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Burton PJ Goofy and Carving Boards

Brent Bathon

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Flashback to the Late 80's and Early to Mid 90's...

Looking for Burton PJ7 Goofy Foot

and Factory Primes, Ultra Primes, and any other speed planks that can be used by a Goofy Foot.

Let me know what you have!

Thank you, Brent


Brent Bathon

Winhall, Vermont


- Meant to post this in Wanted To Buy...

Edited by Brent Bathon
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Brent, I have a Rad-Air Soul 159, goofy asym. Look in my photos on FB, under 'soul boards' pic. It needs a base tune (which Starting Gate can handle). The nice things about this board are the stances available, not 'constricted' like PJs/M's were, so 21", on a 4x4 hole-set is quite comfy. It features a bit of upturn at the tail, so, it'll go fakie easily, and has better edge-hold (well, when tuned correctly) than 90% of Burton's boards. I, btw, am living in Claremont these days, so, I can deliver it. I also have a '95 Ride Kildy 164 race board, but the stance is 17", kinda knock-kneed... PM me here, if these interest ya.


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2 hours ago, Eric Brammer aka PSR said:

Brent, I have a Rad-Air Soul 159, goofy asym. Look in my photos on FB, under 'soul boards' pic. It needs a base tune (which Starting Gate can handle). The nice things about this board are the stances available, not 'constricted' like PJs/M's were, so 21", on a 4x4 hole-set is quite comfy. It features a bit of upturn at the tail, so, it'll go fakie easily, and has better edge-hold (well, when tuned correctly) than 90% of Burton's boards. I, btw, am living in Claremont these days, so, I can deliver it. I also have a '95 Ride Kildy 164 race board, but the stance is 17", kinda knock-kneed... PM me here, if these interest ya.


Good afternoon,

I don’t see any board photos on your FB Page...so I sent you a Friend Request.

Thanks, Brent

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2 hours ago, Eric Brammer aka PSR said:

Brent, I have a Rad-Air Soul 159, goofy asym. Look in my photos on FB, under 'soul boards' pic. It needs a base tune (which Starting Gate can handle). The nice things about this board are the stances available, not 'constricted' like PJs/M's were, so 21", on a 4x4 hole-set is quite comfy. It features a bit of upturn at the tail, so, it'll go fakie easily, and has better edge-hold (well, when tuned correctly) than 90% of Burton's boards. I, btw, am living in Claremont these days, so, I can deliver it. I also have a '95 Ride Kildy 164 race board, but the stance is 17", kinda knock-kneed... PM me here, if these interest ya.


Good afternoon,

I don’t see any board photos on your FB Page...so I sent you a Friend Request.

Thanks, Brent

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3 hours ago, Eric Brammer aka PSR said:

Brent, I have a Rad-Air Soul 159, goofy asym. Look in my photos on FB, under 'soul boards' pic. It needs a base tune (which Starting Gate can handle). The nice things about this board are the stances available, not 'constricted' like PJs/M's were, so 21", on a 4x4 hole-set is quite comfy. It features a bit of upturn at the tail, so, it'll go fakie easily, and has better edge-hold (well, when tuned correctly) than 90% of Burton's boards. I, btw, am living in Claremont these days, so, I can deliver it. I also have a '95 Ride Kildy 164 race board, but the stance is 17", kinda knock-kneed... PM me here, if these interest ya.


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No issues with weight, as I last rode it, weighing in at 210 lbs.. Granted, I could bend it more than I used to, but, it'll hold. Any 4x4 binding will fit, BUT, it's not quite wide enough for Large softboot bindings.At a size 9 softboot, I could run Meduim Burton Torques 3-straps, and only worry about booting out occasionally (42F-36R angles)  I rode it with F-2 plates 90% of the time. These are rugged boards, and I taught on 4 of them (had two 164's, this, and a 148), with the 148 being the board I beat the snot out of (hundreds of days on snow; it's outa p-tex now). This 159 was kinda my 'back-up', but hasn't been ridden hard, or often, but has stickers, and, top-sheet scuffs. 


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15 hours ago, Brent Bathon said:

Okay, it might be too narrow for my Size 11 Soft Boots. I wasn’t planning on running plates. I’ll circle back. Just wasn’t my plan to also need to get new boots and Bindings. Thanks, Brent

If you're planning to run size 11 soft boots, none of Burton's alpine boards are what you are looking for.  The Asym Air will work with softies, it has a standard 25 cm waist or maybe a tad narrower.

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For the Alpine Boards I will run plate bindings...

The Asym Air isn't all that different from my trusty old Motion 167...just some offset Asym Edges.

I really want something that is heavy and stiff as a board - hence the PJ Search...I loved how stiff the tail was on the PJ.

The Search Continues!

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