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Ankle injuries

Guest crikey

Have you had an Ankle injury?  

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  1. 1. Have you had an Ankle injury?

    • Slight twist?
    • Bad Sprain?
    • Dislocation?
    • No problems at all?

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that sucks... we as health care workers are the WORST patients. i'm sure she knew the best way to check things out was to go take the boot off immediately and put some ice on it! (even tho they are softies they are still compressing the area and keeping it from swelling right away) then when she noticed the swelling and increased pain she probably knew it probably a break which is why she begrudgingly went to the doc. it sucks getting bad news like that. hope she does heal fast. i work in an ortho clinic if ya got q's (tho i'm sure she got all the info she needs)

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i talked to guy last night who crashed into a race gate last February. He broke both of his legs, had to have a extensive ankle rebuild, that included taking muscle from his thigh and using it in his ankle. did i mention i saw him snowboarding yesterday in hard boots?

i was impressed, to say the least.

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I have done in both of my ankles in separate incidents- I tore the ligament in my left ankle after landing a jump badly in a boarder cross race, and my right ankle after trying to hit a jump switch...

In both cases I was using a relatively soft Burton hardplate binding and soft Raichle 121 hardboots, which I still prefer for freeriding.

Thank goodness for extended medical plans, and a good physiotherapist and acupuncturist.

Like Indiana Jones once said, "it's not the years kid, it's the mileage"....;)

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I was on a toeside carve getting ready to go over a steep when I finally saw it was a mogul field. I was on my toe edge and took the first mogul nose first. It dug in and my board spun 180 degrees under me and my upper body stayed the same. It wasn't until the tail hit and made a jolt that the injury was set. Technically it was more of a lower leg injury since I vertically fractured my tibia, but there were torn ligaments as a result as well. The doctor described what had happened as taking a piece of bamboo and twisting it to the point it begins to split. That by the way is the only time in my life a bone has been broken or fractured. (I've had the cartilage of my nose dislocated a few times, but that's it.) I didn't even get a cast, but I still have the mega ankle brace with splints and laces.

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I tore the sheath that holds my peroneal tendon below my ankle bone. I did it in soft boots years ago. First day of the season, 3rd run down. It was warm and the snow was like mash potatoes. I hit a big mount of snow I thought I was going to plow through, but instead came to a stop. My back knee went down towards the board. I didn't fall, and didn't realize I was hurt until I got to the bottom. When I took out my back foot my ankle was making a weird popping feeling. After skating around a bit my ankle was on fire. I called it a day.

My doctor referred me to a surgeon who told me I would never snowboard again without surgery and he gave me a recovery of about 85%. I decided to get a second opinion from a sports doctor I knew. He suggested we try to rehabilitate it first, and if that doesn't work to then get the surgery.

Rehab worked. We were able to tighten all sheath that was pulled. I would say it is now 95%. Once in a blue moon it pops, which doesn't hurt at all. It weird because it never pops during sports, only at the most random times when doing non-physical activities (walking, going down the stairs, etc).

This wasn't the end of my season either. 3 weeks later I decided to try my ankle out in hard boots. I had an alpine setup at the time, but I had barely ridden it. The board was an Oxygen Proton, and compared to my other boards was not very forgiving at all. But after a couple of days I really starting enjoying it. I also had an Oxygen SX which I had only ridden softboots on up to this point. When I put my hard boots on that I was in heaven. After riding the Proton for a while the SX felt like the best of both worlds (alpine and softboots).

If this injury never happened I would still be riding soft boots. :)

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i talked to guy last night who crashed into a race gate last February. He broke both of his legs, had to have a extensive ankle rebuild, that included taking muscle from his thigh and using it in his ankle. did i mention i saw him snowboarding yesterday in hard boots?

i was impressed, to say the least.

Jack: I visited Clay in the hospital last year - glad to hear he's already back out riding.

Do you have any more info that you could you post in an update?

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I broke my right ankle in a very nasty accident similar to David ESPI's lady in my Deeluxe Le Mans 2 years ago. I blacked out for a second and came to my senses with a nasty pain in my right boot. My friends had to release me from the pretzel position I was in and ski patrol towed me down.Wasn't a bad break but I still had to wear a hard cast for awhile. That ended my season in January.

That injury still haunts me every time I get off a lift. I often hold back on how fast I'm going because of it still.

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Thanks for the well wishes and <3 :1luvu: here guys (and girls) for Kathy. We went to the Ortho office today and they took a look at it and asked for another Xray. THe thing I didn't want to do is freek Kathy out about needing surgery, but I knew that the way her bone was fractured they would want to slap a plate n screws in because of was an inward fault line break and if it didnt heal properly the fib would rub on the tip and be an eternal issue for her. The Dr. did indeed confirm this, and said also her down-time would be halved and could start PT with her in around 4 weeks and have her on her feet walking on it again in just over 2 weeks which was far better news to her ears once she was past the "OMfnG SURGERRRYYYY ??? REALLY?!!!! " knee jerk reply and shocked emotional outburst.

She goes in for OUT-PATIENT op on thursday around noon. With anyluck she won't be in a cast for Aspen, but if she is; atleast it means priority boarding and shuttle service for the airlines (maybe a first class upgrade?) hehehee. ALways a bright side to a crappy situation.

She vows to get back on the board again, and is also now "nolonger afraid to fall and break something" :biggthump

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just broke my right tibia today on a toeside carve. Nose dug in and spun the board 180. I think at the start of the ensuing commotion my upper body did not follow the board. culd not tolerate having my back foot in the binding so I popped it out. Really cranked down the upper buckles and tried stepping in again. No dice. Ski patrol towed me down (a snowboarder!).

The x-ray shows a break about halfway through the medial malleolus. Doctor at the local hospital (figured that would be a shorter wait than an a big city hospital where you have to compete against gunshot wounds to the chest, etc) said three to six weeks, but I don't think that she meant that was the time before I could get back on a board. Still have to see an orthopedist in Philly.

Loc, how long was your recovery?

Does not look good for ECES :(. At least I was having fun when it happened. :)

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Loc, how long was your recovery?

I was in a cast for 7 weeks I think and wore a soft boot (no pun intended) for another week or two. The doctor said after gaining strength back in the injured leg I can get back on the slopes but it was mid Spring when the hard cast came off. I decided not to risk injuring myself again since I was planning a through-hike of the John Muir Trail in the Sierra that summer. If it wasn't for that I surely would've shredded corn a few times before hanging up the snowboard. Good luck with your recovery!

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Twisted ankle after the nose dived into some soft snow on a particularly hard heel side carve. The usual, incredible swelling and a huge bruise under the ankle, and the pain of putting any pressure on the joint.

I got put into a cast and was told 5 weeks, with no guarantee that I would be able to snowboard this season. Well f that, were having one of the best winters in Europe in a looong time.

So its been two weeks so far and I took the cast off myself and can walk pretty well, Im trying not to limp, I did a variety of exercises that I found on that net that went pretty well. So my plan is to wear the cast but take it off during the weekend when I can do my own rehabilitation and such.

Feb 21 is my back to snowboarding date. Do or die.

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  • 2 weeks later...

2nd last run of the day last year, i hit some pretty high speeds. i hit a bump that knocked me around unexpectedly. i recovered and i thought, that doesn't feel right. i did the last run and had to sit down part way. i rested for a couple of minutes, got up and went into the lodge. i pulled my foot out of the boot and put pressure on it. no problems. i put some twisting pressure on the ankle and just about squealed like a stuck pig. i looked at the bar keep and ordered a beer as i realized the season was now officially over. it was about a month before the ankle was better. and this was with hardboots on.

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