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ya i know. it'd be a nice road trip though. Half way across the country to get a drink and get rejected for having a british ID and no accent. That'd be a funny pointless story that would involve wasting a snowboard worth of gas.

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Isn't that why this thread started in the first place? Funny how it is always the women posting on here with issues with men. With the population of this forum being 99% male, either you guys don't have any issues with women or you're just not talking.

Hah, we don't even discuss our issues with our closest friends, let alone in a public forum ;) Gross generalization of course.

For me: I'm out of college and I hate bars, so I meet approximately zero women a year, plus or minus zero. And she's married. Also, I'm a nerdy looking 5'6" asian guy. That's as straight a shot as you can get into the bullseye of the friend zone.

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Hah, we don't even discuss our issues with our closest friends, let alone in a public forum ;) Gross generalization of course.

For me: I'm out of college and I hate bars, so I meet approximately zero women a year, plus or minus zero. And she's married. Also, I'm a nerdy looking 5'6" asian guy. That's as straight a shot as you can get into the bullseye of the friend zone.

NO,NO, NO..... :nono:

Bad attitude.....

I grew up hearing my own family tell me how ugly I was. My dad told me everything he knew about cars because "I wasn't going to have a husband to ensure car mechanics wouldn't take advantage of me"(It still freaks them out when I tell them they are full of BS). My grandfather used to call me "skullface" and my grandmother told me I was so lucky I was smart because I was going to be alone the rest of my life. My sister, with her blonde hair and blue eyes, was the golden child.

I will never think I'm beautiful or even attractive, BUT....the joke's on everyone because I've been married TWICE and have 2 wonderful kids...

My sister is still single, seems as if no one wants to maintain her pedestal my parents created for her....

There's a hot sexy woman out there who will love you....just don't settle for less than the best....

besides, it's common knowledge that all snowboarders are hung...so just let your rep spread a bit.... :biggthump

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Well, I've never seen you skatha but you seem like a pretty good catch to me. You've got a GREAT attitude! Way to go! :biggthump

Are you implying that if you see her, you might change your mind?????? :smashfrea

Skatha...if you can hang on the slopes...I'd take ya too!

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yeah i got the "put some makeup on you look like death" lecture from mum nearly every day after school... dude i went to an all girls catholic school who did i care to impress?

i also used to be veeery underweight and boys made fun of me being so skinny... mum called me 'the bonerack"

so skatha i know how you feel a lil bit.

i got lucky though, i went from duckling to swan.. at least in my eyes and they're the only eyes who count :)

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Oh Aisling, I am a Catholic school survivor as well! 4 years, all girls catholic high school. I was called "Bird legs", so I feel for ya.

KJL, you know what else you have going for ya? You can brag that you have the coveted BTS system. THAT alone should impress the girls for you!

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Hah, we don't even discuss our issues with our closest friends, let alone in a public forum ;) Gross generalization of course.

I hate bars, so I meet approximately zero women a year, plus or minus zero. And she's married. Also, I'm a nerdy looking 5'6" asian guy. That's as straight a shot as you can get into the bullseye of the friend zone.

hehe, sounds exactly like me except I am a six foot tall, goofy looking whiteboy

Skatha, that must of left some scars, I feel for you

I for one am doing good on the relationship front at the moment, she's not one that handles commitment well at all though

I guess we'll see what happens in the next couple months

Aisling and Michelle, you two both seem great, you will find worthwhile men at some point.

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Only if somebody says something about my looks.....

Sam never has said anything, so I have no idea what he thinks...

I don't ask.....imagine a woman who has never said

1. Do I look pretty in this?

2. Do these jeans make me look fat?

That's me...other than that, childhood was pretty nondescript

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This could very well be my last post in this thread. I don't think I am allowed to post here anymore. Apparently my love life will be blissful from now until eternity because on the weekend I finally (after 6 years) got engaged.

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This could very well be my last post in this thread. I don't think I am allowed to post here anymore. Apparently my love life will be blissful from now until eternity because on the weekend I finally (after 6 years) got engaged.

Congrats but you'll be back-it's the stuff you do to get by during the rough times that you drop when life is good....

For me, it was "Mine sweeper" on the MS game bundle. Divorcing, I could do a large custom with 99 mines in about 1 minute. Now, I flub the beginner field within 2 moves

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This could very well be my last post in this thread. I don't think I am allowed to post here anymore. Apparently my love life will be blissful from now until eternity because on the weekend I finally (after 6 years) got engaged.

Holy MOLY Dan - CONGRATS!!!! That's awesome!

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Is the big step getting engaged or committing to no more posting on this thread????

a little from column A and a little bit from column B. :)

no seriously, that is awesome (the engagement). We better see wedding pics.

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