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Bob Jenney is 40 today


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Well it was a couple weeks ago.. hey Bob when you woke up on your birthday was there this big lump where your abs used to be.. huh me too... thats wierd! I did buy myself Lasik eyes for my 40th... man best thing I ever done.. except that 18 year old at Arizona State!


Right Said Shred:D

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I love the walker! At 47, I'm still on sport bikes, and heli-bars will be my riding salvation in a few. With 2 work related neck injuries, ibuprofin is it's own nutritional suppliment group! I wake up most mornings with neck pain, but heat and keeping moving deals with most of it. I'm not dead 'till I'm dead! I plan on riding until I need that walker!

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Guest Digger

Hey, Hey, Hey... Sounds like your not getting any respect my man. Well just so you know, "they" -as in us brothers- don't give out the respect, until you hit 50. As you can see, until then its gonna be SIDESHOW BOB!

Hope you can make it to the SES next year, and this time, try to get in shape before you show up!!!

Like you, I'm just starting to get this dailed in and setting goals for next year. You wanna come out here and ride some powder sometime??? Heading back to Ak in 2 days. Time to go to work and kill some salmon.

Till the snow flies have a great summer and say hi to Kathy.


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Bob - you are now officially a "tetragenarian".

Some guidance: As the body deteriorates

1. Buy the extended warranty

2. Stock up on parts (Pre 1970 knees are in short suppy.

3. Locate out-of-print owner's manual



"Valued member of AARP since 1996"

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Originally posted by Bob Jenney

Jack, Your new user name is officially “Poke It with stick” :) Always seeing what you can stir up. [/b]

awww Bob, are you ashamed of our secret lurve? LMAO

J/K everyone!!!!!!!!!! before i get poor Bob in trouble. :D

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