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I've got a gal that is an up and coming politician and wants to marry me, have kids and make me her kept man. If it didn't require placing her on a pedestal, raising the kids myself and and being arm candy I would be more interested.

It's funny, in the past the ideal situation was hooking up with a wealthy gal and living the life. I've had the offer (a different gal) and turned it down (too old). Now, to have this girl?! It all makes my head hurt,

I just want a garage that I can set up my tools, work on my gear, take my dog for walks and enjoy the sunshine.

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Man, I'm about to get married and if I had thought for a second that she would willingly keep me in the lifestyle to which I deserve to become accustomed, this would have happened years ago. I'd love to be a stay-at-home-dad and all that. Beats the hell out of working for a living and means you get to see your kids grow up.

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Michelle, my dog is certainly the best dog in the world. Eleven years old now and doing well. With your dog experience do you know of good treatments for a bum knee? I've had her on glucosamine for about a year and I would like to look into stronger treatments and figure out some PT exercises to build up her leg strength so they are at least balanced.

Dan and JN, I've definately struggled with weighing the pros and cons. Watching any kids grow up first hand would be very rewarding. My own selfishness and desire to be successful is the other hand, it's weird but i enjoy working and love to see the projects and results I help to produce. As much as the kids and house hold could be that project, I am not sure I would be satisfied.

The biggest battle is envisioning my life beyond the kids and house. I believe that it will be imperative to have my own things happening so that I have more than family in my life.

A question for the stay at home dads and moms or dads and moms that have the role of minding the home, What have you done so that you have not lost your own personal goals and desires? What other questions do you believe should be asked?

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For me it was a matter of channeling my energy into other pursuits. Competitive shooting (I can do a lot of dry-fire practice [that's no live ammo] at home), this also gives me a good way to teach the kids a healthy respect for firearms. They also tag along to matches on occasion, and are sure to wear ear and eye protection. I also do some woodworking (I make smoking pipes) and sell them through a shop here and on a web site. Then there's snowboarding!!!! Or bicycling during the summer.

We had to put the kids in day care for 1 or 2 days a week so that I could get some time to do other stuff. I think I would have gone out of my mind otherwise!

Now, my wife isn't working and we're starting up a new business. This is consuming quite a bit of time, but we're also able to spend more with the kids and I'm able to get out to the slopes once during the week for some carving. Prospects look really good right now.

The gist of it is to develop some more hobbies. Some things you can do at home and things that you need to NOT do at home. Stuff to do with the family and stuff to do by yourself. You need a good healthy mix in there.

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Michelle, my dog is certainly the best dog in the world. Eleven years old now and doing well. With your dog experience do you know of good treatments for a bum knee? I've had her on glucosamine for about a year and I would like to look into stronger treatments and figure out some PT exercises to build up her leg strength so they are at least balanced.

The only thing stronger would be steriods, and I wouldn't recommend them unless absolutely necessary. It's kind of the last resort, because once they are on them they can't really go off, especially older dogs. At least that's been my experience. Exercising is good if she can take it. Aspirin for pain, if she has any. If not, just tell her to take it easy on the knee and watch her to let her know when to stop.

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JN what kind of a business are you starting?

An internet based newsletter for the insurance industry here in CA. My wife has quite a lot of experience as a business reporter, over 13 years. We're not ready to launch just yet, but the market looks primed for the info that we're planning to deliver. Very promising right now :biggthump

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The only thing stronger would be steriods, and I wouldn't recommend them unless absolutely necessary. It's kind of the last resort, because once they are on them they can't really go off, especially older dogs. At least that's been my experience. Exercising is good if she can take it. Aspirin for pain, if she has any. If not, just tell her to take it easy on the knee and watch her to let her know when to stop.

The non-steroidal anti-inflammatories like Rimadyl and Metacam are great. There has been all sorts of bad press around Rimadyl, some dogs - especially labs and retrievers - are literally deathly allergic to it, but for most of the ones I've met it's been a godsend. My border collie has arthritis is all her joints from years of agility, and so little mobility in her spine she could barely move 18 months ago. Without the Rimadyl I have no doubt I would have had to put her down, but she's still going strong. As Michelle rightly pointed out, once they're on they're on for life, and it does get expensive (in my case about $230 every three months), but it's been literally a wonder drug for her. If you have any doubts, go with the Metacam first and see what happens.

Aspirin is great for occasional pain relief, but not recommended for long term as it can cause ulcers, the same as in humans. Make sure if you use it that it's the uncoated stuff.

I'd say you need to know what's causing the pain before designing a therapy. It might be arthritis, or joint damage, and old, healed cruciate damage is really common as well. An X-ray will normally give you all the answers.

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Just went to this thread to see what the topic is and how it has morphed.

Rimadyl is OK stuff but I think that you should give Deramaxx a try. It is non steroidal. I switched to this after a recommendation from my vet in McCall and it seems to work better than Rimadyl, at least for my dog. Once a day instead of twice and can be found with a lot of other drugs at


Deramaxx is also said to be much healthier for your dog (however I cannot seem to get a straight answer from her, the dog). petmeds2go should save you some $$ on anything that you want to use. All you need is your script from your vet on file with them to order it.<O:p</O:p

More on Deramaxx on their site


Frisbee anyone?


This is the edit:

Something other than just plain Aspirin:


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Total threadjack here ...

I did a lot of research before agreeing to the Rimadyl (I knew someone who lost a dog on it), and I asked the vet about Deramaxx. Her answer was that Metacam and Rimadyl only act on some of the pain receptors and dull the pain, whereas Deramaxx works on all of them to give them literally a pain-free state. The obvious problem with that is especially in an older dog, this can cause them to "go overboard" because they can't feel the pain that should normally be associated with overdoing it. Plus at the time, it was very new (only on the market 3 months) so they hadn't really got a feel for how well it worked.

Good to hear that your dog is doing well on it, though...

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I know that the root cause is an undiagnosed injury. This is causing her strength to be out of balance between her hind legs, which is resulting into shoulder problems, damn it's hard to be 11 and quite active throughout the life.

When the vet gave her a feel and said that the problem was an old knee injury, all she came up with at the time was aspirin and light exercise.

Thanks for the links to these other pet meds, i'll be doing some investigation before getting another vets opinion.

Threadjack, what was the topic?

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The vet that started my dog on the Deramaxx is has also been a friend of mine for the last several years. He too has two dogs, one of which he has put on Deramaxx and trusts it completely. His background and knowledge seems to be very solid and he also studied and practices some interesting alternative medicine, acupuncture being some of that. <O:p</O:p

Any way, I only give my dog Deramaxx as needed for her comfort and not necessarily every day. If she really overdoes it she will show signs of the pain and may then get just a bit more right then. I think that it does a great job but, like I said in the previous post, she does not speak English too well so I have to trust her reactions.<O:p</O:p

Threadjacked maybe, but it still must be the longest thread and maybe even the most viewed.

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def did!

Took it easy to ride in powder the next day. Was it worth it...probably not. I got trashed the night before and boston was just a complete zoo. The cops couldnt even keep up with the noise complaints.

edit: Oh ****! I'm the 2000th post! Whose up for a full 60+ page recap?

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In celebration of the new 2000, I'm dating a guy. Its brand new. We have tons of issues to work out (personal and interpersonal) but its quite exciting. We'll see if it lasts a week since it barely lasted two days. HAHAHA

ooookkkkaaay- I just pulled an allnighter and the last time I was unconscious was shortly before five in the afternoon YESTERDAY.

Seriously though, we'll see

I neeeeeed sleep. PS- I love early mornings and wish I would get back into getting up at six. Also, this morning at seven, it finally dawned on me. Sunset is only so romanticized because people have sex in the dark.

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so did everyone have a nice st paddy's day? hmm? didja?
Fabulous. My daughter is an Irish dancer, so we spent the day driving her around the city doing various shows. Then we dumped her off at home and headed to a pub with her teachers, where there was a live band playing Ceilidh type music. The teachers would occasionally put down their beers, I'd clear a space for them on the dance floor, and they'd throw down a treble reel or something to show the patrons just how fast their feet were. Too much fun.
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so did everyone have a nice st paddy's day? hmm? didja?

This past St. Pat's was a nice mellow evening. I worked.

St. Pat's in NYC is one of the craziest things I've ever experienced. One of the many highlights from years past - saw a cop puke on the hood of his car, uniform sort of half hanging off of him, then get in and drive away. I feared for my life that night. I sort of half joined an Irish marching band that night, got kicked out of the first bar at 10:15 AM, etc. So as not to incriminate myself, I'll hold back on the really vile details.

Boston must have been nice and quiet on St. Pat's huh?:)

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nice! now thats a good day.

Well we stayed clear of having a party at our place since the landlord was forced to hire a security guard because we're a problem property, so we went 2 streets over and had a really good time. Cops came and just said, "We know everyone here is 21....but if we have to come back, we're bringing someone else to the station with us." We just stood there and said nothing since 90% of the people there weren't even 20. I didnt get too drunk because i was going riding the next morn 2 hours away, but i'm making up for it with a kegger tonight:biggthump post st. pats day parties rule!!!

I kinda wish i saw the parade and I wonder what its like in ireland. Just another day?

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so did everyone have a nice st paddy's day? hmm? didja?

It should've been called saint patty's WEEKEND. :cool:

Hit the Shannon Door Pub in Jackson for a warm up friday.

Woke up to a powder day at Attitash, rode with Jeff Day and his buddy Jessie.

Done by noon when it started raining.Enjoyed some Guinness in the hot tub and some green margaritas at the Marg Grille.

More groomed up riding all day sunday with some hungover (greenish) buds and some sweet green nugs. More hot tubbin' and some green pesto penne chix pasta for dinner.

Jameson and good coffee rules ! :biggthump

I am going, I am going

Any which way the wind may be blowing

I am going, I am going

Where streams of whiskey are flowing


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