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OT: waaaaaaay OT....


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Don't tell me there's snow somewhere in the world, that's the last thing I need to hear! It's another 70 degree october day here in michigan... I remember trick or treating in the snow... Gosh!

On another note, and going along with the trend of the waaaaaaaaayyy ot thread, I have resumed talks with a ladyfriend of mine from a year or two ago. I was going to school 400 miles from home and she was going to school a couple hundred in the other direction. It just didn't quite work out. Now I have a "permanent" job/career and a little closer to the start of things. She's still going to school, but is almost done and who knows what'll happen.

I guess I'm not really expecting anything to come of it, but it sure is nice to be getting a little attention from the opposite sex. Know what I mean?

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Way to go Tonja! I did two skydives in my past lives, and I'm pretty sure that I'd die of terror if I had to do one now!!

Was it static line or tandem? I did my tandem from 12000 ft and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life...

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On another note, and going along with the trend of the waaaaaaaaayyy ot thread, I have resumed talks with a ladyfriend of mine from a year or two ago. I was going to school 400 miles from home and she was going to school a couple hundred in the other direction. It just didn't quite work out. Now I have a "permanent" job/career and a little closer to the start of things. She's still going to school, but is almost done and who knows what'll happen.

I guess I'm not really expecting anything to come of it, but it sure is nice to be getting a little attention from the opposite sex. Know what I mean?

I have heard it's great, but personally don't know myself. That's awesome Pebu!

Skydiving is absolutely the most incredible thing I have ever done. I was on a "high" for days after!

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I have heard it's great, but personally don't know myself. That's awesome Pebu!

I'm sure that's not really true.

Skydiving is absolutely the most incredible thing I have ever done. I was on a "high" for days after!

I'm pretty sure I don't have the balls to jump out of a perfectly good plane. I mean, I'd do other stuff, given the chance, but I don't think that's one of them..

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It was tandem. I haven't felt anything profound but perhaps that is because I've flown in little planes and jumped off of a bridge before. The coolest part was scooting to the door though :-)

Plus the view was gorgeous (Berkshires with the leaves changing color) ...and the guys :1luvu:

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It was tandem. I haven't felt anything profound but perhaps that is because I've flown in little planes and jumped off of a bridge before. The coolest part was scooting to the door though :-)

Plus the view was gorgeous (Berkshires with the leaves changing color) ...and the guys :1luvu:

were you in Orange?

if so shame on you for not finding me for a skate session.

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Jumptown in Orange. It would be a costly way of meeting guys though- one tandem jump is $200 (school subsidized it so I got to go for 50). They might also just be more cute because they are in jumpsuits and you are strapped together in an airplane 13500 feet up? The cute ones were also kinda cocky though- so I'd say just good for jumping and looking. :lurk:

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I dated a skydiver for a year. He was seven years younger than me and a total cutie. But they're pretty waaaay out there, and serious skydiving is definitely a boys club. Lots of testosterone and not a lot of brain.

I was always amused by one of his jump team - a spectacularly good looking guy who, as we used to say, would get up on himself if he could turn around fast enough. Nights out with him were always great for a laugh.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a "bright as the day it was made 1988 OP neon pullover and matching pants I got while on a short lived demo team that I wear for torchlight parades and retro days.We refused to wear the suits,so the team was dissolved.My mom gave me the idea a few years ago to wear it for Halloween with two neon colored poster boards hanging one on my chest one on my back(like the old fashioned newspaper boys).The poster boards said in large print"JUST SAY NO" .I also wore dozens of neon colored price tags with the circle slash symbol for no on them.And as if that were not obnoxious enough;a neon winter hat and several colors of neon zinca face paint.Of course the name of my character is THE NEON POSTER CHILD.I think I'll bust it out again this year.

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A few past costumes-

-alien pornstar with vegetable "appendages" - bronxe jumpsuit, green face paint, HUGE afro, giant plastic carrots strategically placed

-pimp smurf - full white outfit with silver sequins, butterfly collar that extended past my shoulders, deep blue face paint, pimp hat & cane, etc - my wife was "slutette"

-grim reaper

-shrimp farmer, complete with tiny rope laso (sp?), ten gallon hat, I was told it was scarier than the grim reaper costume

-Brie cheese maker - a running joke at work where the cheese was made by pleasuring oneself into a barrel and letting it age. costume included vaseline, big mustache, beret, tissues and lots of "spillage" stains

-viking warrior

-hanz & franz (from Sat. Night Live)

-zombie biker

-my wife dressed as a tampon one year

fun fun fun

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