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how to go straight?


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I feel unstable when going straight. its like i have to be on one edge of the other, or else i feel like im going to catch an edge. Its kind of disapointing, because when i used to ski (when i was little) all i wanted to to was go straight as fast a possible.

A few times ive gotten the "tank slapper" where i was lucky to have regained balance or it would have hurt!

It seems that after riding for a bit and getting relaxed in the forward facing position (vs side ways like on a freestyle set up), the nose of the board seem to be very easily caught by the snow

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I find that when I try to go straight it helps to have the board slightly up on edge, toeside or heelside it doesn't seem to matter. It helps me feel more stable. I encounter the same feeling when I was riding on a softie setup also.

I've tried to ride with the board flat but it tends to wander from edge to edge, giving you that feeling that you can catch an edge easily and do the "power snow angel". Those hurt!!

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You can't straight line on modern skis either because they're shaped like snowboards and the edges keep engaging. Eventually on boards you develope more edge awareness and faster reactions which allow you to flat board faster, but you can only relax when you are on an edge.

As for the nose thing. Your weight distribution, forward/backward depends on conditions. That's why we like hard snow, because it allows us to put more weight forward and engage the nose of the board into the turn. If the snow is soft (esp. wet) and you are too far forward, you'll have a lot of problems, as in, imagine diving off a springboard at the pool with a snowboard strapped to your feet. Mixed conditions are the worst, you have to shift weight mid turn.


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I compare riding a board flat to a cafeteria lunch tray, because that is the amount of control you have. When 'flat' I almost always keep VERY VERY SLIGHT pressure on one edge or the other just so the board behaves rather than snag and toss me off the cat-track and into the trees.

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The other day i was racing my friend who was in a soft set up. I was able to straight line it almost the entire way but bouncing back and forth on my edges slightly. Ive had a dozen to many crashes because i was flat and let my guard down.

Defintly learned from my mistakes.

By the way, i beat her by a lot. :)

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When I see "unibombers" or people straightrunning the slopes, I always joke with them that if they like to go straight down the hill, they should try tubing.:D

The main trick is to be very relaxed and neutral in your stance while riding flat.

That is the trick. Line up your knees over your feet, hips over the knees, shoulders over your hips, and turn your head toward the front of the board. "Neutral" to me means that you have even weight or pressure over the balls and heels of both feet. If you are just standing around without boots and board, this it generally how you would be standing. This will allow you to go straight because you will not be putting any other input into your board.

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When I see "unibombers" or people straightrunning the slopes, I always joke with them that if they like to go straight down the hill, they should try tubing.:D

i always wanted to tube on my local hill. Only problem is stopping:) I'm headed for the slopes right now to try the whole nuetral thing.

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I actually like to ride a flat board. On my burner 197, fp173 or the 185 frontier. they all ride well. Have to pay the most attention with the burner.

Along with what Phil said about even weight hell and ball of foot, I also sink down into the cuffs of my boots and feel my arches nice and flat, then relax and go like a scalded monkey. :biggthump

And it is actually easier the faster you go. IMO

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That's how I ride straight. Relax, ease back and let it rip.Your legs need to act like shock absorbers and keep your feet "light". If you want to try something scary put your hands behind your back in a tuck like the distance skaters do. If memory serves there was a video at one time on this site where a guy actually carved like that.

Have fun,


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I feel unstable when going straight. its like i have to be on one edge of the other, or else i feel like im going to catch an edge.

High speeds: its easier over terrain that has a bit of chop to it. Enough to get the board dancing around a bit. then edges don't seem to matter so much anymore.

Low speeds, especially on dead flat runs: torque steer. skis can't do this. pin the rear of the board level with your rear foot and then twist the front foot in the direction you want to go. it will warp the board and it will turn like those flexible flyer sleds we used to have when we were little kids. very graceful.


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Guest jschal01

To the o.p., you need to say what your base edge bevel is, base structure, whether your base is flat or high or edge high, and whether you've already detuned. Search detuning here for the discussion. It could relate to these board tune issues, or it could be your technique.

To the people who say you can't ride or ski flatbase on modern skis or snowboards without some edge engagement, have you perhaps watched a downhill? Or maybe the local race program kids tucking on their slalom skis on the way back to the lift?

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i take a completely different approach to riding straight...

whenever i get to a long flat area, i keep my shoulders completely forward and i bend way forward so my body is pointed straight ahead, keep my head looking up and keep my arms behind my back. at my home mountain, we have a long flat part right at the top to get to one of the runs and i found its the fastest way to get through it. it seems to work in all conditions. i have yet to catch an edge and crash like a fool while attempting this, but ive also got to consider that i do it on a longboard which is set way back with no fear of nose issues. hope this helps.

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I was sure this was a brokeback mountain thread :lol:

now THATS funny!

did anyone actually swallow their pride, bite the bullet and see that? if you did, youre either braver than me or have a more annoying girlfriend. sorry for getting off topic, but ive yet to meet a straight guy who's actually seen it and im wondering if they exist.

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well i think my edges are square. its not the flats that im worried about, but the ones where the slope is like green but long and skinny, or you just want to go fast straight, or those undulating sections. On my freeride board on the flats i find that if i put weight on my front foot and let the tail "drag" it keeps me going straight.

But on my hard boots, if my front foot is relaxed, it seems like my nose is easily pushed around buy the snow.

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I think, y'all are over-thinking this. Point the board, go straight, make subtle edge changes when needed. If you feel like you're about to bail, change edge. Yeah, you can ride the thing flat base, but you're always gonna look for an edge when it gets squirrely. Subtle changes v. hard carve. ? No big deal.

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Slightly off topic regarding a tuck:

The other day i discovered that I feel alot less wind resistance if instead of putting my hands behind my back, i make kind of a pyramid with them in front of me.

go here and click the middle picture box on the top and look at the image on the bottom right. That tuck felt very effective.

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