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Bah.. Didn't go today, dont' know if I'll go tomorrow. Maybe go thursday, but then I'm leaving friday, so whatever. I'll just enjoy the rest of my swimmin and ****. Maybe some time at home I'll be so fortunate...

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If you go Thursday you could tell her you wished you had the guts to ask her out earlier but you didn't. She would probably just smile or even agree so it wouldn't be flat out rejection and you could trick yourself into feeling more confident next time around. :-) Maybe she will even tell you there should be a next time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That depends on your relationship with the person, and how much they care what you think, to but it bluntly.

If it's someone you're dating, and they're really interested in you, there's a good chance that it'll work. Same goes with folks that work for you.

It's a very positive attitude and one that I like. I'm not a negative person. I generally expect the best out of people.

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There is no need to put people up on a pedestal, but there is also nothing wrong with them knowing that you expect the best from them. Mind you, that requires that you give your best too, and you should be prepared for disappointment, but the feeling of knowing that someone is giving you the best they have far outweighs even the combined feeling of many who don't live up to those levels.

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Ah yes, but to be the devil's advocate, high expectations from people lead to dissapointment.

Yes, but I don't think you should lower your expectations just because things aren't working out. You want certain things from a person, and some of those are non negotiables. Go for what you want. Why would you be with someone who just annoys you, or who gives you the feeling you dumbed out?

So, in other news, I went to see a psychic (yep, I'm officially a flake!!) and this woman was AMAZING. Like, scary amazing. Apparently I will be changing jobs in the next six months (I just changed jobs three months ago, so that was interesting!) and I will meet the man of my dreams through this new job. He likes my twisted sense of humour. (And of course, he is tall, dark, handsome and rich :-))

Visit back in February and I'll tell you if it happened or not :-)

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I'm a real idiot. I thought I was quoting the wrong thing, but I wasn't... The original post went something like this...

Of course... You don't want to pay good money to get told that your life sucks, do ya?:)

I'm not doubting a psychics talent. Only what that talent is in. They're for sure good for entertainment value though.

I hope you find Mr. Tall dark and handsome. Say, you wouldn't happen to be planning on moving to Michigan in the next couple of months, are you???

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Not really related but my new thoughts on people/matches is that the easiest way for me to get over them is to pity them (quick as snapping fingers), the most disappointing thing for me is when I feel that one of my close people is not acting out of integrity, and if I were to be with someone I would expect them to tell me when I'm being a jerk and help me grow into a better person. The friends whose opinions mean the most to me are the ones that are willing to share opinions that I won't like.

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Not really related but my new thoughts on people/matches is that the easiest way for me to get over them is to pity them (quick as snapping fingers), the most disappointing thing for me is when I feel that one of my close people is not acting out of integrity, and if I were to be with someone I would expect them to tell me when I'm being a jerk and help me grow into a better person. The friends whose opinions mean the most to me are the ones that are willing to share opinions that I won't like.

True friends stab you in the front, not back-stabbing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, but I don't think you should lower your expectations just because things aren't working out. You want certain things from a person, and some of those are non negotiables. Go for what you want. Why would you be with someone who just annoys you, or who gives you the feeling you dumbed out?

So, in other news, I went to see a psychic (yep, I'm officially a flake!!) and this woman was AMAZING. Like, scary amazing. Apparently I will be changing jobs in the next six months (I just changed jobs three months ago, so that was interesting!) and I will meet the man of my dreams through this new job. He likes my twisted sense of humour. (And of course, he is tall, dark, handsome and rich :-))

Visit back in February and I'll tell you if it happened or not :-)

Allee i think psychics are fun in the very least and yep sometimes you come across one who sorta hits the nail on the head... some people are better cold readers than others... HOWEVER... would be nice if those sweet lil predictions come true wouldn't it? :)

good luck!

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Yep, this girl works with the police and stuff. but she didn't know me from a bar of soap - and yet she knew that my employer was in financial trouble, why I broke up with the ex, and that I've considered a career change in the last year - and the last one I hadn't even told any of my friends. So she tells me about that, and as I sat there I thought "yep, but it's not going to happen, I can't afford to go back to school" - and the next words out of her mouth were "and don't worry about the money, it will work itself out"!!

I went to a seminar that she ran last Friday. It was like a girls night out with about 100 people, she did psychic readings for some of the people there and we all had a great night talking about "how you ask the universe for a man". She's incredibly entertaining, I haven't laughed so much in ages, and some of the dating disaster stories made me feel much better about myself!!

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Yep, this girl works with the police and stuff. but she didn't know me from a bar of soap - and yet she knew that my employer was in financial trouble, why I broke up with the ex, and that I've considered a career change in the last year - and the last one I hadn't even told any of my friends. So she tells me about that, and as I sat there I thought "yep, but it's not going to happen, I can't afford to go back to school" - and the next words out of her mouth were "and don't worry about the money, it will work itself out"!!

I went to a seminar that she ran last Friday. It was like a girls night out with about 100 people, she did psychic readings for some of the people there and we all had a great night talking about "how you ask the universe for a man". She's incredibly entertaining, I haven't laughed so much in ages, and some of the dating disaster stories made me feel much better about myself!!

thats fun!!! i had my cards read by a lady the other night and she said my boyfriend (who is away on vaca) was going to call me that day. good guess! he did an hour later. LOL

I think sometimes people can make educated guess and they come out as interesting predictions or coincidences... but i'd like to think that maybe someone could 'see' things... hope things work out for you!

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