hey shred I have a PJ 7.3 its got kind of a maroon signed tail with the rest being pretty dark. and the base is black do you know anything about it? I haven't seen another one like it. I was curious what year it was.
  10. Dr D

    Demo Club

    natew is in i don't know if he's seen this post yet but he wants in on the old post
  11. check out the demo club link in the community page if you are interested in a skwal trial run. the details have been hashed out and are posted there.
  12. Dr D

    Demo Club

    If we get enough interest in the club idea we will have the group economic power to perhaps get a demo item or two from various manufacturers. We can also pool resources and perhaps purchase a particular item that has a majority interest. because of our widespread geographic location smaller companies and or technologies such as the skwal that are not well represented may be interested in the exposure that we can provide. Items would be available for local events provided you are willing to be present and willing to share time for demo runs by others. Its a grand idea that has already earned its share of detractors, imagine that:rolleyes: I personally feel that clubs are not a new idea and can certainly be run efficiently and fairly for all involved.
  13. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants in fact the more the merrier. However Since there is afine system for legally immigrating to this country I have a huge problem with illegals. Mostly for the aforementioned drain on the economy but also for their lack of investature in our culture. You can't have it both ways if you want to live here learn to speak english I would do the same if I retired to the mexican riviera. Legal immigrants are some of our most patriotic citizens they have invested their lives in becoming american. That's a fantastic commitment. Illegals have no investment and no concern for our culture or our laws. We need a big wall on our southern border. As for the original topic. Mother nature can take care of herself its grossly arrogant to assume that man has the power to effect nature on such a great level. Go to one hurricane or one earthquake disaster sight and man is wiped clean out of the picture overnite. Its just like the body one big balancing act. when things shift one way you can be sure that they will shift back the other at some point. If we lived long enough to notice we wouldn't be freaking out everytime a journalist farts. The earth is on a much slower clock than we are. how many generations of fruit flies live and die on one peach before the peach rots and then grows another tree and more peaches. we are just fruit flies in the grand scheme of things. for the uninformed fruit flies only live a few days.
  14. mount whatever it is and yes there is a sign on the freeway marking the summit is a whopping 84 feet above sealevel or something like that. I believe that it is indeed flatter than texas
  15. if you don't have moldable liners get them. If you do have them make sure they are warm when you put them on. If they have been in the car or the garage all night and are cold they will hurt until they warm up. Sometimes they will hurt the rest of the day. Its called eschemia which is basically no blood flow and the tissues get oxygen starved and hurt. take your boots off for a few minutes and start over if they hurt initially when you put them on. IT is also a good idea to leave them looser than you would normally use them until you've worn them for a run or so to warm up tighten them up as the shells loosen and begin to flex more. Most will find that they tighten the boots twice during a day using this method. most important thing is don't cinch em down tight right at the truck wait until you and the boot are warm.
  16. I am good friends with john mcginnis of identity and now garage snowboards. I know he started out working in a retail store and being a rider. he is an engineering type who kept detailed notes on all the 900 and some odd boards he rode for Transworld. The best angles and geometry and some independant thinking from his experience has become his starting point. the rest is probably the hard part. The business skills to line up backers and money etc. and the technical parts of manufacturing. I think if you were looking at it from your side I would get into the manufacturing engineering side of it at least for a degree. It would give you credibility as far as getting backers for your own company. If you just want to build boards start calling and writng letters to the small custom shops any that are growing will be needing motivated people.
  17. I have seen one on bigmountain but its wide enough to almost pass for a race board. the crazy angles and heel toe lift is the only reason I notice it. the guy is riding like a 3inch heel lift and 2inch toe lift it looks kooky. I haven't ever caught up with him to look at the board.
  18. I always assumed they were 0 degrees to 8 degrees adjustable. that would be close anyway
  19. What you really need to wrap your mind around is that this isn't ebay. This is a community of people who enjoy the same pastime. We also "know" each other. I don't mean that strictly literally all though many do. what I mean is we have ongoing conversations about a variety of topics that allows us to form community ties. we also stick together like any other community when attacked. It is completely off base to enter a conversation and tell everyone they are idiots. We already know that read the rest of the post. We are developing an idea that may not happen until next year if ever. Its a way of community problem solving. Yes there are those of us who have limited toy budgets. mostly the new guys. That is a problem for our entire sport because its consumer dollars that will drive new designs and equipment manufacturers into our sport. The same thing goes for the skwal. The only reason they aren't sold here is that there isn't enough market yet. if enough of us try one and like it we end up creating a market for them allowing all the bystanders a chance to try it. at any rate even crazy ideas have merit if enough people agree on it.
  20. :mad: :mad: I am telling my mommy you guys won't play fair:lol: holy cow where do they keep these guys? Its just an idea not a constitutional attack. bid it up baby. I believe that tex and I will be buying the carverbob one though. we don't need six guys to pull that one off. I take exception to your insinuation that those who "can't afford it" should just go away. If you can go buy one and go away yourself:flamethro
  21. variflex was the name of the five hole's and variplate was the next model that had the 3d plates in the center threehole.
  22. And its a big ass baby:lol: actually I think I looked worse on the carbon 185 identity. Way stiff I haven't had a chance to ride an old asym though, with the locked in angles. I suppose it would induce a little more ASSym overhang!
  23. Capitalism is beautiful people. Most of us got the gear we have by buying and selling, trading up, getting a good deal and then selling it at a profit. It is frustrating for new guys looking for gear because we get it first. check out my early posts. I was always one step late getting stuff. the answer is to unload your quivers a little sell those old bindings you have been saving etc. Lets get more stuff moving out there and then not only will you have access to stuff but the market will relax a little and things will get cheap enough for tex to buy it on ebay for 50$ Those that have moved on to the new custom coilers etc should let go of the old stuff. I'm thinking we have a few pack rats among us. the good of the community will be served if more people take up the sport. oh yeah and all that other stuff d-sub said too:1luvu:
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