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gleb, where's the rest of the video i was learning a few things


I wish i knew. That video covered everything i needed to know all the way through...well...now. It covers all the basics of drinking sperm in massive amounts from a cup amoung other things. What else is there to know? :)

Sinecure, I don't think women would appreciate men spewing that much. That would be so disgusting. Looks like a hose or something :barf:

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Italian Nuns

Three Italian nuns die and go to heaven. At the Pearly Gates,

they are met by St. Peter. He says, "Sisters, you all led

such exemplary lives that the Lord is granting you six months

to go back to earth and to be anyone you wish to be."

The first nun says, "I want to be Sophia Loren," and

*poof* she's gone.

The second says, "I want to be Madonna," and *poof*

she's gone .

The third says, "I want to be Sara Pipalini."

St. Peter looks perplexed. "Who?" he asks.

"Sara Pipalini," replies the nun.

St. Peter shakes his head and says, "I'm sorry, but that name just doesn't ring a bell."

The nun then takes a newspaper clipping out of her habit and hands it to St.Peter.

St. Peter reads the paper and starts laughing. He hands it back to her and says......

"No sister, the paper says it was the 'Sahara Pipeline' that was laid by 1,400 men in 6 months."

If you laugh, you are going straight to hell!

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How long did it take for you to know that your S.O. was in fact your S.O.? Not for you guys to agree on it, but for one of you to know it on the inside.

about a year for me to realize that I didn't want to live my life without her...I think it took her a lot less time...as for when we actually discussed the subject? About 2 years however I was deployed for 8 months of that 2 years sooooo....

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Interesting question.

But HOW do you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person? And why are some people so afraid of that?

I never did think about the "rest" of my life. I just knew that any given day was going to be brighter, more interesting, more fun, more stimulating with her than without her.

And people are afraid of that because the "rest" of your life can seem to be a very long time indeed.

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And people are afraid of that because the "rest" of your life can seem to be a very long time indeed.

I always thought that it could seem alot longer without a significant other. Longer in a bad way. But I also understand that some people actually don't mind it. Something like marriage just might not be for them. Lastly, some people might not be lucky enough to find a S.O.

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I think some people are afraid of a big change, like buying a house.

Also, often a guy would rather look like he's afraid of commitment when the reality is he is only using the woman for sex and temporary companionship, but doesn't see her as marriage material at the time because he thinks he can do better.

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Guys typically set their standards about three or four points higher than they should. I did it too, and it was the reason I stayed single for a long time, and didn't have a lot of luck in clubs. Most of my friends had the same problem, and it never occured to us that the answer was simply lowering our standards. I don't know what this has to do with anything, but guys eventually come to terms with the fact that a 5 is not likely to land a 10. [Edit: unless he has big money, or is the instructor in her scuba/skydiving/snowboarding/whatever class]

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i dunno steve.. every one of my ex's friends and family said i was a 20 on a scale of 1-10 and that he'd never do better than me... and that includes looks as well as the rest of the package (intelligence, wit, etc)... i think that some men are intimidated by women who are smarter than they are... what do you think about that?

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Well, I had just started seeing Sam and I took my kids to Disney World in FL. I spent every evening outside the RV talking to him on my cellphone and everyday seeing and experiencing things that I wished he was there seeing and experiencing with me, even silly things like the adventure with the frog that snuck into the RV(I woke up about 2 am with a cold frog sitting on my face-yeech)

I told him when I got home that I never wanted to be apart from him that long again, and, other than his 3 week hospital stay after his wreck last Nov, we haven't been apart

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i think that some men are intimidated by women who are smarter than they are... what do you think about that?
It's happening to me right now! :lol: Just kidding, I don't know about that. It might be true, but it's not something my friends or I have ever talked about. I think smart is pretty attractive.
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Interesting question.

But HOW do you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with this person? And why are some people so afraid of that?

Put it this way, I didn't have any great epithany (sp?) but just realised over time that my life was better with Vanessa as part of it than it would be if she wasn't.

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I think some people are afraid of a big change, like buying a house.

Wow, that's the second time today that someone has compared buying a house to marriage. OK, so maybe I am biased because I am a real estate agent, but to me buying my house was a piece of cake compared with the dramas associated with getting married. The only time I was stressed then was waiting for the bank to approve my finance. Now I am getting stressed any time someone even mentions the dreaded "w" word.

Heres a tip for all you people with kids or who want to have kids or might have kids one day: Whatever they decide to do for their wedding, just be happy for them and don't under any circumstances try to change their ideas. Vanessa and I have some ideas for our day that we have thought through and think are very "us" and the only people who don't think it will be great are my parents! It's causing all sorts of grief and I don't like grief.

I think we are somewhere between about icons 5 and 6 in this string....

:biggthump :rolleyes: :eek::nono::mad::argue::angryfire:boxing_sm:flamethro:AR15firin

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i think that some men are intimidated by women who are smarter than they are

That's true to a point. Less than half the men I know are like that. The ones I do know who are like that say they find such women "...difficult...".

The universities around here, as well as other parts of North America, are experiencing for the first time a student population consisting mostly of women, as more and more men opt for trade schools instead of university. A local newspaper published a feature about it and how it affects relationships. They intereviewed several men and women, asking them if they would be comfortable in a relationship where the woman is more educated than the man. All of the women said they would be comfortable, as long as the man was intelligent and could carry a conversation. Several of the men, less than half, said they would not be comfortable in such a relationship. :)

I'm in the camp that doesn't care if the woman is smarter or not, as long as she's not frustratingly stupid. :)


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