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'Shred Gruumer shreds(?) Tahoe" shredded


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For the record:

I love the Grateful Dead

I think handmade viruses are wicked cool

In the english language "I" usually refers to the author when in quotes

RJ and Bob- thanks you guys are right on

DSUB- who do you know in Tahoe to make such generalizations? TCR's do not live here

Rick F does not teach boarding- he instructs on the internet

Nate-thanks for the benefit of the doubt but, I do suck

Shred G- Sorry you missed it, maybe it wasn't as good an idea we discussed yesterday!

Anyone who is still insulted- work less, ride more and read some Jonathan Swift!

Shred and Steve- thanks for the inspiration and encouragement

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I cant tell if this was a joke now or not...if it wasnt, seriously, despite someones level of skill or not, this is just lame

if it is a joke...odd.

as for tahoe, I have met and dealt with few people from there, and they had HUGE attitude. they were probably A--holes before they ended up in Tahoe.

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does seem to have high percentage of jackasses on snowboards, probably a good thing I have not ridden there much because I would probably kill someone

many of them migrate east for various reasons, typically surfers or at least claim to be and are pissed that middle age struck and they never went pro often heard talking about soul and how snowboarding either lacks it or is not as cool as surfing for some other reason

Sometimes they will be seen telling any single woman they can find stories about one of their fallen buddies that drown or got hit by a car bombing a hill on a longboard, how life changing it was and about how they sprinkeld their bros ashes at the local surf spot

again making sure you know that they are more into their board sports than you, snowboarding is inferior in some way and that they are way cooler than you.

out east we have the MRG tele jerks that hate everyone not on teles, often still in leather boots and three pin bindings or in other areas we have the skaters that think that snowboard is a joke but I will take either of those over the CA surf ******* any day.

everyplace has jerks but for some reason I have met many that really rub me the wrong way surfers from CA

now that you read this do not take it personally if you surf, its not what I mean but you probably know someone who fits this sterotype because it is common

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You mean Kiteboarders, right? The tahoecarvers are surfers, but they're not from Tahoe. Mostly Santa Cruz...a very cool place. I'm not sure you're getting this thread after all.

Bricky, Whoa dude. You get it big time. Honorable mention to terror for being lazy. That's the funniest thing I've seen here in a long, long time. You must be odd. :1luvu: That makes this whole ordeal worth it.


Paul, I'll ride with you here when you get up to the hill. I'd post a thread about your board with the Grateful Dead sun on the shovel and the stacka skulls on the tail (You heard about Jerry, right?) but apparantly that'll piss off alot of folks and befuddle the rest.

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none of my comments are applied to anyone who posts here on a fairly regular basis, well maybe one or two

simply because this site would not be cool enough for any of those people

I did not intend to say I did not like surfers, this is not the case, what I don't like are surfers who act like they have reached some sports nirvana that is not obtainable in any other sport but yet they partake in other sports or move to places that have no water such as CO

If it meant so much to them they would never leave the coast, I sure as hell will never live in a place that I would not be able to ride at least a few times a year because it does mean that much to me.

Speaking of CO, here comes the next rant, the next time I hear someone that rides keystone or another mediocre resort in that state and has not been around the rest of the country proclaim that the east is flat, tahoe has bad snow and that PNW has bad weather the broken burner in my basement is going up their ass tail first

I am so trolling right now and not really serious if you can't tell, but D-sub does have a point that I do agree with to some extent

I guess it has alot to do with pouring so much energy into snowboarding over the years, sometimes it meant living on ramen or rice and others it meant not having heat in the cold ass mahoosics of ME so I could ride everyday, then some of these cats come around and act like the sport I love has no soul or imply that I lack it among other things

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the first time around

a key part to what I said was "surfer or claim to be"

I know where tahoe is

I just felt like venting, having a little fun(that probably makes no sense to anyone else) and the mention of someone in the first thread that though I have never met the dude in person really reminds me of a bunch of people I have met all over the country

missed the Jerry thing though

anyway, Paul you got my couch any day

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were some folks that I have known while living in various places that all bugged the hell out of me all claimed to be surfers and four of them to have been tahoe locals as well

as D-sub said they were probably jerks prior to going to tahoe, as much as I trash on some of the people in CO in particular the town I lived in there the two that really had the most irritated there were from south lake and not even from CO

CA is a big state, maybe more of the californians that suck tend to leave the state or something who knows

anyway, I did not really intend to upset anyone, say that Tahoe sucks, tahoe riders suck, just that I have met a few that do

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For a sport, activity, hobby, band, artform, bar, hangout, club, etc to have "soul", it must be exclusive or unpopular, with bonus points if it's also cutting-edge. Once it becomes neither exclusive nor unpopular, the soul is lost.

whatever. if it feels good do it, I say.

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For a sport, activity, hobby, band, artform, bar, hangout, club, etc to have "soul", it must be exclusive or unpopular, with bonus points if it's also cutting-edge. Once it becomes neither exclusive nor unpopular, the soul is lost.

whatever. if it feels good do it, I say.

I disagree with this...when I could run for exercise, what a buzz....

I ran in 106 degree heat, ice storms, and blizzards.

Biking just doesn't give me that same buzz, but riding does.....

Heavenly just has bunches of people. If you work on the assumption 20% of people are jerks, it just goes to reason there will be more jerks at popular resorts.

As for the East being flat-the GULF COAST is flat. :barf: And I should know

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CA is a big state, maybe more of the californians that suck tend to leave the state or something who knows

anyway, I did not really intend to upset anyone, say that Tahoe sucks, tahoe riders suck, just that I have met a few that do

Bob, I have to agree with you. In fact I hate myself. ;)

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I survived the Awesome Groom of Heavenly! Thanks Tahoetrecher for teaching me about the Russian torpeados and the Be-lining Semi drivers!! :biggthump

I did do what ya said and placed my bindings at 10 inches apart and put reversed 6 degree lift on my front foot and went flat on the back.. angles worked much better at 55 back and 35 front.. Thanks for the tip! :ices_ange

Great time meeting a riding.. the rest of the week just got better and better.....

Did ya take out that very rare Atomic yet?

Right Said Shred





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while boarding is what you want?

When you get here, Vancouver crew will show you the views to die for, within 20min drive from downtown...

Howe Sound (like Tahoe pic, but sea) from Cypress,night view of the city core lights from Grouse Mountain, Lions from Cypress... So cool.


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