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Motorcycle Crash - Broke My Hip

Guest Randy S.

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Guest Randy S.

Ouch. I crashed Saturday at the track and broke my hip. I was at Thunderhill Raceway, first session, second lap and I got passed going into 1, had a brain fart and went straight into the dirt. I slowed the bike a bit, but laid it down in the dirt/gopher holes and hit the ground hard. My knee is a bit swollen, but that doesn't seem to be a big deal. The big deal is that I fractured my hip. I may or may not need surgery (I'll find out for sure today or tomorrow - its looking like I might get away with just immobilization), but I was in a ton of pain. They've got me on vicodin and morphine (much less morphine since yesterday) which are keeping the pain at bay now. I'm in room C307 at Stanford Hospital at least through tomorrow. After that I may be moved to some sort of nursing facility, or I may be here for a few more days.

When I crashed, I didn't think it was too bad. I knew I hit my knee hard, but that it wasn't torn/broken. I was actually able to stand up and hobble down the hill to the ambulance, but in retrospect I'm pretty sure it was just adrenaline getting me around. By the time they brought me back to my pit, I couldn't even put weight on it. The paramedics were convinced that nothing was broken (boy, were they wrong). They did a bunch of range of motion tests and declared that I'd most likely just pulled some muscles or ligaments. They said I might want to get x-rays if the pain didn't subside.

The people pitted next to me helped me get all my gear back into my car and bike onto the trailer (I had to wait until 1:30 for them to get my bike off the track). After we got packed up, I hoisted myself up into the car and started the journey home. Fortunately I had a full tank of gas so I didn't need to stop on the way home (3 hour drive). I have no idea how I would have pumped gas. I stopped in San Carlos at a friend's house to borrow a pair of crutches, plus once to pee. What an uncomfortable journey. I left T-hill around 2:00 and finally got to Stanford Hospital around 6:00 (traffic sucked in a couple of places).

I found a quasi-legal parking spot on the ER parking lot for my truck/trailer and attempted to make the 100 yard journey to the door on crutches. I got about 6 feet before I was in such agony that I had to ask a passerby to get me a wheelchair.

The ER was busy with a couple of major traumas. One may have been a motorcycle accident victim and I'm not sure he survived. The other was a gunshot wound to the head. The family and friends were causing all sorts of havoc out in the parking lot. Later while I was laying on a gurney in the hallway of ER, they wheeled the gunshot victim right past me. That was gruesome. He either shot himself in the side of the head (Russian Roullette) or got shot there. I could see all sorts of bloody gauze and his eyes were staring up at the ceiling. It really looked like a scene from a movie.

They took a bunch of X-rays of my hip and knee. Knee is fine. I have a Acetabular (hip socket) fracture, but the bones aren't too badly displaced. As a result, there's a chance I may get by without surgery. I'll know todayr or tomorrow when the uber Hip Doctor (Dr. Bellino) comes to see me. As I said, they have me on painkillers so as long as I don't try to move around too much, I'm uncomfortable, but not in agony.

If you are around Stanford and want to come by to visit, I'd love company. I don't know how long I'll be here, but I'll post if they move me.

Can you believe there is neither cell phone coverage (Verizon), nor internet access at Stanford Hospital? I'm doing this via dial-up and using my roommate's phone line (no roommate today). They could make a ton of money if they put in WiFi and charged $10/day. Morons.

If you want to call me, the direct number into my room is 650-498-3739. Don't leave me voice mail on my cell phone since it is very hard for me to check that. I can only dial local calls from my room and my cell isn't considered local. I look forward to hearing from you guys.

I'm not sure on the prognosis for riding this winter. I'm guessing from what they've described that I should be able to ride by January, but I may miss my December races. We'll see.


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Guest dragon fly jones

Randy, stop it man, your on the wrong end of to many injuries. Take it easy for a while man. Not a forced time off, but just some time off to take it slow, I know you love what you do but you gotta slow down man.

Having said that take care and heal fast, we're with you in spirit and take care.

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interesting that that post brought you up to 911 posts...

...I'll try to make it to PA for lunch some time this week.

Also talked with Joel today - sounds like he'll be at the Good Sam for a couple more days... I gave him your number at the hospital.


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Guest Randy S.
interesting that that post brought you up to 911 posts...

...I'll try to make it to PA for lunch some time this week.

Also talked with Joel today - sounds like he'll be at the Good Sam for a couple more days... I gave him your number at the hospital.


911 :lol:

I saw Joel on Friday night before I went to the track. He's in decent spirits, but not very comfortable. We spoke again today and he's doing a bit better. He can get outside in a wheelchair if someone wheels him out, which is cool. I can't do that.


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Guest Randy S.

I just got great news. The trio of docs just came in to tell me that Dr. Bellino (the Uber Doc of Hip/Pelvis surgery on the West Coast) says I don't need surgery! :biggthump:biggthump

I'm facing 8 weeks of not bearing any weight on the leg/hip, but I can go home as soon as I'm able to get around on crutches. PT/OT will be here tomorrow to help me figure out how to get around on crutches (I already know) and see if I can go home or if I need to go to a nursing facility for a bit.

I'll still be in the hospital through Wednesday so feel free to call the above number if you want to chat.

I'm so pleased by this.


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Good you don't need surgery....

As for hospitals not having wifi...1.hospitals are for sick people who usually don't have enough energy to surf the internet 2. putting in a wifi network without the funding or promise of reimbursement is bad business and about 30-40% of patients don't pay their bills, so most of the profit the hospital might realize from you goes to cover the bill of the gunshot to the head patient who probably doesn't have insurance-or if his insurance is "smart" will attribute his whole bill to a psychiatric condition and not pay the hospital 3. wifi may interfere with the hospital's telemetry network for their cardiac patients....same reasons they don't want you to use your cell phone....

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Randy, sorry to hear about your accident. I think I'd prefer they put a couple of screws in there to keep things in place. I've been screwed back together a couple of times and they seemed to heal faster and better. I had a broken arm once that was reset perfectly only to have it shift from no more than a muscle spasm. Eight weeks of no weight bearing! That really sucks! That's why my motor has 3 wheels!

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We seem to be on the same "injury timetable". I tore up ligaments in my right hand really bad (distal transverse arch) when I folded the nose boarding with EricJ at Mountain Creek last January. Then 4 months later (Father's Day) bobbled in the rockers and snapped the end off the radius in the same damn hand !. I'm all healed up again and can finally jump the bike again. We'll see how we make out this Sunday.

Anyway, the time will go fast. Daydream about "your lines" in the meantime. It will make you faster when you get back on the bike. Works every time for me!


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Guest Randy S.

I just got moved. If you want to call me, my number has changed. 650-498-3736. I now only have one phone line (I now have a very disoriented roommate) so I can't get calls if I'm online checking email/web.

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Guest Randy S.

I just got moved. If you want to call me, my number has changed. 650-498-3736. I now only have one phone line (I now have a very disoriented roommate) so I can't get calls if I'm online checking email/web.

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Dude! That is messed up. I'm really sorry to hear about this, but it's awesome you don't need surgery. Sounds like your recovery time will end about the same time as mine (late Jan.?) Take it easy!

You were supposed to be all strong and solid when I come down to Stanford at the end of Sept. for surgery. And you were supposed to be my eyes and ears at the top of the course until I can at least strap on some skis again. Guess we will have to get together for sure during my multilple trips to Redwood City for the next couple/three months.

Best wishes!


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Guest Randy S.


Is your surgery going to be at Stanford or SOAR?

By end of September, I should be able to get around better. Five minutes ago I tried walking on crutches. It hurt a lot, but I did make it to the door of my room and back. That bodes well for when I finally get to move my bowels (haven't since Saturday :barf: ). At least I'll be able to get to the bathroom, rather than using a bed pan.


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