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wish list for '06


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1. new model Madds I love my 170(the more I ride it the more I like it!) but it is soft and scary at speed

hmm say a 175 that is stiffer and maybe 19 cm waist, yeah that would be bad ass

2. Deeluxe starts using better shell material for their boots, its too soft and I was looking at my 700s and the heel ledge is worn down quite a bit thats not good

the 700s also do not like catek world cups the front of the boots caves in while riding hard on them

good thing I ride intec!

and some better canting on all their boots the older models all have cheesy cants that break where as the AF series is just limiting with two positions

3. a softboot that does not hurt my feet!

4. a different high back for my catek freerides, the Flad slips sometimes just annoying

5. 400+ inches at all the ski areas here in the northeast!

yeah I know know the last one is the most likely to happen ;)

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Guest Randy S.

1. An injury-free season. Last season I missed 2 weekends because of a separated shoulder. This season I'm missing 3/4 of the season with a torn achilles. Of course my Kessler showed up 1 day after surgery. It is sitting in my living room taunting me constantly.

2. A titanal Coiler in the mid-170's length. I know, I should put myself on the list now for one of these.

3. Tons of snow in Tahoe.

4. A job where I can work 2 days/week and get paid $300K.

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1 - injury free season. Have seen too many friend's season being cut short - hope you'll be back on your board by the end of this season Randy.

2 - that my wive lets me buy a new GS board

3 - tons of snow for Tahoe - so far this season has not been bad!

...and I guess a job with better pay and less days to work would be nice too.


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Originally posted by kamran


I see here and there comments about the wife not letting to buy this carving gear, the wife says clean up the quiver, the wife says get rid off that, the wife,....

Are all the wives out there so anticarving????


Not my wife. Put her on her own setup, spent some quality time getting her dialed in & hooked on the carve, and things are going swell.


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Originally posted by Sean

Not my wife. Put her on her own setup, spent some quality time getting her dialed in & hooked on the carve, and things are going swell.


Not mine either - thanks in large part to taking her with me to Sean's carve camp!

P.S. Sean - she now has a 2nd carving deck, an old Nitro 154. Softer than her Coiler, but huge camber - maybe I'll have to take a few runs on it to soften it even more ;)

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Well, I guess between the baby and planning on buying a house it's better that my wife watches me and how I spend our money.

Once I get my son on a board and let him use my boards I'll have better arguments to buy more boards, I hope...


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I am a simple man and so I have a very simple wish:

That my weird Uncle Bertruthenon dies mysteriously and leaves me the deed to his island in the South Pacific. Where I mistakenly stumble upon a rare metal in the dormant volcano (while trying to reinact the fight between Frodo and Gollum) that is almost priceless thus funding my life of creating the perfect getaway for any boarder.

There you can surf waves completely around the island as they just happen to break in a perfect circle around it. Because of the earth's rotation and the island's proximity to the equator six months out of the year the waves break right, six months they break left. Further out in the ocean there are huge 30-40 foot waves that break early due to the untouched by human until now reef. Because of the humongous swells and the slow speed with which they approach the island you don't need jetskis to pull you out, you can just paddle out. Sharks are not able to come near the island due to the strange electricity that comes off the rare metal. It screws their navigation system right up, so the ones that do attempt to eat surfer die on the reef. We feast on free shark food every day.

The extreme height of the volcano and the moist air being driven over it makes sure that one side gets a few feet of fresh powder every night while the other side just gets enough for the groomers to make perfect corduroy. In the past the volcano had spit out a strange combination of tar and rock that formed a smooth enough surface that you can skate over most of the lower terrain as if it was a skatepark solely designed by God. One side of the island has a cove which gets perfect winds for kiteboarding. There are also rock formations that form a kiteboarding park right in the water.

Because of the lack of predators in the water and on the island all animals are herbivores and even though there are some giant fish in the water and cats (such as the Renntiger) on land, they are a docile as your common house pet.

Interestingly enough the air makes women grow more perfect everyday and your average housewife takes on the appearance of _________________(insert favorite supermodel here) within only a week's vacation.

Fortunately the proprieter has been a poor man most of his life and doesn't believe in patrons paying out the gut for the trip of a lifetime. Visits are by invitation only. Every year men are hired to visit every mountain in Pennsylvania and California and if there is anyone in hardboots they are invited to spend a week with or without their family enjoying the benefits of the island for only $1,000 all inclusive.

Yeah, I'd like that in 2006.

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As I'm returning to live in my native Australia in a couple of months time, the 2006 season means a 7-hour drive to a bunch of crowded slopes, with poor snow, and fantastically expensive prices.

So my wish is that I can get as much enjoyment from skateboarding as I do now from snowboarding. Last summer (when I was skating every day) I thought that was gonna be easy, but now that I'm in the middle of snowboarding season I'm having my doubts.

(Large amounts of money and free time so I can afford to go snowboarding in North America or Japan would also be nice.)

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My humble wish

I'd like have a BIG Lotto win so I could fullfill a dream of creating a resort dedicated to Physically and Mentally challenged, so they may enjoy a sample of what most of us take for granted.

2nd on the list would be to take my invalid wife and our kids to see some of the wonderous places around the world that I was fortunate enough to see during my travels in my 20's.


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