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The Summer Doldrums...


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AARRGGH! :( Summer...is...really...dragging...me...DOWN! We're in the midst here in Washington, D.C. of the umpteenth day of sweltering heat, 150% humidity (meaning you actually have trouble pulling the air into your lungs it's so thick!)...and temperatures in the 80s and 90s (and feel like the 120s).

Not even whitewater kayaking offers relief...the rivers are so low the fish are gasping, and the water temperature is about the same as the air. :(

I'm fantasizing more and more about the return of those crisp, cool days of autumn...and the GLORY OF WINTER!!!!


Still a few months to go...


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Despite the current streak of 95 degree and warmer days on the front range, there is quantifiable proof of winters inevitable return: the days are getting shorter and shorter, and soon the higher rocky mountain resorts will be firing up their snow guns for the annual race to open first. Of course, for those of means and little patience, there is always south america.

dreaming of october,



(i know, we are spoiled brats out here!)

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Good points Mario---I watch the days getting shorter too! BTW, how soon do all the New England resorts open? (I should probably dig around last year's posts to find out.)

Holly and I were just watching last year's SES and ECES DVDs...I CAN'T STAND IT!!! Our local resorts (in the Mid-Atlantic) won't open before December (unless we have a crazy cold fall, which I'm not counting on). AARRGGH!!! I can't wait 4 more months!!!

Will anyone in the East be open in October? If so, we're planning a trip!


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Scott, was last season your first? You sound like me, after my first season ended, I was so bummed. That summer was the longest one of my life. One thing that helped me get through it was taking my mountain bike up to the ski resorts and riding (which had the side benefit of getting me in shape for the upcoming season).

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Originally posted by SWriverstone

AARRGGH! :( Summer...is...really...dragging...me...DOWN! We're in the midst here in Washington, D.C. of the umpteenth day of sweltering heat, 150% humidity (meaning you actually have trouble pulling the air into your lungs it's so thick!)...and temperatures in the 80s and 90s (and feel like the 120s).


Sounds like your problem is more temperature and geography than anything else. Otherwise you would be riding your Insect, your Dirtsurfer, kayaking, etc... but I agree... I never really liked the summer months or the heat myself. People used say I should be Canadian because my favorite sports are ice hockey, snowboarding, and I dated a girl who was captain of a curling team.

I agree that when it gets hot like that it sucks... I rode up at Hood a couple of summers and that definitely helped.

In addition... now I'm skateboarding 4-5 times a week and having a blast... maybe you could skateboard in and underground parking lot where it's cool and dry. I also play ice hockey which is "cool" (using the air compressor doesn't die) and you get that slashing carving feel (just last week a hockey instructor was saying "just look at how Arvin keeps his inner shoulder from dropping into the turn... that help keeps your weight stacked over your edges and lets you turn harder while going faster")

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RT has opened in November already. Of course that only means a couple hundred yards of beginner slope. I feel you Scott. Whatever you do, don't get any new gear before the season starts - that makes it 10x worse! Taf is due Sept 4, so I think that my mind will be occupied and the time will fly. She will go back to work in Nov. and a couple weeks later the (man-made) snow should fly.

How is Holly?

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And I still have a major stoke going. It got even worse after watching the hardbooter video last week. I can't get carving out of my head. I've even bought two boards since I pulled my bindings in may. My poor heckler sits lonely and neglected in the basement gathering dust. The pathetic thing is that I have probably spent more time gazing longingly at my growing quiver than have riding my mountain bike. Those who know me know that that ain't natural. I have a sickness, and cowbell is not the cure.


desperate until the snow flies

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Originally posted by Phil

RT has opened in November already. Of course that only means a couple hundred yards of beginner slope. I feel you Scott. Whatever you do, don't get any new gear before the season starts - that makes it 10x worse! Taf is due Sept 4, so I think that my mind will be occupied and the time will fly. She will go back to work in Nov. and a couple weeks later the (man-made) snow should fly.

How is Holly?

Taf is due??? Wow---congratulations! I didn't know you had another coming! Yeah, that'll definitely take your mind off other things!

Holly's doing great. She's back to work now and back to eating normal food again. But---like me---she's having trouble getting back into the workout thing in all this heat. We're going to do some road biking this weekend.

The only relief I've found from heat around here is hang gliding---though it's miserable on the ground, it feels great at 3500' above ground level! :)

Yeah Jon, last season was my first---so the stoke is definitely still going strong. And good point Phil about not buying gear before the season starts! LOL I've been seriously wanting one of those boards with the bird on the bottom... ;)


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I head tomorrow some nuts are going to run Great Falls National Park in GF, VA. I believe it's off if it rains. Doing that is like something out of an xterra commercial. I would go if it didn't rain but i'll be busy.



ps give your skateboard a second chance, I'm loving mine after almost killing myself a few weeks ago lol!

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Originally posted by Barry


I hear tomorrow some nuts are going to run Great Falls National Park in GF, VA. I believe it's off if it rains. Doing that is like something out of an xterra commercial. I would go if it didn't rain but i'll be busy.



ps give your skateboard a second chance, I'm loving mine after almost killing myself a few weeks ago lol!

Yeah, the Great Falls Race is an annual thing---definitely Class 5 Nutsoid paddling. :) I've had the ability (and chances) to do it for years, but never have 'cause I refuse to end up stuffed under a rock and never seen again (which has happened to a few expert kayakers over the years---there are some skeletons down there...)

Don't worry---I haven't given up on my skateboard! I've always said skateboards don't require as much real estate to have fun as Dirtsurfers, so they both have their place!


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i thought summertime was for earning money in an effort to support this illness, er ah, i mean hobby.

every 12 hour, 90 degree work day that's wicked humid is well worth the time i get to spend on snow in the winter. well, at least that's what i've been telling myself to help me get through these days

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Killington claims to be the first to open. usually late Oct or early Nov, depending on temps. Others in VT open around early to mid Nov. Still a few months to go, but hang in there. The sweltering days of summer just make me appreciate the snow even more.

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I wish it was 100 here. It's been 106 in Sacramento every day for the past three or four days, and last night I talked to a guy in Lake Havasu AZ who told me it was 121 there yesterday! He says it's like trying to breath the air from a restroom hand dryer. Here's my summertime hobby:


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