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An interesting realization about women and snowboarding

Guest Randy S.

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Guest jeremiah

Well, I have consorted with more women than resorts, but now that I'm (very happily) married, I'm starting to close the gap. Let's just say that it will take a few more seasons.

Sex *can* be transcendant, though like every other special thing, you need to remember why it's special. A quicky between doing the dishes and taking out the trash is generally nothing to write home about, but then most days on the mountain aren't remembered two weeks later either.

I think the real tough point is that masturbation is more akin to sex than (insert other activity) is to snowboarding.

I would have probably voted for sex over snowboarding, except I has a few runs on Sunday that had me literally whooping at the top of my lungs and falling down laughing at the bottom. It wasn't even a powder day, just perfectly groomed corn snow, with entire runs to myself.

Hmmm, maybe now that the season is about over I should take my wife to a romantic inn somewhere and see if I can't change my preference again.


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my dream date would be all of it. not meaning the gondola folks, but to rut up the mountain with my partner and then celebrate the day with some cheesecake...

Kicking Horse comes to mind as a place to do it all with a mountaintop restaurant and rooms for a price. but a packed lunch and sex in a snowbank is more affordable

FIO I do remember all the women I've slept with. Not that hard though, you can count them on one hand and I'm not counting Rosie Palm and her sisters.

And I do remember all the different resorts I've been to. Considerably more difficult, just counted 66. had to list them on paper. I sincerely hope I didn't forget one of the darlings. perhaps with a ski atlas before me I could notch up a couple more

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Married since 1969 but I had 8 years off for good behavior....

You high frequency jockies remind me of the guy who stormed into the pharmacist on a Monday and said, "You know that gross of condoms you sold me on Friday? The box only contained 143!!"

The pharmacist replied, "I'm sorry I spoiled your weekend."

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Originally posted by Allee

Paul, are you married? Would you like to be?


Oh, my! Many gear exchange deals have been done here, but this is something new! :)

We do not have too many girl members, but maybe it is time for dating forum as well.


Now back to the topic, sex and snowboarding are good, so is skiing, as well as sailing a regatta, and few other things come to my mind. Can I have it all? The point is to enjoy whatever you are doing at a given moment, like there's nothing else on earth. Zen...


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Originally posted by philistine

I've never broken an arm or received a concussion while having sex....

Then you haven't had great sex;)

J/K there obviously....

Hmmm, cheesecake...my metabolism is also 41 and I'm adverse to wearing dessert on my thighs....I don't miss it....

Snowboarding can be frustrating at times-I just started at age 38 but, when it's fun, it's fantastic...

Sex is never frustrating...

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Originally posted by kriss

how about snowboarding on a cheesecake like snow surface with a viagara chaser(instead of the ibuoprofen!!).

I hope when I get older (I'm 42) I don't have to modify my handle from "wavechaser" to "viagrachaser"...:D

Alleeeeee - I can make a cheesecake too! And I'm single and I like sex better than snowboarding...an, an, an....I'm not a leghumper.


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but I'm taken ;) It never would have worked out anyhow, what with all the whipping and carving, carving and whipping.....of the cheesecakes that is.....:D Tell you what, I'll do as good as any man here and make you an empty promise, if we both ever make it to SES (I'm planning on going next year) I will make you a cheesecake and feed it to you bite by bite, o.k.? We'll always have Paris.....


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Originally posted by philistine

I've never broken an arm or received a concussion while having sex....

broke a tooth once in the back of a truck on I-95 :cool: which is more damage than I have every gotten on the slopes:eek:

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I also have plans to be at SES next year, so by all means, bring on that cheesecake! Does cheesecake go with hot tub?


Hmmm... I shall have to get my other half on the case, I feel a classic baked New York with a twist of lemon coming on ...

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How many people are now going to bring cheesecake to the ses????? I'm not much of a cook, but it looks like I have time to perfect a cheesecake recipte before next winter.

I've been to more resorts than women I've slept with, and it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon.

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Originally posted by philfell

How many people are now going to bring cheesecake to the ses????? I'm not much of a cook, but it looks like I have time to perfect a cheesecake recipte before next winter.

I've been to more resorts than women I've slept with, and it doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon.

well I'll have my wife bake one of her "Death by Cheesecakes" for ECES...as for resorts...I'm a snow slut and boarded more resorts than years I have been married (13 years vs 30-40 some resorts)

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