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Time and time my friends have told me that in order to find a quality guy I should move to a different area. I can't leave Summit County, so I guess you take the good with the bad. Great place to live, NOT a great place to find a mate.

I'm in a similar boat. I have a snowball's chance in hell of finding a quality woman here. My heart is pleading desperately for me to leave, it has been for years, and I've been fully aware of it.

But my brain says that all things considered, this town matches my preferences better than any other, especially when you look at disposible income and transportation. What's most likely a result of taking so many science and engineering courses, my brain always wins. :)

I did try leaving several years ago, wanted to head to Boulder, in fact. But, proving that I have the worst timing on the planet, it just happened to be the same time that the hi-tech bubble burst and the job market collapsed.

Now that the job market has picked up again, I'm finally fed up of my career and want to head back to school in the next couple of years so I could do something less shameful and more useful. Of course, I'm much better off studying here, since I can get a good quality education at a fraction of what it would cost in the U.S. and the rest of Canada.

I don't suppose anyone here would happen to know of a time machine I could borrow for a bit ? It wouldn't be for long.


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Well my team won!

I had two of my 3 teams in it: T&T and the Netherlands. T&T wasn't expected to even get a point so they did much better than expected. But the Dutch were expected to get to the semis and possibly even win it. That is, until you consider they're the biggest CHOKERS in the sport ! I think I'm going to sell my national team jersey. [as I bow my head in great disappointment]


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I'm in a similar boat. I have a snowball's chance in hell of finding a quality woman here. My heart is pleading desperately for me to leave, it has been for years, and I've been fully aware of it.


I am not saying you are doing something wrong, but I find great women everywhere even after eight years married. I don't do anything about it now of course - I don't play that way. But I do notice.

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I am not saying you are doing something wrong, but I find great women everywhere even after eight years married. I don't do anything about it now of course - I don't play that way. But I do notice.

It's not so much what I'm doing that's wrong, it's what I expect/want that's wrong. Kind of like trying to find vegetarian in Alberta. :lol:

I definitely gotta leave town.

You and I almost certainly have different definitions of what we consider to be a great woman.


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It's not so much what I'm doing that's wrong, it's what I expect/want that's wrong. Kind of like trying to find vegetarian in Alberta. :lol:

I definitely gotta leave town.

You and I almost certainly have different definitions of what we consider to be a great woman.


I guess what caught my eye was when you said you don't have a snowball's chance in Hell. Starting from that you will never find someone. Are you in Alberta? Not prying just trying to present an alternative view.

And what I have/expect in a woman is someone who is honest, open, can communicate, loves the outdoors, is not a TV slug, no whining, wants more than a corporate job pulling down 200K a year for the money but hates job, etc.

They are out there in every community and neighborhood. You are what you believe. Kind of the Hundredth monkey thing. 'Cause wherever you are there is someone who could be your partner who is probably equally disgruntled with the state of 'dating' these days. Yet if you both shift a tiny bit you may be able to see each other. As it is you are on opposite sides of the same tree without a clear view of the other side.

Enough rambling for today. There is someone for you - and Michelle too.

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I gotta agree with carvedog...

there is someone there for all of us, and probably closer than we realize. sometimes all it takes it opening your eyes to an option that may be right there withut your even realizing it.

For me, I knew Lindsay about 8 months, and had said several times that I wasn't interested. She did not fit my "perfect Woman Concept" at the time, by what I knew. Then one night we started talking, and sat up almost all night talking. next thing I knew...I knew. 2 months later we were together, one year later, going strong (sorry Michelle... :p ). All of that afetr living 7 years here, and saying that there were no Women around who I would date... (fortunately, it was not a 7 year schnide)...

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I am not saying you are doing something wrong, but I find great women everywhere even after eight years married. I don't do anything about it now of course - I don't play that way. But I do notice.

I agree with you. I have been married for 6 years and find the same thing. The only thing I could say is that maybe we (as married men) find these women great is because we dont have to live with them ( or vice versa).

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lol- oh im not too worried about my romantic life. I've got three dates ahead of me, one that probably includes canoeing and another that is at six flags (what a guy!!!!) So yeah- I am actually incredibly happy right now in that arena. I just thought that your guyses words of support were cute :lurk:

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It's not so much what I'm doing that's wrong, it's what I expect/want that's wrong.

Sometimes we all need to shift our standards a bit. I've been seeing my honey for 3 years, but if he'd never called me again after our first date, I couldn't have cared. Not really my type, or so I thought. The second date was a whole heap better, but it was still a few months before I was convinced. Sometimes things need a bit of time to grow on you (kind of like mould, I suppose).

I met a girl on vacation who made a new year's resolution in 2005, that if anyone asked her out, she'd go, no matter who it was. She still hasn't found Mr Right ...but she said it's certainly been an eye opener!

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You and I almost certainly have different definitions of what we consider to be a great woman.


Not necessarily. It may be that you are not looking in the right places, or just not paying attention. But if you are also in Summit County, I feel your pain. I have great friends, and lots of them, but nothing I would even consider a potential. People here are great to be around, fun, but everyone I know that is in a relationship here has imported their SO.

AND I love CarveDog's approach to it all, except I'm still not looking. I just hear it from everyone around me, plus I was there once. I don't agree that there's someone for everyone in life.

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I guess what caught my eye was when you said you don't have a snowball's chance in Hell.

My quote is based on my experiences here. The right woman is probably around here somewhere, I've honestly believed that for many, many years, it's just a question of finding her. After trying just about everything and looked just about everywhere in this town, it seems like it will be about as probable as finding extraterrestrial life somewhere in the universe -- it's possible, but it will probably take forever. :) After a while, I have to realize that my time would be better spent searching in a town with a greater number of people who come closer to what I'm looking for.

My point is, a person looking for an avid snowboarder would be better off looking in Jay, Vermont than Miami, Florida.

Starting from that you will never find someone.

Actually, I'm ending with that, not starting with it. :) But I do agree with you, starting out believing you will fail will usually lead to failure.

Are you in Alberta? Not prying just trying to present an alternative view.

I'm in Montreal, Quebec. I only mentioned Alberta because I was still thinking of that South Park episode I saw last night where the kids trying to save the baby cows. It reminded me of the K.D. Lang/Alberta thing that happened years ago. I never claimed to be good at analogies. :) Don't worry, you're not prying at all.

They are out there in every community and neighborhood. You are what you believe. Kind of the Hundredth monkey thing. 'Cause wherever you are there is someone who could be your partner who is probably equally disgruntled with the state of 'dating' these days. Yet if you both shift a tiny bit you may be able to see each other. As it is you are on opposite sides of the same tree without a clear view of the other side.

Enough rambling for today. There is someone for you - and Michelle too.

I agree with principle, but not the scope. I think there is a minimum scope size, below which the principle would be false. In short, I don't think it applies to any town. At least, that's the way I see it. Fortunately, I love travelling. :)


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god it seems hard to believe that there arent plenty of beautiful, smart, sensible women in MONTREAL!

head west to Van, then. I couldnt believe my eyes when I was there.

couldnt get any to talk to me, really...seem to have lost that skill, but there sure were some purdy ones!

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I'm gonna have to go with this..Montreal. Big citys. 50% women (by Biology) probably pretty close in reality. she's gotta be there some where... Keep the faith Brother. Ms. Right will come along...

At least its better than trying to find someone in Vermont. We have trees though. And if you like cows......

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AND I love CarveDog's approach to it all, except I'm still not looking. I just hear it from everyone around me, plus I was there once. I don't agree that there's someone for everyone in life.

Just so you know - I have been blindsided by Love :1luvu: ( sorry for the L word but it's true ), three different times. The most spectacularly by my now wife when I was pointedly not looking. The other two times I was too selfish and immature too appreciate the relationship and the girl involved.


Not that I am not selfish and immature now, but I do appreciate my wife. In the time we have been together I have learned ( and this hurts): I am not perfect. And pick your battles. Rarely do things seem as important later on as they do at that particular time. The last thing is when you disagree with your partner and are verbally sparring, you can respond with a comment that escalates :boxing_sm the disagreement or that doesn't. Escalation is always wrong. Even when you are self-righteously correct you are still wrong.

For those of you who just tuned in I am lecturing myself at this point and feel free to disregard as mindless drivel.

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couldnt get any to talk to me, really...seem to have lost that skill, but there sure were some purdy ones!

Purdy is as purdy does.

I would rather snowboard with a very "plain" girl, than dance disco with a "hottie".

Good lord I have to get some work done.

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god it seems hard to believe that there arent plenty of beautiful, smart, sensible women in MONTREAL!
Just speaking as someone who's been a tourist there, the sheer volume of eye candy in downtown Montreal on any given night is astounding. Maybe none of them are right for a relationship, but there sure are some hot ones.

I've got to say that if you think you have to move from a city the size of Montreal to find a girl, that maybe you have to turn that criticism inward.

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