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well see.. the maryland area is where i'm heading as i was asked to come with the beau there... he has a job lined up end of the year.

seems there are alot of nursing jobs there at least... for now i am trying to get this part time summer thing so i can cut and run from the current job. i don't mind working a few jobs at once if its not this place. :p

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what did your latest one do .. leave the seat up?

Yes, and the next time he does that, I think you should rip his balls off and stuff them down his throat. (Oh, Ooops! Was that my out-loud voice again?)

Back in my wheat eating days, when things got bad I would sit down and eat a nice box of powdered sugar donuts - you know, the kind with the raspberry filling. Yum! And when I finally woke up from the sugar coma, everything would be better. I'm sure there's a way to do that with chocolate....

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when things got bad I would sit down and eat a nice box of powdered sugar donuts - you know, the kind with the raspberry filling. Yum! And when I finally woke up from the sugar coma, everything would be better. I'm sure there's a way to do that with chocolate....

Um, pray do tell, why do things have to be bad for that to be a good way to spend an afternoon??? ;)

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Yes, and the next time he does that, I think you should rip his balls off and stuff them down his throat. (Oh, Ooops! Was that my out-loud voice again?)
Yep. Love this.
Back in my wheat eating days, when things got bad I would sit down and eat a nice box of powdered sugar donuts - you know, the kind with the raspberry filling. Yum! And when I finally woke up from the sugar coma, everything would be better. I'm sure there's a way to do that with chocolate....
Oh, without a doubt there is a way to do this with chocolate! However, eating my weight in chocolate in one sitting still has not brought me into the chocolate-induced coma that I am searching for. Yet.

Maybe I've got the wrong chocolate? Maybe I'm not consuming it properly?

And Kieran, it was a blanket statement. You know, you guys make these kinds of statements all the time! And I'm sure, somewhere in your history, there is something you are "known for being an ass" for. It's fitting.

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Um, pray do tell, why do things have to be bad for that to be a good way to spend an afternoon??? ;)

Dan you're too funny.... Heard back ! Got the assignments but they are just temporary ...

So for now I will have to stick w this job til June for the health insurance

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  • 2 weeks later...

so...now he's saying pittsburgh...

i could get behind DC because its got the whole MD/VA surrounding areas...not too far from snow when i want to ride in the winter... plenty of work and good pay...lots of dance schools...

but ... pittsburgh... i think there's a reason it starts with "pitts"...

i looked at job opps... omg... holy underpaid nursing batman. 2 dance schools, both kinda meh... and um... yeah...

i realize we sacrifice for loved ones... but having ones pay cut in half (literally.. in HALF!!) makes one feel a smidge hesitant. oish. scared. maybe a better state will pop up in his quest for the best phys ed college that the military will pay for..? meep?:confused:

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So for now I will have to stick w this job til June for the health insurance
Health insurance is overrated. I haven't had it for years.

Good luck with the move or non-move. Tough decisions you are making for a guy. Apparently life has changed for you since starting this thread! LOL

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Health insurance is overrated. I haven't had it for years.

I hope you are kidding. Health insurance is the one you always want to have, but hope you’ll never ever really need to make use of it. I mean in a serious matter!

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I hope you are kidding. Health insurance is the one you always want to have, but hope you’ll never ever really need to make use of it. I mean in a serious matter!

Nope. Not kidding. I am NEVER sick, have never had a major injury, disease, or illness, and to start with the highest deductible insurance for a single woman is over $350 a month. No thank you, I'll take my chances.

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Nope. Not kidding. I am NEVER sick, have never had a major injury, disease, or illness, and to start with the highest deductible insurance for a single woman is over $350 a month. No thank you, I'll take my chances.

Wow, wish you much good luck! Sometimes life presents itself with all kind of difficult surprises. Hope you will be fine.

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I hope you are kidding. Health insurance is the one you always want to have, but hope you’ll never ever really need to make use of it. I mean in a serious matter!

Yep. My mother died of a very rare kidney disease that developed very unexpectedly. At the time my family had very good insurance. The doctors did all kinds of stuff to keep her alive as long as possible. (I believe) I owe my existence to their efforts (as well as to my mother... of course). If my family had not had good insurance at the time, my mother would never had lived as long as she did, the medical bills would have ruined my family financially, and I would almost definitely not be here typing this message.

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As I now sit, I'm waiting to hear of the passing of an old friend. Like me, he is in his late forties and was generally healthy. However, he had some kind of heart issue while driving and wrecked his car. People on the scene were able to do CPR, but recent MRI scans show extensive damage to his brain because of a lack of oxygen. He's been in a coma for the last 10 days or so in a room that costs $17,000/day, and he has no insurance. The decision was made a couple of days ago to let him go, and we are just waiting for him to continue on his journey. As for the costs, this will likely eat up the majority of his estate, and we expect to be passing the hat around.

I've been on high deductible, HSA-eligible, catastrophic-only insurance for the past few years. Here in WA, I have been able to get this for $155/month but I think that the rate will go up soon. There is a possibility that I might move to CO this year, so I sure hope I don't have to pay some crazy rate when I have to shop for insurance again. I'm not eligible for group insurance generally, so I'm at the mercy of whatever individual plans are available.

Regardless of anyone's personal choices on insurance, it is always a good idea to have a simple estate plan in place, along with a living will and healthcare power of attorney.

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BobD, I do agree with your deleted comments, but I also find it disappointing that I live in a country that deems some people not worthy of having access to health insurance. With a genetic autoimmune disease, the only insurance I have been able to find is Wyoming's high risk pool insurance at about $800/month. I can't afford that - I would be bankrupt in a few months. So I spend my health care dollars on broccoli and acupuncture and the like, and am far healthier than the vast majority of Americans. Just have to hope I don't have a major accident.....

And back to the topic... I'm quite sure there's a way to blame this on men... ;-)

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And back to the topic... I'm quite sure there's a way to blame this on men... ;-)

So hows the kayaking going? Shoulder holding up I hope.

I'm determined to get back in a boat this summer after a four year break. Too out of it for the spring stuff though.

Edit - I just read the dislocated shoulder thread....

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I hope you are kidding. Health insurance is the one you always want to have, but hope you’ll never ever really need to make use of it. I mean in a serious matter!

I aggree. As a single guy, no children it is often hard to hear about the rates the company pays per person (averaged out within the work group, many with 3 children and husband/wife of course under the coverage). Last I heard it was about 1200$ per month per employee. We pay a percentage and deductables. After nearly 30 years without serious illness or injury I seldom have used the health insurance. However, the last four years have been expensive, without insurance the broken leg in Aspen would have been over 50K. The broken arm was allot and the broken back not so much (no surgery)

The lost work and co pay was pretty hard on me financially. Without good health insurance I would have been in a very bad way. Likely loosing the house, etc. I hope to retire fairly soon and not looking forward to paying all of my insurance costs. I don't dare be without it.

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