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When the reality hits you straight into face


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It  is hard. Over weekend I tried new F2s. It was snowing and flat light on Saturday. I did 2 runs on Proto Sl and switch to Vantage. I had very hard time to see pretty much anything. After second run condition were so bad I had to stop when I left Forrest and hit open slope. I just walk down. With one eye I am pretty much blind in these condition. On Sunday, there was some new snow and blue sky. I jump on Vantage. Simple constant radius side cut, easily turned board. And it showed all my problems. My toe side is weaker for last ten years when I got screws in front foot, but now when it is also my blind side it is really bad and I am struggling. It is not side cut or board, I just simply suck big time and when I am on more advanced board I  suck more. Slopes I was dragging body on snow I can barely skid down. Later some moguls were made in fresh snow causing me another problem  with depth of vision. I am pretty much stuck with perfect weather and groomed blue slopes. For rest of the season I plan use only two boards I have the least problems on. Virus Revolution Narrow and F2 Vantage. I want to try Jorg’s style to help me with vision on toe side. And I also have big mental block to commit toe side turn. I still hope but most likely my carving day are over. I am even thinking go to skiing. I can blend with hundreds of mediocre/ bad skiers on the slopes. So be ready there will be most likely big sale on horizon. I still have some top line boards. Just have fun, but be very careful there are so many crazy idiots on slopes it is just unreal.

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"this too shall pass".  I know the feeling.  I feel the same way last season (injury/health problem); maybe i shall just quit.  I am glad i stuck with it.  I still suck but having fun again.  How well i carve/snowboard doesn't define who i am.  My action does.  Battling the mental block to me is part of the journey.

Today i woke up with renew sense of well being.  it's a strange sensation; nothing is hurting(much).  I wish the same for you.  Our mental/physical state are so interconnected; feed the positive side(easier say than done) and silence the negative.

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@Ladia Your message really resonated with me and the frustration you expressed hits home. I had the luxury of going to the MCC this year which was pretty much a dream come true. Dislocated my shoulder on the third day and that was my season.  It is so demoralizing.  Working really hard with every medical professional under the sun to get it strong again, but this getting old business is for the birds.  I wish you all the best. Keep on keeping on. The alternatives are worse!

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i just Joined the Old Man Army Group on Facebook. Some old friends that will compete this Saturday at Crystal Mountain WA. 4 man teams /4 hours of vertical calculated for highest speed and most vertical followed by 9 holes of golf in Enumclaw... Looking forward to being there next year



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Anything worth doing is worth doing badly." — G. K. Chesterton


The line is not an excuse for poor efforts. It is perhaps an excuse for poor results.
I will never compete at elite level (no even local beer league level) but i enjoy it and sometime that's good enough and i will have to make peace with that.

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On 3/22/2022 at 9:18 AM, Ladia said:

my carving day are over.

I hear ya Ladia.......from my collision this season I still fill stuck at 60% recovery and I've recently had the same thoughts!   ..........but I have had a couple of good turns and that feeling is coming back!

So I say stick with it and find a run you fill safe on and get out there and have some fun......that's my plan!

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