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But do you know that BMW started out in Airplanes? Look at the BMW emblem and you'll see that its a White Prop on a blue sky.

Just like rolls royce. They all made airplane engines for the Nazis. I believe mercedes made airplane engines as well.

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Just like rolls royce. They all made airplane engines for the Nazis. I believe mercedes made airplane engines as well.

Rolls Royce sure as hell didn't make engines for germany. They've ALWAYS been a british company. It was the Rolls Royce Merlin engine in the Spitfire that kept it that way. Kinda ironic that they fought so hard in WWII to stay a british company and now they're owned by VW Group and the name is owned by BMW.


Honda SH150i

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many of the projects that nazis were working on were closely tied to companies outside of germany as were many of the people investing money in german corparations

Rolls made plenty of aircraft engines that were bought by everyone in europe probably including in germany before they started invading the continent

many in the US were up to this, for example the president's grandaddy, in most cases though based pure capitalism that was probably the best place to invest at the time, the ecomony in 1930s germany was one of insane growth

Coca cola also continued operations inside germany during the war selling fanta because the syrup for coca cola was not available and at the end of the war they cashed in the profits from this, kinda sounds quasi legal to me since there was a ban on trade with germany during the war but that never stops corparations

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I like egg and hash brown burritos with lots of ketchup and tapatio sauce.

Ummmm, the 530 is a BMW and that's what the topic was-cars....

I'll keep your breakfast preferences on hand, though, in case you ever visit....Is there any particular reason you've saved all your hatin' for me?

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Buying his way through Central America with the Euro....hmmmm. I may want to rethink the offer ;) Honeymoon might be a bit jumping the gun here. After all, he thinks I tried to get him drunk last week when he took me to dinner.

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That surprises me, iirc, you're certainly not drinking the liberal Kool-Aid when it comes to healthcare matters.


For the record, the MOST efficient administrator of a health care financing plan, with administrative costs comprising 3% of the budget is MEDICARE!

Private insurers have an administrative overhead of 30% of their budget, plus CEO compensation that ranges in the 25-30 million dollar range as in Aetna and Cigna

Employer provided health insurance is nothing more than an employment tax, of sorts, and puts US companies at a global disadvantage when you consider that Toyota, Nissan, and similar international companies don't have to add the cost of employee health insurance to their products-Yes, Japan has socialized medicine

The US ranks LAST in 19 measurements of health as determined by the World Health Organization-including infant mortality and life expectancy-of all the 1st world/industrialized nations and, at $4900 per capita per year cost, our system is TWICE as expensive as such countries as Japan.

With a national system, a national data bank could be instituted and little things like"I can't find the CT report from your ER trip while on vacation, so I'll just repeat it" won't actually happen as much as they do, and believe me, repeating tests because of lack of obtaining results from the first one happens alot.

Right now, EMR(electronic medical records) are maintained by individual MDs for their patients and are not interconnected. Typical systems cost upwards of 100,000 USD per practice and are unaffordable to many in private practice.

Our current system of nonconnectedness and lack of standardization would be like each individual homeowner having to maintain the roads in front of their houses without a national standard on road construction.

The press likes to picture problems in Canada and the UK as the ills of socialized medicine without protraying successes(Japan).

That is hardly "not drinking the liberal Koolaid" I believe in a national single payer system

Now if you mean herbal therapy, know that in private practice, I heartily advocated saw palmetto, glucosamine, St John's wort,etc. but I also advocate a practice dictum of "evidence-based medicine" Believe me, there are tons of research on herbals now-it's a 20 billion dollar business and plenty of docs want to ensure it's safe and effective. The one thing I see listed as a limitations of most studies is the fact the researchers have to, time and time again, formulate their own compounds because the commercially available preparations have widely variable content of the study drug and occasionally toxic elements in them-a paper describing fatal iron and lead intoxication associated with a chinese herbal sold in SF, comes to mind. I take glucosamine every day-2 "1000 Mg" pills. I'd like to think it has 1000 mg per pill, but, thanks to Orrin Hatch, there's no FDA oversight like the generic and trade pharmaceuticals have. OTC herbals are called "dietary supplements" and the manufacturers answer to the FTC, a notoriously lax agency than is woefully underfunded in their enforcement division-it took about 10 years of deaths from ephedra/ma huong(an herbal) to get it pulled from the market. The FDA pulled phenopropalamine(previous OTC diet aid and decongestant) based one 1 study that showed an association between subarachnoid hemorrhage and the drug.

All drugs poison a metabolic pathway in some way-most are used to manipulate in a positive way, like diabetes medication enhancing insulin release from the pancreas. A doc's biggest nightmare is giving something to somebody and they are injured or killed because of it. I take VERY seriously people's trust in my recommendations and treatments and consider it my highest responsibility to keep on top of things, including herbals

If that the "kool-aid", now you know the story. I'm not antiherbal, I'm anti-knee jerk reaction and pro-science

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Ummmm, the 530 is a BMW and that's what the topic was-cars....

I'll keep your breakfast preferences on hand, though, in case you ever visit....Is there any particular reason you've saved all your hatin' for me?

whoa, woman! Did I quote you, say your name, or anything in that post?

this thread has gone all over the entire planet in regards to topics, and sometimes the shifts are hilarious. I posted something stupid and non sequiter...just on a whim...

feelin self-conscious? You might have pulled a funny topic shift...I dont even know for sure, but ANYTHING GOES in this thread apparently.

you dont have to worry about me visiting texas though. youre more likely to run into me in colorado.

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whoa, woman! Did I quote you, say your name, or anything in that post?

this thread has gone all over the entire planet in regards to topics, and sometimes the shifts are hilarious. I posted something stupid and non sequiter...just on a whim...

feelin self-conscious? You might have pulled a funny topic shift...I dont even know for sure, but ANYTHING GOES in this thread apparently.

you dont have to worry about me visiting texas though. youre more likely to run into me in colorado.

Good, I make breakfast tacos everyday we're there....

Tell me if you prefer chorizo or bacon

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I prefer eating no meat with women who have burned me while driving BMWs purchased with Euros across Costa Rica. If I become ill I hope that Costa Rica has a healthy nationalized medical system so I can be fixed

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So eggs and potatoes on your taco?

As for the medical system in Costa Rica, I know an assload of ER nurses that are moving there, so you should be set.....

yup, just eggs and potatos. and, unfortunately, cheese. I like cheese. call me wallace.


nurses moving to CR, eh? hmmmm....single ones?

there's no snow in Costa Rica though...but...could travel....hmmmm:)

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hey i'm gonna be a nurse!

you know what's hilarious? i get more stares and whistles and comments dressed in SCRUBS than i do in normal clothes. what the? LOL

you should try wearing the little white naughty nurse outfit work someday...then you'll hear some whistles and comments...

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