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Base Repair Question


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My beloved Rad-Air Tanker to a shot to the core at the end of last season. I put it aside and rode other boards for a while. Now, I'm looking at getting the base repaired properly. Any suggestions as to who to have do the repairs? I have a local shop who could do it. The price would be a bit more than I'd like to spend but I want it done right, as much as possible. Am I asking too much? 

Thanks folks,


(If this post needs to be moved to off-topic I'm down with that)



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Do not just fill it with wax as suggested above.  Snow and water will work their way into the wood core which will eventually warp and your board will never ride the same.    Keep it waterproof.  Any local shop will fix that for not much cash.   Costs ten bucks up here for base repair.

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It's never going to look pretty again. Can't tell if that's wood showing if so epoxy to seal it from moisture and wax and ride. Ptex repair will be softer than original so the only real long term repair would be to have them cut out and replace with biscuit of actual ptex or total base replacement. interesting structure to the base does your board pull to the left when riding flat ?

Edited by lowrider
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Actual mileage may vary, but I've run many a sled with worse damage, and less care than just waxing.  You'll see a lot more structural damage from water getting in through the top than through the bottom.

If you opt for the DIY p-tex route, there's a product by the name of MetaGrip (or some such) that seems to work well. (Plastic/adhesive combo).

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2 hours ago, lowrider said:

It's never going to look pretty again. Can't tell if that's wood showing if so epoxy to seal it from moisture and wax and ride. Ptex repair will be softer than original so the only real long term repair would be to have them cut out and replace with biscuit of actual ptex or total base replacement. interesting structure to the base does your board pull to the left when riding flat ?

That's wood showing. 

The board planes straight on the base. It has had one base grind. The p-tex along the edges of the board keeps drying out and turning chalky so I have to keep hitting it with Zardoz if I ride it on groomer days. Maybe I should just use it for deep days. Thanks for the advice and ideas guys!


Edited by utahcarver
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Very timely thread! I took similar, but not as severe, damage to a beloved board in Aspen with a rock hiding under a groomed layer. I can see the titanal layer. 

Is the base repair gun basically a hotter glue gun? I'm getting the impression that a base weld repair is less durable than cutting out a layer and epoxying a new chunk of Ptex - true? 

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