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I also know that the more you try to help a person, the more resistant they are to accepting the help, in a way. .
True. They have to realize it on their own. And they may resent the people trying to help.
I hope she realizes that she needs to get out soon because she is missing out on the college experience. I was told she used to party every chance she had and then he came along and she isolated herself from everyone she knew.

She's missing LIFE, not just college. Isolation is a common trait of abusers - it's their way of controlling the person so they have no outside influence.

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She's missing LIFE, not just college. Isolation is a common trait of abusers - it's their way of controlling the person so they have no outside influence.

Well for now, life is college life:)

College life will be soooo much better when I finally move out of the dorms away from the anal rules.

I was just told that she actually admits that she is in a bad relationship, but "she loves him." Her room mates here him saying things like, don't listen to anyone, they're only trying to pry us apart.

edit: He also has one of the ultimate forms of control on her. He pays for her cell phone (dunno how) so he has a log of all the calls. bad idea. Probably one of the oldest tricks in the book.

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He also has one of the ultimate forms of control on her. He pays for her cell phone (dunno how) so he has a log of all the calls. bad idea. Probably one of the oldest tricks in the book.

Oldest tricks in the book? Hah, you youngsters. Cel phones have only been around for ~20 years. By the way, popping popcorn used to take more than 2 minutes, and involved pans and oil, or special hot air blowers. Also, the entire world used to be black and white before they invented colors.

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Oldest tricks in the book? Hah, you youngsters. Cel phones have only been around for ~20 years. By the way, popping popcorn used to take more than 2 minutes, and involved pans and oil, or special hot air blowers. Also, the entire world used to be black and white before they invented colors.

WHAT!!! how did you call other people? I heard about this popcorn in more than 2 minutes but thats only if you put the microwave on low. Why would you microwave oil with a hair dryer? Thats dangerous, you know. I'm glad the world finally gained some pigments. Hi-definition must've been really weird in only black and white. :)

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Well, they used to use "towels" to dry hair. When people started to use their popcorn hot-air blowers to dry hair, they needed to invent microwave ovens to pop the popcorn.

Black and white wasn't so bad. It got much worse for a while with only magenta, cyan, white, and black with CGA for a few years, but thankfully they got the world up to millions of colors and things are OK to look at again.


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I remeber some games that ran on 265 colors and used to huge floppy disks. Lets see, Golden Axe, some formula one game and my official first video game was....COSMO!!!! wow i miss that game :-\

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Yup, women tend to have the 'benefit of the doubt' ;)


just stirring the pot...

there is no way thats real. :lol::lol::lol:

wow, thats great.

I forgot to mention the "benifit of the doubt" issue. As long as there are no witnesses, a woman can say a man touched her or tried to rape her and she could easily get away with it.

keep stirring...

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Oldest tricks in the book? Hah, you youngsters. Cel phones have only been around for ~20 years. By the way, popping popcorn used to take more than 2 minutes, and involved pans and oil, or special hot air blowers. Also, the entire world used to be black and white before they invented colors.

Kids! Anyone who is mature knows that popping popcorn can only be done properly with a long handled wire mesh box held over hot embers in a fireplace.

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Kids! Anyone who is mature knows that popping popcorn can only be done properly with a long handled wire mesh box held over hot embers in a fireplace.

Heh. We had one of those.

Last year I took my kids camping. You should have seen how excited they were about this new invention called Jiffy Pop! :p

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I remeber some games that ran on 265 colors and used to huge floppy disks. Lets see, Golden Axe, some formula one game and my official first video game was....COSMO!!!! wow i miss that game :-\

265 colors? Try 126 colors....

Ohhh, and my mom used to pop popcorn in a pan with hot oil....

They came out with the airpoppers just in time for college and the freshman "10"....

my first vid game was "pong" on the Atari...of course, it was B/W, we didn't care since it was in the prepigment days.....

How carefree life was, you didn't have to coordinate your clothes....no such thing as "dumb blonde" jokes....

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Bah, you (non(math nerd))s are killing me... learn your powers of 2! ;)

256! 128!

I think my first game was Combat, also on the Atari. It was in color, but it was still analog, before they invented ones and zeros, except for keeping score.

Man, I've never heard of popping popcorn over actual fire. Was the world black and white back then, or was everything just black?

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Bah, you (non(math nerd))s are killing me... learn your powers of 2! ;)

256! 128!

I think my first game was Combat, also on the Atari. It was in color, but it was still analog, before they invented ones and zeros, except for keeping score.

Man, I've never heard of popping popcorn over actual fire. Was the world black and white back then, or was everything just black?


I'm a doctor, not a computer nerd!!!!

Jiffy pop made dry popcorn....get the Orville Redenbacker oil and corn....yummy...I still pop in the pan occassionally

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Jiffy pop made dry popcorn....get the Orville Redenbacker oil and corn....yummy...I still pop in the pan occassionally

That's right Doc. YOu gotta pop in the pan - I can't even call what comes out of the bag from the microwave popcorn.

If you really want to impress a girl try some organic oil, lightly laced with cayenne (if you like your ladies hot or they do), use organic fresh melted salted butter, season lightly with salt - or put garlic in the butter when melting. Lots of other things can be put in there too. Or go buy a bag of flavored mush, that causes cancer to the people who make it, stick it in your microwave and think you are happy. :barf:

Sorry guys I feel strongly that micro pop is a product of the devil. :nono::nono::nono:

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Yes brother, preach it!!!...the devil wears many masks............and bad popcorn is one of them.

(cue evil star wars music as the jiffy pop-death star floats into view somewhere in outer space, in a galaxy far, far away. Lord Vader will use the power of a giant laser to cook billions of tons of bad popcorn that will be unleashed into every solar system in the universe, thereby destroying all that is good and righteous. Who will save us?)

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Are you tired of all those namby, pamby, girly, sissy, completely Wet

"friendship" poems, that never come close to reality?

Well, here is a series of promises that really speaks to true friendship:

1. When you are sad - I will help you get drunk and plot revenge against the sorry mongrel who made you that way.

2. When you are blue - I will try to dislodge whatever is choking you.

3. When you smile - I will know you've finally had a root.

4. When you are scared - I will tease the crap out of you about it every chance I get.

5. When you are worried - I will tell you horrible stories about how much worse it could be and to stop your bloody whining.

6. When you are confused - I will use little words.

7. When you are sick - Stay the hell away from me until you are well again, I don't want whatever you have.

8. When you fall - I will point and laugh at your clumsy self.

9. When you eat two cream eggs - I will chant 'fatty, fatty, FATTY'.

This is my oath...I pledge it till the end. Why you may ask? Because you are my friend.

Send this to 10 friends, then get depressed because you can only think of two, and one of them isn't speaking to you right now anyway.

**** why bother then... ??

Remember: A good friend will help you move. A really good friend will help you move a body.

So let me know if I ever need to bring a shovel.

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Air popped, lightly oiled and salted, and add....brewers yeast! Tada, perfect popcorn. Speaking of video games, I had the original home tv game, Atari's pong, the tennis game that wasn't. Trying to play that was a real exercise in patience. Video monitors are better now, but when you had THE game and no one else had it, you were stylin'. Oh, tv may have been black and white, but the real world had better colors!

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thinking back, pong was my first game too. How could I have forgotten. Actually it was super pong with the 5 different modes. I still have it too. I also had at the same time atari 2600. I got so many games for it and the cool thing is, it still works, unlike the junk cartridges nintendo came out:freak3:

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